View Full Version : SoB 1000pts Order of the Grumpy Ho

01-22-2012, 07:13 AM
Inspired by Reading Faith & Fire and Hammer & Anvil and listening to Red & Black:

Power Sword, Rosarius, melta bombs

Sororitas Command Squad
Chainswords, two Heavy Flamers, Simulacrum Imperialis, Immolator w TL Multi Melta

Battle Sister Squad
Heavy Flamer, meltagun, Rhino

Battle Sister Squad
Multimelta, meltagun, Rhino



Yes I know canoness' are awful, but I still refuse to take SCs and this is a Sisters list so no priests. Basically the Command squad and Canoness roast and assault stuff and hopefully don't die too embaressingly while the BSS sit in their rhinos and melt stuff an the exorcists blow stuff up.

Writing this list really made me realise again just how bad the WD C:SoB is.

The Twilight Fade
01-22-2012, 02:04 PM
Whilst I agree that the canoness is quite bad in this edition the overall "codex" isn't that bad.

Sure there are a total lack of everything but from a power perspective it isn't half bad, still yet to lose a game with it so far. This maybe however due to lack of exposure so we'll see!!

Since you're going for a themed list it's hard to comment on it, for a thousand point list you got most things covered with maybe a tad too much anti-tank overall, perhaps some investment in some seraphim?

Otherwise I think the list is good, me and my friends have been writing a campaign with sisters and templars and we decided to add some things to the codex.
We put in a jump pack for the canoness and other bits of wargear that isn't included that only the canoness can take, so at least it gives us a reason to take her in our fluff games at least!

01-22-2012, 05:17 PM
XD I agree with Twilight on the whole theme aspect but can't help but point out changes that will dractically increase the damage output and size of this army, you can ignore everything I say not really looking to put you down or force you to change something you like.

First suggestion, the SCS drop it, it's 255 pts of pt sink. The heavy Flamers alone are costing you 40 points and you'll never get much out of them, the SCS's faith is most useful with Multi-Melta's or Heavy Bolters giving you a support squad that can run around and still fire their heavy weapons. And both of those options are cheaper, personally I'd take a Celestian squad if assualt is your plan. The Canoness's and Celestian Faith combined can make them a lethal unit in combat, giving the superior a powersword gives you 9 powerweapon attacks at str 4 and 12 regular attacks also str 4, plus the squad benefits from Preferred Enemy and will strike at Int 5 and 4 meaning you'll at least hit at the same time. Equipping the Celestian's with the power sword and two flamers and simulacrum is 120 pts add in the Immolator and your only looking at 200 pts.

The Battle sister squads are good but I'd drop the heavy flamer and multi-melta for a regular flamer in both squads, this will save up some more points and with the points shaved on the SCS you should have enough for a Seraphim squad. Two Exorcists are great and they'll maul just about anything they see, and no worries on too much anti-tank as overall the sisters have little else to choose from and mech armies will hate you.

01-22-2012, 11:58 PM
Fair point re the command squad, when I remembered I couldn't give the canoness I just went for the retinue without thinking it through. Also I like the Hospitaller model.:rolleyes: But that unit doesn't seem to have any purpose on the battlefield. Expensive celestians or expensive retributors with FNP. I forgot about regular Celestians for some reason.:rolleyes:

So a revised list:

Power Sword, Rosarius

Celestian Squad
Two flamers, Simulacrum Imperialis, CS with power sword, Immolator

Battle Sister Squad
2x Meltagun, Rhino

Battle Sister Squad
Meltagun, flamer, Rhino

Seraphim Squad
SS with power sword



Total 1000.

I'm not exactly sure how the Seraphim would synergise with the rest of them, not having atransport and whatnot. Another option would be to lose the Seraphim and up the Celestians to 9 with a rhino. But then I have sixty more points to fill. A simulacrum and power sworf to each BSS squad? Or just keep the Seraphim.:rolleyes:

01-23-2012, 12:30 AM
:p sorry never meant to have you change, but the Seraphim pretty much use your rhinos for cover and act as a counter attack unit, the sister's squads light somthing up and the Seraphim or Celestians finish it off. Just reminded you probably have more Sororitas and more experience with them then I do.

