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09-14-2009, 09:58 PM
For a long time now my friends and I have talked about the idea of a 40k movie. What we want it to be about, who should be in it, which armies should be shown, etc...

Now I ask you (as I am sure alot of you have thought about this before): What would you like to see in a 40k movie? Plot? Actors? Heros/Villians?

Personally I would like to see it be a very well rendered CGI, kinda like the opening to Dawn of War. The main story would be about a new recuit (i.e. scout) training and fighting for the chapter that saved his home planet from an invasion of either Orks or Tyranids. The only problem with Ttranids is that your going to get alot of Starship Trooper comments.

The movie would start with him as a IG men fighting in the ditches of his battle worn planet. We would establish the 40k universe as a warzone and also show that humanity was under attack from all fronts with dialouge between other guardsmen. Then just as the battle was reaching its climax and the enemy was about to declare victory by storming the trenches, the Space Marines arrive. This would introduce the Marines as more then human and show how much more awesome they are then IG. Our hero woudl somehow (I have it all figured out but am not going to write 14 pages of writting in this thread) saves the life of a Space Marine and is noimated by that Marine to undergo the proccesses of becoming a Space Marine. There would be a few large battles and a huge end war incorperating space born combats takign place above the world as well as the battles on the ground. I would also like to see the notation of Eldar somehow, perhaps have them send a warning to the Marines or a Inquisitor attached to the Marines. It would be a nice way of adding them to the film and make it easy to explain that they are not human and are not techniqually friends of the Imperium. Have them be treated as more of a "tolerable presence" and have only the few Space Marines or Inquisitor know of thier poresence on/near the planet.

09-14-2009, 10:13 PM
for actors, there was a thread about who should play who.
the well-rendered cgi is the way I would want it (like that final fantasy movie level, just NOT the same guy who did the plot!), hell the same level visuals as a dawn of war intros (and just as violent) would please me greatly. w/ cg, you can make them look anyway you want, all you need are voice actors (Mark Hamill should def be there as a heretic/daemon!). the heroes should be the Imperium, as if it is planned to be released in regular theatres, there needs to be some kind of indentifying characters as the heroes. as for the villains, i don't think all the other forces should necesessarily be represented as it would clutter the movie up to much (although they could be mentioned). also the enemy should be the orks, or chaos, or both (a massive Tzeenech scheme anyone?)
as for plot, i actually think the main guardsmen should be attatched to the space marines, not become one. this would be a good foil of human vs. marines, plus it would show how different from humans marines are. the guard should be a moderate comic relief, but not over done, like making a quip at new orders, while SM looks on, not caring, but nothing more (we don't want Judge Dredd here :P)

Inquisitor Soren
09-14-2009, 10:33 PM
I'd almost want to see the Horus Heresy's grand battle as a movie instead or in addition to being a book, could you imagine that?

For actors, I honestly can't name more than a few famous ones, never been a movie buff.

I do believe CGI would be the only way to do it honestly could you imagine it as Live-Action? I can't.

Your plot actually sounds pretty neat, but he would have to be fairly young to become a Marine, like conscript young. I'd think it'd work best with like 'nids or 'crons as the enemy you know the less-than-human-almost-impossible-to-empathize-with ones, it'd also give a way for the Eldar to be worked in without to much of an issue. Ya there are Starship Troopers comments, but if done right it could blow it away, but thats only an issue with 'nids. I'd almost suggest DE as the enemy, but I think it would be erm...creepy and disturbing to see a bunch of thin and gangly men and women dancing about in pajamas...like flee from the theater creepy.

I think it'd have to be some relatively unknown chapter though, otherwise you get the 'Why didn't they use [insert chapter] instead of [insert chapter]' which would be somewhat annoying in a way. I'd love to see a 40k movie...assuming its done right.

09-15-2009, 05:57 AM
following on from the "what if GW became mainstram" thread

it depends who the movie would be for.

The simpsons movie for example, annoyed people who liked the simpsons because while yes, Homer was hilarious, Groening ruined all the other characters (notice how bart simpson was whinier than the flanders kids... Marge got fed up with Homer... Millhouse was too in touch with his depression rather than being blind to it etc etc

its the same with Benders Big Score - it spent way too long introducing everyone.

Almost as if the films were designed for people who hadnt heard of the simpsons... who hasnt heard of the simpsons? and who was going to watch benders big score who wasnt a fan of futurama.

My point being (i think) that if this was a fan film, we'd be happy with a CGI rendered plot of the horus heresy or something equally comlpex.

