View Full Version : My Razorwing to Nightwing conversion

Groo The Wanderer
01-24-2012, 07:05 AM
Hi folks,

My son got me a razorwing for Xmas, and I have converted it for my eldar. Comments most welcomed...


Cheers and Happy Hunting

01-24-2012, 08:00 AM
Could do with some of the edges (maybe some of the GS too) smoothing out with a file or very fine grade snadpaper, but a solid job non-the-less.

How are you planning on painting it?

01-24-2012, 10:32 AM
very nice :) as well as the afore mentioned sandpaper replaceing the noseguns with shuriken cannons and filling in the gaps at the back of the wing (still look very DE)

but apart from that good job :D

Groo The Wanderer
01-27-2012, 01:16 AM
Hi guys

I am sanding as we speak :) I took those pics just after finishing the hard bit. I am painting it in Saim Hann colors but am thinking of adding alot of white detailing to make the DE'ish bits look more like wraithbone. I'll post more pics soon :D

Cheers and thanks for the feedback, lets me know I'm on the right track! :D