View Full Version : godawful minmaxed Dark Eldar 1850, tourney

01-21-2012, 02:35 AM
So this is something that I rapidly inflated from a tourney winning 750 list to an 1850 earlier this evening. I took apart a Black Templars (running a blessed hull LR and machine spirit laser pred no less) army earlier tonight. Am I on to something? You be the judge!

HQ: 170 pts

Succubus, Agonizer
Succubus, Agonizer

Elites: 217

6 Incubi
Raider, nightshields, flickerfield, sails

Troops: 938
5 Warriors, blaster
Venom, nightshields, dual cannons

5 Warriors, blaster
Venom, nightshields, dual cannons

5 Warriors, blaster
Venom, nightshields, dual cannons

5 Warriors, blaster
Venom, nightshields, dual cannons

7 Wyches, Hekatrix, Agonizer, Haywire
Raider, Nightshields, flickerfield, sails

7 Wyches, Hekatrix, Agonizer, Haywire
Raider, Nightshields, flickerfield, sails

Heavy Support: 525
Razorwing Jetfighter: Splinter Cannon, Nightshield, Flickerfield

Razorwing Jetfighter: Splinter Cannon, Nightshield, Flickerfield

Razorwing Jetfighter: Splinter Cannon, Nightshield, Flickerfield

Things I know I could change, but won't: no, I won't run trueborn. Talk to me about any other changes, though. I HATE trueborn. And they never manage to kill anything for me either.

I can run a maximum of two ravagers at this time. That would be a 100 point boost. Find a good use for 10 points, and keeep in mind that I'll lose a lot of firepower in the process at the expense of maybe an extra tank dead each turn at most.