Whereas if it was a mainstream film, designed to bring in new custom and make GW mainstream, then it would probably need to be a live-action CGI wondermush like the modern movies now. it would need a few well know (i'd suggest not people like Depp etc, but rather more clever casting a-la Inglourious Basterds, District 9 etc)

also theplotline would need to be much more subtle. as was mentioned, a young boy beingdrafted into the spacemarines after an invasion of his homeplanet. the invasions scenes at the beginning would show off the imperial guard, their WW2ishnes and the first glimpses of the Imperial Faith. then the space marines would somehow save the planet, and draft in some local children of particular bravery. a fairly quick runthrough of his life as a trainee scout etc, up until his initiation as a space marine. this part of the film, due to his emotions being all but removed, is goingto have to be very clever and cinematic, showing long battles and basically taing the viewer through a "Tour of the universe of 40k" horrific battles between each of the enemies of mankind, small scale fights, and very very big hive battles (Think apocalypse games in film terms)

it could end with him dying, a very heroic death, even by space marine standards, so much so he is placed into a dreadnought. this is where the finaly could come into it, the dreadnought fighting his first (and last?) battle on his homeplanet.

making a fully rounded storyline. its just the middle bits that ae quite emotionless etc. maybe his brother or sister are drafted into the guard, and the ending is the dreadnought coming to save them - but them not knowing who it is inside... i don't know, could be intereting to follow up. might even have to start writing this as a book maybe.

Lord Gir
09-15-2009, 06:01 AM
i was talking to a mate about this the other day. i agree with inquisitor soren, he would need to be young, maybe 14 if a guardsman was to become a marine. i think you would want it to be like a WWII movie, and follow a group of guardsmen as the main characters. you could have marines in the film but they don't have enough personality to carry a movie i think. with the villains i think eldar would have to be involved simply because they are one of the most interesting races, but i don't think the villain needs to be completely unlikable(?). Think about what made the first three heresy novels so awesome, it was because Horus was written so that you couldn't help but like the guy while knowing the whole time that he was going to become the uber-villain of humanity.
Dark eldar are doable as villains as long as they look bad-***. but they would be scary as hell on film if they were done right. which i suppose is a good thing.

09-15-2009, 08:46 AM
A WWII style movie featuring Imperial Guard would be the best, IMHO, but since Marines are GW's flagship race they would probably end up making a movie about them. The problem with Marines as the main focus would be that the movie would probably end up drifting away from the warmovie-type thing and move toward a more "small group of supermen beat up entire planet" thing. I want a 40k movie to seem like a WW11 movie that just happens to have 40k stuff in it. That, and it must be epic. Now, they could also do a Horus Heresy series, and I would love that, but they would have to be really good and stick to the books like glue. My greatest nightmareis that someone will do to 40k like the movie did to Eragon.

09-15-2009, 08:59 AM
A 40k movie would be so awesome if they did it properly.

If they were going to do one to be perfectly honest chaos should be the villans no doubt about it in my mind. If you are opening up a franchise like 40k to the world you need simple bad guys, and well lets face it its pretty easy to have some understanding of people as bad guys. This doesnt mean to say you should have none of the other races, perhaps some random orks in an opening battle to set the scene would be good.

As for plot, it would be nice if it focused around a lone guardsmen who is the sole survivor of his platoon or regiment or whatever(perhaps having his squad getting wiped out in the scene setter at the begining would be perfect). This guardsmen then gets involved in the work of an inquisitor in investigating some chaos plot on an imperial world(allowing the story to not have the majority of the emphasis on large battles which in my opinion would make a far better film!). This would eventually come to a climax with some traitor marines and some daemons coming out the wood work at the head of a large scale rebellion and then, just when things are looking bad for the imperials a loyalist chapter of marines turns up and wipes the floor with the rebels and the traitor scum(so they can establish how much *** space marines really do kick!)

09-15-2009, 09:08 AM
Id like to see it in much the same style as "300". I think that would be great. Dawn of war would make a good plot.

But then I liked "Hitman" what do I know? lol

09-15-2009, 09:54 AM
If it was done, and done right, it would be great.
The fact that very little in the 40k universe has a real world analogue would mean that it would need to be cgi (hopefully high end) after all marines are not just big guys their proportions are different aswell.
So the real question comes down to voice talent, for me specific actors are not key but the style of voice is.
Any Inquisitor should have an English accent (any Shakespearian actor would do),
Guard should have a range of regonal accents that varied by regiment but all be "average guy" working class voices (Scottish, Cockney, Irish, New York, etc... maybe even Yorkshire lol),
Marines should have larger than life voices, by that I mean like the guy who did the voice of Apocalypse in the X-Men cartoon or James Earl Jones (Darth Vader) after all they are supposed to be superior mentally aswell as physically, so the voice would have to convey this,
Any Alien voices should be generated in a sound lab,
Sisters of Battle should have English accents too. Sorry to you Americans but the SoB voices in Soulstorm make me cringe every time (sounds like Elisa Dushku, Dude!)
Any voice that works for ****s in a war film would work for Imperials.
I couldnt bear Keanu Reeves or Hugh Jackman voicing marines
Just my ranting opinion though

09-15-2009, 09:57 AM
The stars in my last post are for "bad guy Germans from the second world war period of history" not the nasty word for anyones genitals

Lord Inquisitor
09-15-2009, 10:10 AM
I'd like to see the Gaunt's Ghosts series as a film series.