01-23-2012, 12:37 AM
Well I wanted other opinions and I wasn't happy with the Command Squad.:) Plus fitting in Celestians AND Seraphim add to the theme. I actually haven't played SoB since 2nd/early third edition, I hated C:WH with its focus in the Inquisition so I don't have much experience really.

The Twilight Fade
01-23-2012, 05:10 AM
I am a fan of seraphim cos you can always rhino block for charges but the main problem is keeping them out of Line of Sight entirely.

Since it is the only thing currently not in a vehicle, dependant on your board set-up it may prove difficult to block it entirely and they may end up being the only target of anti-infantry guns

Since celestians operate well in larger squads you could always go there...but the seraphim got much better now they are so much cheaper so its a tough call really!!

01-23-2012, 05:26 AM
I think I'll keep things as they are and give more Celestians a try if the Seraphim don't impress me. Also I noticed on the FW Facebook page they will be updating some of their stuff to take into account the new GK and SoB books so that would mean repressors and such with the official FW stamp making them easier to include in regular games.

The Twilight Fade
01-23-2012, 05:48 AM
Maybe the only other consideration should possibly be an eviscerator on your canoness. I can see the benefit of having a power sword with the canoness/celestians act of faith together, but a strength 8 eviscerator when coupled with the celestians act of faith may be worth considering. My canoness never leaves home without one!

Other than that I wish thee luck!

01-23-2012, 08:35 AM
Well I'm a bit limited in that regard in that my canoness has a power sword and I don't feel like cutting her up and repainting her.

How does everyone think being able to use FW repressors will change the army, out of interest?

01-23-2012, 04:41 PM
:eek: Never Equip a Canoness with eviscerator!!! It completely destroy's the point of running her with Celestians for that potential Int 5 and she's already easy enough to kill you don't need to make she slower. And if Repressors were put in the sisters army officially I would probably weep with joy. :D

01-24-2012, 05:01 AM
Well repressors will be available through FW rules, I doubt they will be added into the proper codex. Though that would be nice.

01-24-2012, 09:07 PM
I am surprised no one had mentioned retributors w/ heavy bolters. By far the best all-around pints investment in the army and capable of killing most light and medium armour in addition to mowing through infantry. Even ten normal bolters with rending is a solid unit.

The Twilight Fade
01-25-2012, 04:21 AM
:eek: Never Equip a Canoness with eviscerator!!! It completely destroy's the point of running her with Celestians for that potential Int 5 and she's already easy enough to kill you don't need to make she slower. And if Repressors were put in the sisters army officially I would probably weep with joy. :D

Understood...but a strength 4 power weapon to strike at init 5 requires two faith points and is very underwhelming anyway to say the least.

An eviscerator just gives her more options imo. I appreciate that the two acts of faith together support the use of a power sword but also works in conjunction well with the eviscerator.

Afterall strength 8 WS5 and 2d6 armour pen isn't something you get much of in the codex!

Your experience may have proven different however but for me this is the load-out i've found to be most successful

01-25-2012, 06:55 AM
I wouldn't bother with Seraphim unless you can buy the twin hand flamers. With their Faith power they are absolutely evil in the shooting phase, even more so if you attach the Saint as well. I know you don't want any special characters but she is definitely the grumpiest ho of all and totally worth having.

01-25-2012, 09:30 AM
Regarding Retributors with Heavy bolters.

They sound good on paper, but for a SoB army, the first 2 heavy slots are generally filled by exorcists. I could see them taken as a 3rd heavy option, but 2 exo's are too good to pass up.

Well that's my thoughts. I do have said squad, but rarely used them when I was playing the army.

01-25-2012, 02:01 PM
In addition is exactly how I would rin them. Free up your exos to deal with extreme threats and paladins. Use the rets to more down infantry or lock transports.

01-25-2012, 11:34 PM
Regarding Retributors with Heavy bolters.

They sound good on paper, but for a SoB army, the first 2 heavy slots are generally filled by exorcists. I could see them taken as a 3rd heavy option, but 2 exo's are too good to pass up.

Well that's my thoughts. I do have said squad, but rarely used them when I was playing the army.

