View Full Version : Bronies, The Ultimate Geek Hobby

Brass Scorpion
01-19-2012, 01:01 PM
Think you know geek? Are you a Trekker, video game freak or die-hard fan of the Patrick Troughton years of Dr. Who? Well, no matter what you are into, even if it's painting toy soldiers, you've just been out-geeked by this.

Here's the text and a photo from Wired. Visit the link below for fan videos and more that go with this article.


My Little Pony Corrals Unlikely Fanboys Known as ‘Bronies’


Each day, out-of-work computer programmer Luke Allen self-medicates by watching animated ponies have magical adventures.

The 32-year-old, who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, loves his daily fix of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, and he’s not alone. He’s part of a growing group of “bronies” (“bro ponies”) — men who are fans of a TV show largely intended for a much younger audience.

“First we can’t believe this show is so good, then we can’t believe we’ve become fans for life, then we can’t believe we’re walking down the pink aisle at Toys R Us or asking for the girl’s toy in our Happy Meal,” Allen said in an e-mail to Wired.com. “Then we can’t believe our friends haven’t seen it yet, then we can’t believe they’re becoming bronies too.”

Every nerd has a favorite TV show they watch religiously and know inside and out. But My Little Pony seems like an unlikely object of fanboy love. Since the show debuted last fall on cable channel Hub TV, it’s attracted a growing number of male fanatics. Their love of the show is internet neo-sincerity at its best: In addition to watching the show, these teenage, twenty- and thirtysomething guys are creating pony art, posting fan videos on YouTube and feeding threads on 4chan (and their own chan, Ponychan).

They also risk life, limb and being trolled to death on the /co/ board to fawn over a small gaggle of ponies with names like Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

The fan videos might be the main reason anyone outside the brony community knows the show as a meme. Nerd blog Topless Robot, for example, is committed to following My Little Pony fan videos. One YouTube user posted an 8-bit chiptune anthology of songs from the show, and the A.V. Club recently called the trend of mashing up My Little Pony clips with movie trailers a “meme champion.”

“I believe the fan base for this new generation of MLP is one of the most amazing/unexpected things to come out of the internet in a long while,” Henri Yount, a 20-year-old from Virginia whose My Little Pony mashups with movie trailers have gotten nearly 350,000 views on YouTube, said in an e-mail to Wired.com (see his pony-riffic spin on Watchmen above).

“When I say ‘amazing,’ I’m referring to the crazy amount of content and the hard-working people who produce material every day, which I haven’t seen in many other fan bases,” Yount added.

To see that dedication, one need only take a quick look at a recent series of “Hitler Reacts To …” videos that show Der Führer as a dedicated brony infuriated over the removal of several My Little Pony videos from YouTube. Or the high school presentation one young man did on the physics of the show. (A note to other news outlets: Physics Brony’s name isn’t Stephen Magnet as has been reported. Stephen is right, but the last name is a reference to “Steven Magnet” — an inside joke amongst bronies.)

Shaun runs the My Little Pony fan site Equestria Daily.

YouTube isn’t the only place online creative communities are gathering in pony love. The online artist collective deviantArt had, at last count, nearly 90,000 pieces of My Little Pony artwork and hundreds more are going up each day (on one random day in May, about 330 pieces were submitted).

My Little Pony creations have taken off in other areas as well. On Equestria Daily, a fan blog that on first blush could be mistaken for a fifth-grade girl’s locker door, site curator Shaun (he asked that his last name be withheld) struggled to find a half-dozen pieces of art to post in a given day back in January. He now claims he can easily fill a post with 30 images.

Shaun isn’t just impressed with the amount of new content bronies are submitting to his site, he’s also amazed by his own fascination with the show.

“Honestly, if someone were to have told me I’d be writing a pony blog seven months ago, I would have called them insane,” the 23-year-old from Arizona said in an e-mail to Wired.com.

Equestria Daily started back in January as a fun place to collect fanfic and news about the show, Shaun said, but “it has, obviously, evolved way past that.” The brony hub gets roughly 175,000 pageviews per day now, up from about 20,000 just a few months ago, he said.
‘Honestly, if someone were to have told me I’d be writing a pony blog seven months ago, I would have called them insane.’