09-15-2009, 10:10 AM
Timothy Oliphant would be a fantastic Space Marine.

ninja skills
09-15-2009, 10:35 AM
i'd like to see the first war for armagedon being a cgi film, the story from a WD when daemonhunters came out was outstanding, with all the guard, space wolves and a whole grey knight company vs daemons, chaos and angron with his 8 bloodthirster bodyguards would rock, i also liked the part where logan grimnar refused to let exterminatus be performed on the planet, it would be awesome and shorter to tell than say something from the heresy

09-15-2009, 10:53 AM
I think the film should do some epic "twin arc" story.

the simple arc should be about a chaos incursion/raid.
the ineterwoven arc should show the life of a space marine from his mortal childhood on a medival agricutlure world (in my opinion those worlds need more mentioning and show the vastness of the imperium of man), his recruting by the angels, training, other wars and finally his heroic death.

the beginning could be a full on screen of a knistering, sparkling vortex grenade in the hands of a space marine. the main charachters voice then says "I'm <insert.name.here> an Angel of Death, Space Marine of the <insert.chapter.name.here>. In my hands i hold they key to hell and I'm going to use it."

if the voicejob and visuals are made right this willl create a trilling atmosphere. then the screen zooms out and you see the marine in terminator armor which is slowly melting away. he is inside a hughe plasma reactor but that should not be realizeable by the audience.

then the screen switches back to a fantasy-alike szene of tranqulity with a little boy who watches the space marines deszend (our hero).

then with falshbacks and so forth you tell the story and the end szene is our hero detonating a chaos battleships reactor with the vortex bomb. "In my hands I hold they key to hell and I'm going to use it to save this world"

detonation of the reacot, spezial effects, outside view of the ship imploding in orbit, and then our hero in space marine form wandering the fields of his home planet, looking over his shoulder and the last we see is the shadow of a greater deamon of tzeentch falling over him... ready for part 2 ^^

the drake
09-15-2009, 11:15 AM
I saw a post like this once somewhere else, but I don't remember where. Someone posted on there, and I would tend to agree, that a movie about an inquisitor would be good place to start. I wish I remember the arguments the person made, but it made good sense. So much that I don't remember, it was that good.

09-15-2009, 11:41 AM
Personally, if a movie was ever made I'd like it to be centered on an Inquisitor and his retinue ala Eisenhorn. That gives lee way to make a more in depth and thick plot with plenty of twists and turns, a real thriller of sorts and can even bridge the genre gap as a horror/suspense scifi. Cameo's by Space Marines, IG and other relative forces would of course be well expected as well.
I don't think a straight up Space Marine movie would really go so well as it'd be more of an over the top action movie and would get quite boring to the average (non WH40K) movie goer. And an IG movie would be nothing more than another military-esque movie in an over flowing genre. War movies don't do particularly well unless there's something that really makes them stand out from the rest of the crowd.

09-15-2009, 11:48 AM
of course, there is already the film "inquisitor" but its utterly terrible beyond words :D

09-15-2009, 03:33 PM
I would go the manga/animae style route,
Like cgi, it has the advantage of only needing voice over acting, which makes it easier to get bigger names as it's quicker and easier than actual commitments to filming, actors need to pay their mortgages too...

I'd suggest an inquistion series, no big set pieces, more story and more dark far future mayhem, anything with a massive battle in it is going to look either like starship troopers or a ww2 movie with laser guns...

09-15-2009, 04:10 PM
Ridley Scott producing and Peter Jackson directing an Inquisitor Eisenhorn story. Very Blade Runner feel to the Hive Cities... grimy, rain-sodden, dark and menacing.

Personallly I'd like to see Christian Bale as a young Eisenhorn, with Gary Oldman as the Daemon who haunts him.

09-16-2009, 08:47 AM
There are a few guidelines that should be followed when casting big name persons in a 40k movie. They are as follows (I'll use Gerard Butler as an example, these go for any celebraty actor/actress).

1: DO NOT cast Gerard Butler JUST BECAUSE he is Gerard Butler. No stupid cameos, no saying, "hey, look, we put a famous guy in this movie, arn't we cool!" The part has to be pretty big and actually have a point to it. But then, we come to guideline 2...

2: DO NOT cast Gerard Butler as a main charactor. We do not want people coming to a 40k movie just because it's got "that guy from 300 in it." This guideline walks hand in hand with guideline 3...

3: DO NOT, AT ALL COSTS, cast Gerard Butler as a named charactor/model (Calgar, Kharn, Eldrad ect.). I don't want to face down Lysander and then have my opponent scream "SPAAAAAARRRTAAAAAA!!!" as he charges my IG.