They aren't bad and they are stupidly cheap. They aren't as good as a 3rd Exorcist IMO, but since I don't have the extra tank models to spare I always run a squad. They wont blow your mind with awesome, but they are cheap and decent.

01-25-2012, 11:46 PM
What I found running exorcists (back when the army was even more powerful, but the exos remained the same) was that Exorcists were a fine unit to soak up enemy anti-tank fire while my sisters in rhinos (and the now much diminished Immolators) would rush up and actually kill stuff with their "rending" bolters. Exorcists are fine units, but they are not the be-all-end-all of the codex. They are overpriced (severely) and are costed on par with the most powerful Guard tanks, despite a severe drop in reliable firepower. The only actual advantage that Exorcists have is putting multiple AP1 shots into a target, slightly increasing the chances that you will cause a Wrecked result or greater. The flat S8 isn't all that impressive. The d6 shots also made them excellent for killing terminators, nobs, tyranid creatures and similar multiwound or super-armored units.

01-26-2012, 02:48 AM
Exorcists suffer from all that you mention, and will probably never change, as they are Iconic in relation to the army. They are also the only long range anti tank option in the codex now, good for cover fire on your advancing tanks. I'd be happy if they got the scatter laser treatment, ie, set # of shots per turn.

Another tiny thing in the favor for exorcist is that they don't use up your possibly small pool of faith points, allowing the points to be spent on other things.

01-26-2012, 06:33 PM
The small pool of faith points is what makes the retributors the SECOND best ranged anti-tank in the codex, and the best ranged anti-infantry. A squad of 10 with 4 Heavy Bolters and 6 regular bolters is just as capable of killing up to armor 12 as the Exorcist, especially if you get to within rapid-fire range. And the rending will chew through space marines, terminators and monstrous creatures rapidly. Meanwhile, you have every other Sister operating as a standard squad of Space Marines, and extra faith can easily make them more accurate in the shooting phase.

01-27-2012, 03:01 AM
Regarding Retributors with Heavy bolters.

They sound good on paper, but for a SoB army, the first 2 heavy slots are generally filled by exorcists. I could see them taken as a 3rd heavy option, but 2 exo's are too good to pass up.

Well that's my thoughts. I do have said squad, but rarely used them when I was playing the army.

Very true here, Excorist always will take the first slots as fully kitted out a Retributor squad is more costly and far more effective against 3+ and lower target but ironically the Exco is too but will insta squish which bolters can't do. I find Retributors with HF's is a better idea but way more costly but taken in a 6 girl squad with Simulacrum they make an awesome punch in the face and will deter most assault units until the squads been squished or cornered. I rarely play with static units so find this unit more effective and it tailors more to my method of play, the fact that the Exco can move then fire makes it all the more useful and mine rarely get killed by anything short of deepstriking melta.

The Twilight Fade
01-27-2012, 04:37 AM
Agreed on all counts, I don't think Exo's are overpriced just unreliable. When you really really need them to perform you may roll a one for the shots but when you roll the magical six you'll generally steam roll light/medium armour.

The 3rd slot is always a tough one i've played with both heavy flamer and heavy bolter retributors and whilst the HF squad comes out quite pricey it turns out quite useful when you can fire two rending heavy flamers out of a rhino, and bring some real pain when the full squad fires!

01-27-2012, 05:27 AM
I rarely max out heavy my Exorcists always get atleast 4 missiles their pretty much the only thing in the army that always succeeds, except the rhinos they make me giggle (seriously and my opponents throw dice at me it sometimes hurts), anywhos Retri with a superior with combi-flamer and 4 HFs make most heavy armoured infantry poop themselves. Oh and I love me HK's, my rhino's have blown up more vehcles then my Exorcists mostly because they have priority on; terminators, monstrous creatures, meganobz, characters that are dumb enough to run around alone and yes Dreadnoughts I hate Dreadnought. Those *******s always give me the fist and I hates the fist especially the multi-fist in drop pod that one lands very hard.

Anyways, Dominions are a must scouting melta? Yes Please? Twin-Linked Scouting Melta? Where do I sign? Don't go crazy on sister squads three will usually do and if you can rhino them even if you over ten, mobile cover saves and insta walls make people smack you and say mean things.

Always remember kick your enemies in the shins, it really hurts and they most likely can't chase you afterwards.