Most people over the age of, say, 20 remember My Little Pony as a saccharine-smelling Hasbro toy and cartoon from the 1980s. In the decades since the release of the first line of ponies in 1982, there have been a number of dolls, TV shows and direct-to-DVD releases related to the My Little Pony name. Yet, save for a pop cultural archivist here and there (or perhaps a raver), very few of those variations have found an audience beyond the age-3-and-up children for whom My Little Pony is intended.

So, why the breathless adoration? Some fans say the show’s appeal lies in good illustration, excellent characters or, as Allen put it, a “perfect storm of ’80s nostalgia and cultural irony.” But nearly every fan Wired.com contacted can be far more specific about the source of the show’s genius: Lauren Faust.

Faust, a 36-year-old who manned the latest reboot of the My Little Pony franchise for Hub TV at the request of Hasbro Studios, has a bit of a history handling shows with crossover appeal. Prior to her tenure on My Little Pony, Faust was a writer and storyboard artist on The Powerpuff Girls, another show that had appeal way beyond its intended demographic.

While Faust acknowledges that her work on The Powerpuff Girls influenced her creative process and that she intentionally looked to create a show that could be enjoyed by adults, she said she’s genuinely surprised about the large number of dedicated bronies, whom she clearly adores.

Lauren Faust
Image courtesy Hub TV

“This might be a little short-sighted on my part, but I just assumed that any adult man who didn’t have a little girl wouldn’t even give it a try,” Faust said in a phone interview. “The fact that they did and that they were open-minded and cool enough and secure in their masculinity enough to embrace it and love it and go online and talk about how much they love it — I’m kind of proud.”

Faust brings up a good point. Aside from a few brony-haters, blessedly very little (negative) hay seems to get made over dudes liking something that’s “supposed to be for girls” (like, for example, the way girls would be side-eyed for liking Transformers in years past).

Despite a tacit understanding that some people might be surprised by their choice of entertainment, most bronies show little to no compunction about their fandom. They shouldn’t have to. And, intentionally or not, they might be bucking the gender socialization of things considered to be “for girls” or “for boys.”

For at least one man who worked on My Little Pony with Faust, enjoyment of the show isn’t a matter of boys versus girls — it’s about appreciating good stories.

“I had a Google Alert for the show and I kept getting alerts to comments that people were making that were like, ‘I’m a guy and I’m 22 and I love this, why do I love this!?’” said Jayson Thiessen, the show’s supervising director. “I did see what they liked about it because I liked it.”

And the Hub is making more overt attempts to embrace the brony audience. In an extended promo video for the show released recently — a take on Katy Perry’s “California Gurls” called “Equestria Girls” — the ponies lead by Pinkie Pie sing the praises of “our bronies.”

Embracing the brony audience could be a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for Hasbro because, as Shaun notes, some bronies would like better merch, adding “the current toys are good for the originally intended target audience of 7-year-old girls … but Lauren Faust and the team behind the actual cartoon did an amazing job of accidentally targeting us instead.”

Faust, however, left the show after the first season aired its final episode early last month. Discussing her departure on her deviantArt journal, she said of her colleagues: “Together I think we helped prove that ‘for girls’ does not have to automatically equal ‘lame.’” She also thanked “the kids, the parents and all you bronies” for supporting the show, adding: “The array of people this show has touched has completely exceeded my wildest expectations!”
‘I learned more about theory of mind, friendships and social interactions from this season than I had in the previous 31 years of life.’

If that sounds like hyperbole, it’s not.

“This weird alchemy that Lauren Faust tapped into when she set out to make the show accessible to kids and their parents hooks into the male geek’s reptilian hindbrain and removes a lifetime’s behavioral indoctrination against pink,” said New Mexico brony Allen. “As a person with Asperger syndrome, I learned more about theory of mind, friendships and social interactions from this season than I had in the previous 31 years of life.”

So, what’s a brony to do while he waits for the show to return next fall? It’s possible that several months without new episodes to power the pony posse will cause the buzz to die down. It seems far more likely, though, that the show’s absence will only make the bronies’ hearts grow fonder.

“Season 1 is over,” said Shaun from Equestria Daily, “and I honestly expected everything to die down a bit (mainly so I could finally get a break!), but it seems like the fans are more ravenous than ever for more content.”