If the people that make a 40k movie follow these rules, I will be very happy.

09-16-2009, 09:12 AM
What I would like to see is Inquisitor Eisenhorn and the aftermath of his nid and ork combination, attacking the imperium, with nid stompas and the such and epic battles to stop them.

09-16-2009, 11:18 AM
personaly, i want as little cgi as possible, these days people overdue the graphics so much that it becomes, unrealistic, *read Beauwolf*. I also think that a last chancers or gunts ghosts series would make good movies.

09-16-2009, 11:24 AM
on the off-topic note of beowolf. one thing I never got:
was it meant to be a full computer animated movie like Final Fantasy or was it meant to be real actors just enhanced by computer graphics?

09-16-2009, 12:31 PM
either wa, it looked horrible

09-16-2009, 02:58 PM
What I would like to see is Inquisitor Eisenhorn and the aftermath of his nid and ork combination, attacking the imperium, with nid stompas and the such and epic battles to stop them.
Wasn't that Inquisitor Kryptman?

09-16-2009, 04:28 PM
The only way to make this remotely possible would to make it 100% Computer Generated. Trying to mix Real Life and CGI never seems to work well. (See: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace) but technology has gone a long way (See: District 9) But I strongly feel a total CG would be best to create the different worlds, and even show space itself.

As for a storyline, let's take a page from the Science Fiction 'greats' Star Wars and Star Trek....
It would have to be based on the Imperial Guard tho, NOT The Space Marines. It would just be too difficult. But we could always have the Space Marines come in to 'save the day' after the Guard held off X-Alien Invasion/Attack/etc for X-Hours....

There would have to be nearly all the popular Races (Tyranids, Eldar, Orks, Tau, Chaos, Daemons, Sisters, etc) to make a showing, But maybe not all the obsecure ones.

Obviously, leave the movie open for sequals! Who knows, maybe it will spawn an Eldar Movie, or an Ork Movie....

Let the people vote with their Ticket Sales!!

09-17-2009, 09:55 AM
Since first reading this post I have given it a lot of thought.
A 40k movie need not be a war movie
So how about one full of fluff about gothic surroundings, oppressive religion, manipulation and deceipt, fearful and ignorant populations at the whim of monolithic organisations, throw in Inquisition argueing with Ecclesiarchy in dark locations with shuffling menials in the background.
Then I realised it had already been done, The Name of the Rose, throw in a few bolt guns and it is pretty much there for me.

09-17-2009, 11:26 AM
Whatever you do, just don't let Michael Bay direct it.

09-17-2009, 01:10 PM
Did someone say Michael Bay?




Heh heh, where's James Cameron when you need him?


Where would the world be without Youtube??

09-17-2009, 05:29 PM
Wasn't that Inquisitor Kryptman?

Yes, but for some reason people get them confused all the time.

09-18-2009, 04:19 PM
ooooohhhhhh kay...

I've held numerous debates on this topic and Im warning you that this response might be a bit lengthy. Id like to share all the knowledge i have on this subject. I dont mean to bash on anyones opinions (i really dont), but seeing some of these comments makes me want to stop all progress towards a 40K movie.

If hollywood were to produce a 40K film, ideally speaking, it would be one of the greatest sci-fi adventure films ever made. The story is already there...so are the characters, the themes, the visuals and atmosphere....Its ALL there. All they have to do is pick up a camera and convert the wonderful story to film. That, and NOT phuck it up by veering off the books like crazy due to some jackass director's "artistic license". As we all know, GW is very VERY protective of thier IP and they become very involved with projects involving their universe (see: Dawn of War). So I believe GW wouldnt let that happen...too much, anyways.

If they make the film, it would have to be the most incredible film since star wars (the REAL star wars, that is. not those travesties lucas crapped out years later). Why? because if it WASNT an incredible film, then the option to "try again" at making another 40K movie would be blacklisted. If the original film bombs, then every other studio in town is gunna say "whoa, haha! not touching that with a 10' hunting lance!". So in other words, you pretty much only have 1 shot to raise enough money to produce a high caliber film. If its a success, hello sequel. if it fails, then everyone who plays the game will be stuck with a stigma that says "Oh, you play that game based on that stupid film with that awful acting? uh-huh...". Case in point: Firewarrior, the video game. It had all the best intentions, but jesus H. christ did that game SUCK or what?! You never saw a firewarrior 2, did you? A bad 40K film could devestate GW's reputation as well as the reputation of 40K in general. It would flood GWs customer base with dumbass 12 year olds looking to halfway build an army that they saw in the movies. In my opinion, this 40K movie either goes ALL the freakin' way, or it doesnt go anywhere at all.

