View Full Version : The indredible shrinking website - no more hobby on GW.com

01-20-2012, 04:57 PM
A few people have noticed Forgeworld books have disappeared from the Games Workshop website. Did you know all the painting articles have gone away too?

It seems to have happened around about the close of business today. I was looking at the guide to painting the Stormraven that was here but around 6pm London time I tried to refresh it and poof! Gone. You can still see the page (as well as the guide to painting Sanguinary Guard and Death Company and the page on collecting Space Wolves called Heroes of Legend) on Google through preview but there is no cached version of the page. Usually this is because the owner has asked Google to delete the page...

I checked the 'Gaming and Collecting' section on the GW page and noticed there is no longer a section on painting. The only articles left appear to be ones geared towards getting you to buy more minis - army lists and the like.

So, has GW decided that there are so many paint guides out there, there's no need for them to host them as well? Saving space on the servers, perhaps? Or that they are no longer interested in giving people free painting guides - possible given the recent release of the 'eavy Metal book. (An optimist, or someone with some marketing sense, might think 'eavy Metal might open their own dedicated site, perhaps even charging for membership.)

Inquisitor Boreal
01-22-2012, 12:20 PM
Or it could be something less sinister like .. oh .. I don't know, maybe the rumours about them coming out with a new paint line is actually true and they want to do a complete do-over on the painting articles as well? Particularly if large parts of the references paints simply won't exist in a month or so.

GW doesn't eat babies for breakfast every day, seems like every time they do something it bears a greater significance than one of the Maya calendars ending in 2012.

01-22-2012, 02:28 PM
1) the "rumor" about paints is not a rumor. It comes from GW directly

2) they changed their format over to blog/post style rather than article style (or what ever they wanted to call it) so all of the older ones are inaccessible through the old URLs.


3) They don't eat babies... just unfertilized embryonic sacs (yum... i'll take my over easy)

01-22-2012, 07:13 PM
3) They don't eat babies... just unfertilized embryonic sacs (yum... i'll take my over easy)

That and the charred flesh of lesser scavenger creatures.

01-22-2012, 08:05 PM
Hmm, had not noticed it at all.

01-22-2012, 11:21 PM
It is just the painting articles that have gone missing, the assembly articles and many others are still available so hardly fair to say 'hobby' articles are vanishing. I do hope hte painting articles come back, though. Someone could just email and ask about the articles instead of just speculating and getting indignant, if you care that much.;)

Emerald Rose Widow
01-24-2012, 02:15 AM
It is just the painting articles that have gone missing, the assembly articles and many others are still available so hardly fair to say 'hobby' articles are vanishing. I do hope hte painting articles come back, though. Someone could just email and ask about the articles instead of just speculating and getting indignant, if you care that much.;)

but gamers love to speculate on stuff they have no information on -giggles- its fun

01-24-2012, 02:26 AM
The Boyz paiting article is still there...

01-24-2012, 09:09 AM
I'm excited to see what they are doing with the new paint line.

I have been off of their website for quite a while now and only began looking at it again in the last few days. I too was wondering what had become of the painting articles.