View Full Version : Replacment Mordians?

01-19-2012, 07:44 PM
Does anyone have recommendations or suggestions for something to make stand-in Mordian Iron Guard figures? I really don't like the look of the old metal set, but I need some Iron Guard to fill out the IG theme list I'm building. Thanks in advance, and I plan to post pics of some of my other conversions (ersatz Tallarns) for this list when I have paint on them.

01-21-2012, 03:26 AM
This should be fairly easy using plastic bits. You may have to hit bitz sites or ebay.

Various IG Cadian sets come with peaked caps and unarmoured torsos? The Tank Crew, the Command? Collect those bits and you have Mordians.

Not sure about the legs - something from WFB Empire maybe (Handgunners, possiby)? You want them to look like posh trousers not combats...

For the arms, use Cadians with the shoulder pads carved off. Greenstuff the new fancy shoulders.

01-21-2012, 09:23 AM
I agree with pretty much everything above.

I would use the cadian unarmoured torsos. The best way to get these is from the tank upgrade sprue, although there are some on the Cadian Command sprue.

www.imperialarmoury.co.uk is your friend for this.

They have the Cadian command sprue bits here:


They are planning on adding more bits soon, so should hopefully have the tank upgrade sprue torsos soon.

I would still use the Cadian legs but simply shave off the map pockets on the legs.

Then use the cadian arms as suggested but shave off the shoulder pads.

You could use the heads with the peak cap from the Cadian Command sprues, or go for something like Pig Iron or West Wind heads.

The only bit you will need to sculpt are the epaulettes on their shoulders, but to be honest that should be fairly straight forward.

01-21-2012, 12:38 PM
I'm pretty sure that a "German officers" headsprue exists from some company... that in combination with normal cadians with greenstuffed shoulderpads would be the most convinient, cheap and varied.