(Ever see that episode of Metalocalypse with the dethclock movie "blood ocean"? Yeah...that, but 40K)

CGI - For the love of god, a 40K movie does NOT need to be ENTIRELY CGI. As a matter of fact, it SHOULD not be entirely cgi. Think real hard about movies that are entirely CGI and realistic (so that rules out pixars kid movies). You've got the animatrix (which, admittedly, was stunningly realistic) and some sort of final fantasy movie. Did those movies ever rack in the millions? Does anyone even really remember them? perhaps if you're a die hard fan, sure. But for the rest of us, they're history. Thats because nobody (meaning studios) takes a fully CGI movie seriously. The best sci fi and thriller movies in history have a mix of CGI, but its mostly live-action. Alien, Aliens, Star Wars (the real ones), Jaws, Jurassic Park, Predator, Terminator 2, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, etc...Acutally, most of those movies have just a little CGI, but most of it is all animatronics, puppets, practical FX and make up.

All-CGI movies are grouped in with kids movies, mostly pixar/disney stuff. And 40K is NOT a "kids movie" ;) Furthermore, hollywood can make ne york city blow up in a heartbeat, can make aliens burst from your chest, can make giants out of rock, and make kirstie alley look slim and attractive. Do you REALLY think they would have a problem making a realistic looking space marine? Ask yourself this, how did they get the hobbits in the lord of the rings movies to look so small? Elijah Wood isnt actually that short, ya know. C'mon, they could make anything possible, and it would take minimal computer effort to pull it off.

Do NOT make 40k an all CG movie...nobody will take it seriously, its expensive and it will never look as good as the real thing (i dont care HOW good your editing software is, you can ALWAYS tell the difference between real and fake).

Now...Story line and plot. For everyone who is saying "Ah man! you totally need nids and orks and chaos and eldar and space marines and IG and...". No. Stop. Sit down. This is what makes me NOT want a 40k movie. That would make an awful movie. You need ONE protagonist and ONE antagonist. One good guy (or guys...or girls) and one bad guy (or bad guys, girls). If you try to cram it all into one movie, it will make the movie feel as though its geared towards 12 year olds with the attention span of a goldfish. In other words, it would suck. Think Eisenhorn...easily one of the best 40K stories ever written. Eisenhorn deals with regular humans, albeit with awesome talents and ability, and they face other wickedly evil humans. The plot is thick, the characters are real and relatable, the scenery changes from world to world, the villians are deceptive and flushed out....and every now and then a space marine (or chaos marine) shows up (as they should be incredibly rare and awe-inspiring to behold...stick to the fluff!!). Hell, it even has a love interest backstory. Perfect. :cool: This story would make a great introduction to the 40K universe, without cramming all the aspects of it down your throat in 2 hours. AND! Eisenhorn and his warband can be easily casted and has options for expansion/sequels.

Ok, OK, i know you wanna see space marines. Me too. Well, then your left with the Horus Heresy. This story is SO huge and SO detailed and packed with so much character that theres just no WAY you could pack it into 2 hours. You would need to do a huge summer blockbuster theme, a la "Lord of the Rings". 3 movies would be enough to catalog all the goings on in the story. Again, limited CGI, great actors, well written dialog....It really wouldnt be all that hard.

Alright, i think i've written enough here. If you've had the patience to sit there and read through all of it, i thank you. I only went on and on because the last thing i want is some group of dumbass fanboys ruining that which i love most by producing a terrible movie.

09-18-2009, 05:20 PM
(if other people have already mentioned this stuff, I agree with them. I am on a break right now and don't have time to read all three pages).

-Horus Heresy would make a great trilogy movie(don't adapt novels, just write a three part plot that can cover the beginning, middle, and end, while including iconic scenes).
-Use a combination of CGI, live action, and WETA workshop. IE, in action scenes a Space Marine can be an actor using motion capture and green screen, but in talking scenes we could have some absolutely awesome costuming. Also, while Orks, Nids, and SM look fine in CGI, IG would work better with real actors IMHO.
-Does it need to be as violent as DoW? Honestly, I don't think a chainsword would actually shed that much blood. Not that I want a kiddy movie, I just don't feel a need for an overly gory one.
-Needs to have some space battles.

09-27-2009, 10:26 AM
Or this?



09-27-2009, 11:11 AM
Yep its gonna happen!

GW and Codex studios: Please, please, please, please, please do not !+*^ this up! You will only get one chance at this, for gods sake get it right!

09-27-2009, 01:14 PM
I'll probably take a beating for this, but...

From the little that I've heard, I think they're doing it right.

1) Flully CGI. I know a lot of people don't like this; but, it's cost affective. Live actors cost a lot of money (and if they're cheap, they're usually very bad at their job). Good voice actors are much cheaper. Real explosions cost money. Miniatures to blow up cost money. They have most of the looks and graphics for a CG movie from the next gen games. Most of the stuff seen in cut scenes is all we need visually to be happy.