01-19-2012, 01:46 PM

01-20-2012, 01:58 AM
Would this make me a Honie?:rolleyes:

01-20-2012, 04:41 PM
I'd read about this series on TV Tropes, and was quite curious about it, what with being a bit of a fan of Lauren Faust ("Powerpuff Girls" consistently made me giggle, and had lovely designs). Just watched the first episode on The Youtubes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy1v3CfrOto). it's very much a kids' series. Comparing it to other things, it doesn't strike me as though it's going to be as good as "Avatar: The Last Airbender" (but then, when it comes to animation, what is?), and it's not as immediately engaging as "Teen Titans", but it's pretty definitely pretty good. The animation and character designs are top notch, the voice acting's superb, and it's definitely a cut above the usual dross aimed aimed at little girls.

I don't know; it feel like the exact polar opposite of 40K, like the negative to a photograph. I might watch some more. The cliffhanger where the Pony equivelant of an Elder God returned wasn't hugely engaging, but then, pilots are usually dreadful.

I think I'll watch a few horror films, then return to it...

01-20-2012, 08:02 PM
I've put my foot in the waters of pony-dom long enough to understand that it's all about the hidden stuff. Like Dr. Hooves or the shot-for-shot remake of the end of Star Wars. Or that "Q" plays...well a Pony-reality version of himself.
Plus watching Pinky Pie snap is great. Also, looking at 40K ponies is it's own entertainment. Hell, someone on tumblr role plays as an ANGRY MAREINE (and has a sidekick Marecanicus Tech-Priestess).

01-23-2012, 10:14 AM

"In the grim darkness of the far future there is only PONY!"

Loving this crossover...
For the herd!!

01-23-2012, 12:15 PM
To be clear, I've never seen the show, it just has a ton of awesome picture memes.

01-23-2012, 02:49 PM
To be clear, I've never seen the show, it just has a ton of awesome picture memes.
Don't be ashamed.

01-23-2012, 05:33 PM
I've seen about 30 seconds of MLP.

I loathe it.
I cannot stand BESM anime, either.

Or Chibi (or 'super-deformed' - how it was known when I was a kid) or kawaii in any way, shape or form.

Please label me a hater.

01-23-2012, 09:17 PM
I really haven't seen the show, but when it gives you things like this:

01-26-2012, 04:33 PM
How did I miss this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnBaDMzFSfo)?

01-26-2012, 05:12 PM
Or the obvious Inquisition argument (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0BmHOV3Un8&feature=related).

01-26-2012, 05:51 PM


01-26-2012, 11:54 PM
Omigoodness that is so cute.

How did I miss this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnBaDMzFSfo)?

01-27-2012, 12:58 AM
That is probably the most genuinely funny thing I've ever seen on youtube. Other than cats jumping in boxes, of course.

01-27-2012, 02:22 AM
There's an entire page of pony parody goodness here (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/109875-In-the-Grim-Darkness-of-the-Future-There-Are-Only-Ponies).

Personally I'm a big fan of the pinkie and the brain one.

Brass Scorpion
01-27-2012, 03:21 PM
Found this today:

and the brave hero kills the brony

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/407315_227783843973294_100002250398088_531119_1181 643079_n.jpg

02-01-2012, 02:39 AM
Found this today:

Disturbing Image

You clearly have no soul.:D

02-01-2012, 09:10 PM

Farseer Rarity does not approve...

02-01-2012, 09:30 PM
Also, changing my icon to that. Because (I was dared to) I can!

Brass Scorpion
02-02-2012, 11:39 PM
It appears some "bronies" are a bit humorless when it comes to their little obsession. You should see the reaction I got when I posted the material that started this thread in the ongoing thread on My Little Pony on Dakkadakka. Yes, believe it or not, over on that forum there was ALREADY a thread on My Little Pony and it's serious business to the people keeping it going, extremely serious. And check out the title of the thread, that alone should warn you that it's for "bronies only". LOL.

The DakkaDakka OT My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Thread

02-02-2012, 11:52 PM
If you are going to have an unusual obsession with something intended for a radically different demographic then you really need to have a sense of humour about it. I know this from experience.:rolleyes:

02-03-2012, 02:23 AM
Clearly everything must be treated with the most utter seriousness at all times!

OMFG 101 pages of it? you weren't kidding were you?

Emerald Rose Widow
02-04-2012, 03:25 AM
Yays, I is a Pega-Sister, god I love that show, its super cute and fun to watch after a long day at work on saturday when the new episodes come out. Its a breath of fresh air so to speak and always fun for giggles.