2) Straight to DVD. Thank God! For everyone that wants to see it on the big screen, you need to realize how few of us there are (ie. 40k fans). The movie would tank at the box-office, even if was the perfect 40K movie.

3)Short, 70 minutes. We don't need long backstory. Every last person that will see this movie will be a fan that knows (by heart) 90%+ of the backstory. I don't want to hear about the Horus Heresy, the foundings of the Chapters after the removal of the legions, the writing of the Index Astartes by the Primarch of the Ultramarines, or blah, blah, blah. I just need Cpt. Smurfels of the 4th Company is [BIG ACTION SCENES] against any single enemy of the Imperium, and enough story to make it believable why the enemy is wherever they are. Plus maybe somekind of twist [eldar, internal traitors, etc.]. Maybe some flashbacks to [BIG ACTION SCENES] to flush out some of the characters.

09-27-2009, 01:26 PM
Old Paladin you make some good points but I feel you've already been proven wrong. Why? Because Lord of the Rings shared many similarities with 40k before the movie and look at it now!. Lord of the Rings was not fully CGI, it had a limited number of hardcore followers that ALL knew the story and despite this it was a huge success.

GW already has connections with New Line Cinemas and all the geniuses behind the LotR trilogy why not use that to make an equally epic film instead of something ony 40k players are going to see?

09-27-2009, 01:33 PM
Agree with OP, disagree with you Atrotos.

The Lord of the rings was huge before the movies, it was one of the biggest selling books of all time and even a part of the national curriculum. That book had been read by millions. It had even had a successful animated film (Although unfinished).

Limited number of hardcore followers? What planet do you live on? Ever visited Earth? lol

09-27-2009, 01:35 PM
I remember playing The Hobbit on a zx speccy many many moons ago!! i think every one and their dog know the LoTR :)

09-27-2009, 01:41 PM
Just looked it up. 200,000,000 copies sold to 2007!

09-27-2009, 03:24 PM
WHY WHY did it have to be a ultrasmurf movie :mad:
ANY other chapter you could have a decent plot twist (fallen, thirst, ect)
Alpha legion would be 200% awsome (kill smurf love empera)
and Btw the Smurf films a 12+:eek: yep no gore no blood no grimdark just sickarusand his fanboys

Back to sanity
I think a =][= movie would rock
ravenor (need to see what chair looks like dont like floting wooden thing :p:p)

09-27-2009, 03:26 PM
I would like to see a Blood Angels movie!

09-27-2009, 03:33 PM
The number of people that knew about the damn story is really the least of my points. Don't forget that Lord of the Rings had almost a century to sell that many books (Tolkien started the Hobbit in WW1). 40k has made much more progress in a much shorter time.

I don't know how many people know about 40k but there are a lot of them.

Regardless the point only lends itself to the conclusion I made about whether or not people want to the film to include all the backstory and the answer is obviously yes. I used Lord of the Rings to prove this by pointing out that everyone who had read the book before the movie (a tiny, tiny amount compared to all the ones that saw it) knew the story and still thought it was awesome.

Mountain cycle's post holds a lot of truth. I think Old Paladin is trying to put a positive spin on a very negative project. I expect nothing good from 'Ultramarines'. It sounds like everything GW should NOT do in a 40k movie. I want the sheer awesomeness of 40k to reach new people in the same way as the Lord of the Rings films did not a DVD released circle jerk for hardcore Sci-fi fans.

Lord of the Rings was a huge budget film that reinvigorated the fantasy genre and brought into the mainstream and it did it arguably without damaging the 'fluff' at all. Isn't that what we all want for warhammer? Is that possible in 70 minutes?

09-27-2009, 06:10 PM
well... with the smurfs headlining this'll just be a bunch of b0lt3r pr0nz. that said, i'll definitely check it out, but i'm NOT expecting LoTR here. probably just a sci-fi action movie. ah well... i just hope it has a bigger budget than Inquisitor ... oh dear... <shakes head>
i hope the cgi is the level of the DoW intros, and the story will probably be the same too :p

09-27-2009, 07:55 PM
I don't know how many people know about 40k but there are a lot of them.

Games Workshop is the World's Largest Company that Nobody's Ever Heard Of !

09-28-2009, 04:43 AM
The thing with me and a 40K movie is this: it can go one of two ways.

1) do a movie about Eisenhorn, or the Heresey, something really fluffy. It opens the door for fantastic plot, direction, character archs and all that fun plot stuff. Something that'll really open up the eyes of the massive fluffy 40K universe

2) Bolter porn. I fear this is what Ultramarine will be like

09-28-2009, 04:44 AM
I would like to see a Blood Angels movie!

They were making one MANY moons past called Blood Quest, it was back probably early 2000s, but the company ran out of money and it wend down the tubes

09-28-2009, 04:53 AM
well... with the smurfs headlining this'll just be a bunch of b0lt3r pr0nz. that said, i'll definitely check it out, but i'm NOT expecting LoTR here. probably just a sci-fi action movie. ah well... i just hope it has a bigger budget than Inquisitor ... oh dear... <shakes head>
i hope the cgi is the level of the DoW intros, and the story will probably be the same too :p

Same company that brought us the "award winning" bionacle movie! (deep concern)

09-28-2009, 10:48 AM
Same company that brought us the "award winning" bionacle movie! (deep concern)

10-07-2009, 12:42 PM
I am reading "Scourge the Heretic" and it has a good plot. It does not have to be translated in tree movies and it does not have some hard to do things like incomphensible angles (the aliens and their tech from eisenhorn). so it might be a good starting point.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-08-2009, 08:46 AM
I hate CGI, I find it increasingly unimpressive to look at.

And screw 40k "films" too.

I'd like to see a live-action "band of brothers" esque show about the Iron Lords fighting the Barghesi, with the series finale having tyranids invade to harvest the Barghesi's biological destructive capabilities.

10-08-2009, 11:26 AM
Only way it could be good is if it didn't revolve around Space Marines. Sure, they might show up and all, but Astartes just don't have the level of personality and character flaws that humans do. Which makes them uninteresting as characters.

10-08-2009, 02:04 PM
Yeah, that whole Horus Heresy thing didn't involve Astartes with flawed character or anything. -_-

There is allegedly a straight to video movie being made. It's supposedly called "Ultramarines." So if this is true, you aren't going to get your wish, unfortunately.

While you may be correct, having a 40k movie not about the Space Marines is just totally foolish. They are the main characters of the story. Just because they are bland characters does not change that fact. Can you have a Star Wars movie about Storm Troopers?

10-08-2009, 02:55 PM
Only way it could be good is if it didn't revolve around Space Marines. Sure, they might show up and all, but Astartes just don't have the level of personality and character flaws that humans do. Which makes them uninteresting as characters.

I couldn't agree more.

Personally, I can't stand the fact that they created the 40k-era Space Marine as a extremely rare, cold, fascist, emotionless perfect killing machine... just to make them the ultimate centerpiece of 40k fiction, as if they're suddenly everywhere and worth identifying with. Don't get me wrong: I have no problems with what and how they are. Just with how they are used by GW because they mean cash, apparently, like ultimate bolter porn hookers. So, there's less then one Space Marine for every world in the Imperium? They sell well, so it doesn't matter, let's make them appear just everywhere. They're inhuman and not suited for readers/viewers/players to personally empathize and identify with? They sell well, so let's just write them however it is most convenient. Plenty other interesting people and places to explore in the 40k Universe? Bollocks, Marines sell well.

Anyway, that's my first and last Marine rant, because god knows you've all heard it before. But it ties in closely to my stance towards the movie: A powerful, brutal side appearance by Marines, while the movie would be emotionally centered around other kinds of characters, would be a much more interesting movie and better representation. Not saying that I know for sure that it won't be like this, I'm no prophet. But knowing GW, by bet's on... well. Bolter Porn.

10-08-2009, 03:44 PM
I would actually like to see a movie about a Rogue Trader and his crew... That way you could have all the camieos (SP?) you could want... Running a Space marine blockade...escaping from a world in the middle of a huge IG battle... getting hijacked and escaping from Eldar Pirates... raiding an Ork encampment (Apparently for the junk they carry, lol... trading with tau, etc.

As cool as Astartes I would like a Rogue Trader movie.


10-08-2009, 05:20 PM
Ithmaril, you make the assumption about GW's boys in blue (err...Green, these days) as if it is a consequence of circumstance. I think that GW has made the Space Marines their centerpiece; they haven't just randomly become it because they sell well. They are just the face of the game -- a perfect depiction of how desperate the Imperium of Man is, that it will turn a man into a pure-bred murder machine just to help protect itself.

I'd personally like to see a movie about a man who becomes a Space Marine, and his lifetime, until his inevitable heroic but grisly death.

10-08-2009, 06:56 PM
I would actually like to see a movie about a Rogue Trader and his crew... That way you could have all the camieos (SP?) you could want... Running a Space marine blockade...escaping from a world in the middle of a huge IG battle... getting hijacked and escaping from Eldar Pirates... raiding an Ork encampment (Apparently for the junk they carry, lol... trading with tau, etc.

As cool as Astartes I would like a Rogue Trader movie.


It could be sort of like Firefly (that would be good).

10-08-2009, 09:48 PM
While it might be good, that isn't even close to what 40K is all about. The tagline is "In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war"...I would hate for it to not be, pardon the simple analogy, but Saving Private Ryan with bolters and chainsaws.