02-04-2012, 03:06 PM
Last night, I discovered something that raised the awesome level of the series significantly/

His name is Doctor Whooves.


This thread is now officially Full Of Glorious Win.

02-05-2012, 10:02 AM
Last night, I discovered something that raised the awesome level of the series significantly/

His name is Doctor Whooves.


This thread is now officially Full Of Glorious Win.

There have also been spotted "other versions" of Doctor Whooves.


Know Your Meme (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/doctor-whooves-doctor-whoof) has a whole section on this (including videos)

Brass Scorpion
02-06-2012, 01:13 PM
Clearly everything must be treated with the most utter seriousness at all times!

OMFG 101 pages of it? you weren't kidding were you?Greatest response on this or any gamer forum...ever. :)

I'll bet someone could have some real fun by posting a few less than serious comments in that Dakkadakka thread. The couple posts I made got a HUGE reaction though trolling was not the intent. As it happens some bronies are pretty thin skinned, to which I commented that I thought large mammals like ponies and gamers usually have thick skin. ;) Facetiousness or bemusement of any kind regarding "bronies" is apparently not appreciated by bronies.

02-06-2012, 01:29 PM
Could comment how 'bronies' are terrible, not for liking MLP, but because they can't like MLP for what it is, they have to make sure everyone knows that they're not MLP fans who are guys - they're BROnies, ok? I mean sure, it's cartoon ponies, but they're bros, and manly and totally manly and not insecure at all.

It's doubly terrible as there was a move by some female fans to get a similar name for female/girl fans so they could assert themselves against the stupid bronies saying they were the 'true fans (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/True_fan)'... for ****s sake people, if you like a thing, just say you like it and be done with it. Because it's entirely impossible for guys and girls and men and women to all like one thing and not be stupid divisive dicks about it.

And that's not even getting started on all the ****ed up cartoon animal porn / fics people are posting - 'cause no kid's going to google MLP stuff evar, amirite? It's for bronies who are so cool and funny 'cause they like a kid's show and that's never been done before, lol.
Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff :mad:

Sorry to be a bringdown, but sometimes I really hate humanity.

Brass Scorpion
02-06-2012, 01:38 PM
Sorry to be a bring down, but sometimes I really hate humanity. I will validate the emotion.

02-06-2012, 04:17 PM
Greatest response on this or any gamer forum...ever. :)

At last, my genius is recognised....:cool:

angry rant at existence of humanity

Some may question your eight to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realise you have no right to let them live.
In Exterminatus Extremis

Brass Scorpion
02-06-2012, 10:06 PM
It's getting worse, now there are bronies painting their daemon models in My Little Pony colors. Nooooooo!


Emerald Rose Widow
02-06-2012, 11:36 PM
It's getting worse, now there are bronies painting their daemon models in My Little Pony colors. Nooooooo!


my brother is painting his eldar in my little pony colours, hehe

02-06-2012, 11:41 PM
I've suggested that for Seekers and Traitor Rough Riders but for KHORNE?! WTF?!

*sings* (run away now)

My Little Juggernought, My Little Juggernought




(this is starting to look like a nice metal song. scary)

02-07-2012, 02:33 AM
It's getting worse, now there are bronies painting their daemon models in My Little Pony colors. Nooooooo!


What's wrong with that? Have you never seen hello kitty necrons?

I've suggested that for Seekers and Traitor Rough Riders but for KHORNE?! WTF?!

*sings* (run away now)

My Little Juggernought, My Little Juggernought




(this is starting to look like a nice metal song. scary)

^best parody song ever...

Lord Azaghul
02-07-2012, 03:47 PM
IF anything the picture of the guy discouraged my interest....

but I'm not gonna lie, I've had a growing interest in ponies for a few months now, mainly in the forms of gifs and means...but after the youtube video meshups - especially the watchponies on... I kind of want to watch MLP

02-07-2012, 04:34 PM
Hex games have this wargame you may find interesting (http://www.hexgames.com/qags/component/virtuemart/details/18/10/all-products/laser-ponies-pdf) :D

02-08-2012, 02:27 AM
Hex games have this wargame you may find interesting (http://www.hexgames.com/qags/component/virtuemart/details/18/10/all-products/laser-ponies-pdf) :D
I'm sure I've seen this before somewhere, where'd you originally come across it?