10-09-2009, 11:39 AM
@ EmperorEternalXIX: I actually think that you could show "...There is only war," better through a Rogue trader than you could through a Space marine (oddly)... Though I do like the idea of watching a lowly human raised up to the ranks of the Astartes.

Think about it. A Rouge Trader could show several worlds in one movie, all of them gripped in war, and from his perspective it would seem grim (Because he can't fight it). A marine could show war, but it wouldn't feel as grim (Because he IS fear personified)

I would like the feeling to be more of "Crap, were going to get caught in the middle of this huge engagement, lets leave..." Only to end up "Crap, we went from the frying pan into the fire." It would feel like war is surrounding them and they can't do anything about it.

Plus an astartes movie would have an obvious ending, a few marines would die (Probably one) and they would win the day.

How cool would it be if the Rogue Trader and his whole crew were wiped out by the end of the movie... Very cool. The last scene could be the crew trying to fight off Chaos Space Marines to no avail, the last shot could be the view from the main character as he has his head crushed under the boot of a CSM. (A little grim??? GOOD, lol)


Asymmetrical Xeno
10-09-2009, 12:54 PM
Necrons VS Enslavers during the latter day of the war in heaven would kickass too, and the best thing ; no fracking humans. lovecraft terminators VS lovecraft cthulhu squids. perfect.

10-09-2009, 02:04 PM
Necrons VS Enslavers during the latter day of the war in heaven would kickass too, and the best thing ; no fracking humans. lovecraft terminators VS lovecraft cthulhu squids. perfect.

Sorry buddy, but that will never happen...


10-09-2009, 02:14 PM
How cool would it be if the Rogue Trader and his whole crew were wiped out by the end of the movie... Very cool. The last scene could be the crew trying to fight off Chaos Space Marines to no avail, the last shot could be the view from the main character as he has his head crushed under the boot of a CSM. (A little grim??? GOOD, lol)

I would like that very much. The rogue trader idea sounded weird at first but the way you explain it would make for a very interesting and complete story.

Just be sure to work the tau in or I will be very sad.

10-09-2009, 02:20 PM
I want bolter porn!

I want big kick *** Space Marines gunning down thousands of Orks. I want big guns, big explosions and big ego's.

In short I want a 70min version of the Dawn of War intro!

(Holds chainsword in the air and shouts Arrrrrrrrgggggggggg!!!!!!!)

10-09-2009, 03:11 PM
Necrons VS Enslavers during the latter day of the war in heaven would kickass too, and the best thing ; no fracking humans. lovecraft terminators VS lovecraft cthulhu squids. perfect.

That would be kinda like making a Star Wars movie about Wraith Squadron's exploits during the Zsinj conflict (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry). Good books, but not the story everyone wants to see on the big screen. You can't really make a movie about a tiny fraction of the backstory that isn't common knowlege, especially if you want to attract new people to the hobby.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-09-2009, 03:28 PM
Sorry buddy, but that will never happen...


Of course not, its actually good. Thats why they'll likely go with something boring like smurfs vs orks or chaos legions ect instead.

10-11-2009, 05:45 AM
That would be kinda like making a Star Wars movie about Wraith Squadron's exploits during the Zsinj conflict (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry). Good books, but not the story everyone wants to see on the big screen. You can't really make a movie about a tiny fraction of the backstory that isn't common knowlege, especially if you want to attract new people to the hobby.
Idk know, they'd make a better set of films than numbers I-III...

10-11-2009, 06:02 AM
i think the story should be simple, bolter porn.

this is GW's first real movie (screw inquisitor, it was terrible :D) so it needs to address the basics of 40k

it can't be about any of the gay necron god shizzle, or TAU taking their first steps and putting on their nappies, or the in depth rogue trader "spice smuggling han solo" style stories.

its CGI, its got to be an effing big war. pure and simple

it needs to address the key issues of 40k, in 70 mins.

so thats - imperial guard, the humans. Space marines - the better humans, and their emperor in the golden throne. then its got to show the enemies the humans face, the aliens, the powers of chaos, struggle of inner factions.

in fact, if GW are going to be making more of these movies, then they can do this in any order.

but to REALLY get the basics of 40k out, they have to start with the space marines, the imperium, and the powers of chaos. this way the can really tell the story of how far removed humanity is from its current state, and why it is that way.

the problem with orks in 40k movies (and by this i mean cutscenes from games like final liberation) is that orks can either look goofy, or 'ard, or both. which is fine, but it does alienate soe people from the game, fans or newcomers.

whereas chaos, is easy, just make them god damn horrible, they love it, they want to kill it, they want to dance in its entrails. also its easy to recognise the baddies, they have the spiky bits on.

10-11-2009, 08:03 AM
all i know is whatever its goin to be about i want to see things die an stuff blowing up thats it nothing more an if its good then i want more of them not just one
the only thing i wish was that it wasnt goin to be about ultra marines should be about another chapter