02-13-2012, 05:56 PM
Possibly the best parody ever!


02-13-2012, 11:31 PM
Possibly the best parody ever!


It's so beautiful...
(but how would they do the Castle Anthrax scene?)

02-14-2012, 03:23 AM
Dunno, maybe that's why they didn't...

02-19-2012, 04:18 PM
And now there's more Pony Hammer 40K being created. Saw this one of a certain favorite Commissar


The title is "Commissar Sparkle" but if you note the melta-gun carrying assist he's got the unit number of a certain Valhallan regiment...

02-19-2012, 05:25 PM
OMG!! Ciaphus Sparkle....

I mean, oh gosh that is a rather epic artistic rendering....

Emerald Rose Widow
02-20-2012, 04:12 AM
And now there's more Pony Hammer 40K being created. Saw this one of a certain favorite Commissar

The title is "Commissar Sparkle" but if you note the melta-gun carrying assist he's got the unit number of a certain Valhallan regiment...

to quote Rainbow Dash....so.....AWESOME

02-27-2012, 03:09 PM
Not 100% sure of the source on this. It got posted on tumblr...


Mud Duck
03-08-2012, 06:05 PM
I'm trying to figger out where the power source and motors for the chainswords are.
I would think that just have one idle, let alone run at full speed would give one a mother of all migraines:).

03-09-2012, 02:32 AM
I'm trying to figger out where the power source and motors for the chainswords are.
I would think that just have one idle, let alone run at full speed would give one a mother of all migraines:).

03-09-2012, 12:07 PM
My Little Pony and Transformers are the happy meal toys this month. I'm hoping for a Pinkie Pie.

03-09-2012, 08:17 PM
My Little Pony and Transformers are the happy meal toys this month. I'm hoping for a Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity are the ponies for week 1. (da Gwen got Pinkie Pie)
Not sure what the Transformers are.

In other news, I saw this at Hot Topic today:

03-12-2012, 02:39 AM
The worst type of crossover...

plus after the 40k ones it would be difficult to compete anyway...

03-12-2012, 09:33 AM
But Dr. Hooves is semi-canon in MLP (http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Doctor_Whooves).

03-12-2012, 09:45 AM
I know, but I HATE DR WHO!!! with three exclamation marks and bold capital hate...

Mud Duck
03-12-2012, 04:47 PM

The picture of the pony 'bikes' half the squad have chainswords sprouting out of the middle of their foreheads. WYSIWYG you know.

03-17-2012, 04:28 PM
Ahh I see.

Lady Fenris
03-21-2012, 06:52 PM
Haha! I love that MLP Space Marine Army. I would love to see the reaction of whomever was playing him. XD

And now none of my buddies can make fun of the Chaos Kitten army I am planning. (I already have a partially finished Greater Kitten of Nurgle...)

03-21-2012, 08:32 PM
Haha! I love that MLP Space Marine Army. I would love to see the reaction of whomever was playing him. XD

And now none of my buddies can make fun of the Chaos Kitten army I am planning. (I already have a partially finished Greater Kitten of Nurgle...)

I must see pictures of kitty deamons. (and it is more proof cats hate us. mine are always trying to kill me)

04-07-2012, 01:18 PM
Since da Gwen has just discovered MLP (thanks to Netflix) she was demanding to know who played the voices. While doing *sigh* HER research I discovered that Nicole Oliver does the voice of Princess Celestia AND did the voices of Farseer Macha/Howling Banshees in 40K: Dawn of War.

So there, I found a *ahem* solid 40K/Ponies connection. sort of.

Emerald Rose Widow
04-07-2012, 01:53 PM
Since da Gwen has just discovered MLP (thanks to Netflix) she was demanding to know who played the voices. While doing *sigh* HER research I discovered that Nicole Oliver does the voice of Princess Celestia AND did the voices of Farseer Macha/Howling Banshees in 40K: Dawn of War.

So there, I found a *ahem* solid 40K/Ponies connection. sort of.

yeah, that voice actor is pretty epic

04-18-2012, 02:09 AM
OMG! (http://youtu.be/Fp32TigGfZk)

06-21-2012, 01:15 AM
So I'm using a twin linked resurrection orb on this thread, as you've got to see this MLP downfall video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8avIBQbYgbc) lol