View Full Version : Imperial Armour and Warhammer Forge Books Removed from GW page.

Ulthwé Guardian
01-19-2012, 11:24 AM
Don't know if it's just me but I've noticed since the "What's New Today" blog went live on GW UK page, that the Forgeworld books such as Imperial Armour and Warhammer Forge series are no longer listed.

I noticed this because I was regularly checking the site for the release of IA11, I figured I could get free shipping and use up a Christmas GW voucher.

I hoping it's just a glitch rather than GW no longer listing Forgeworld products. Or at worst GW are longer selling them FW material, though I doubt that's at all likely.

Doe anyone have any info?

01-19-2012, 01:25 PM
Dropped off the GW US site too.
I tried to get one a couple of weeks ago off the site and I got an email saying it was out of stock and to try again on the 15th of JAN. but I hadn't checked then.
Took to long it seems now that it's not on the site anymore.

Ulthwé Guardian
01-19-2012, 05:14 PM
Hmmmmm this is not a good sign, especially if it's happening on both sides of the Atlantic.

01-20-2012, 12:29 AM
Email and ask what is going on.

01-20-2012, 03:56 AM
I know GW still support IA, we just got a delivery of 6 copies of Mymeara into our store this morning

Ulthwé Guardian
01-20-2012, 05:40 AM
I know GW still support IA, we just got a delivery of 6 copies of Mymeara into our store this morning

Well that's a good sign, somehow I doubted that GW were retracting Forgeworld stock from their stores.

Email and ask what is going on.

Nice idea, I just sent them a message. I'll keep the community updated!

01-20-2012, 06:05 AM
Just saw this on Facebook:

Are Imperial Armour books still available on the GW site? I don't currently see them there

We only send small amounts of each book to the various warehouses that serve the Global Webstore, Tommy, but GW Hobby Centres carry our books as well.

Doesn't really explain why all the IA listings would be removed from the website though.

01-20-2012, 08:00 AM
Sounds like its the same issue as the temporary stock-outs that keep provoking flurries of speculation about the next batch of releases.

See the recent tyranid hive tyrant out of stock in the US but available in the UK.

Could understand it for new releases like Mymeara and IA:A2 but odd that they would pull the whole range, very unlikely they all ran out of stock at once.

A cynical person would say that it was to be able to charge postage through FW instead of free shipping through GW.

01-20-2012, 08:15 AM
That would make sense for the UK, but it is actually cheaper for a lot of other countries to buy direct from FW so why not let them do it?

Ulthwé Guardian
01-20-2012, 10:43 AM
As I UK resident, there's an awkward annoyance to isotope99's point about shipping through FW.

Could understand it for new releases like Mymeara and IA:A2 but odd that they would pull the whole range, very unlikely they all ran out of stock at once.

I completely agree, there's little sense here.

I've e-mailed GW about this issue and so far no word from them. Given the time of day we probably won't get a reply till Monday. Keeping fingers crossed for some good news.

01-20-2012, 02:23 PM
Here's another one for you. Didn't think of it at first, but I had Imperial Armour Apoc Second edition on my wish list and it was taken off.
Of course I emailed GW about it, but no response.

01-20-2012, 02:37 PM
Just saw this on Facebook:

Doesn't really explain why all the IA listings would be removed from the website though.

Yeah, I agree. I'm the guy Forgeworld apparently think is too stupid to see the answer to my own question.

I asked in my local GW yesterday about it and they said they were still expecting stock of IA books, so it seems they haven't pulled support completely. The problem, which FW's Facebook guy doesn't seem to understand, is there is no Imperial Armour or Warhammer Forge section on GW's site or any individual titles.

For the record, when I saw they had lost the Imperial Armour Books/Warhammer Forge sections, I searched for 'Imperial Armour' - and all the titles they used to carry came up (that is up to Badab War Vol.II). Now of course, none of them come up, indicating they just don't sell IA books through the site any more. This of course, is not the same as saying when there is no stock in the warehouse, the books don't show up on the web site, which seems to be what my friend on Facebook is suggesting.

On a similar note, articles that used to be on the GW site have also started disappearing this evening. I was looking at the guide to painting and assembling the Stormraven this afternoon, for example. Now its gone! The guide to painting Sanguinary Guard and Death Company has also been removed and, perhaps tellingly, there is no cached version at Google.

Hopefully this is just an intermittent server problem but with GW, who knows what makes sense for those guys to do? (Maybe someone thought the servers were getting too full and decided to delete some stuff so they would run faster, I don't know.)

Ulthwé Guardian
01-21-2012, 07:31 AM
Bad news people. I just received this short reply to my enquiry about Forgeworld products.

My Message:

Dear Games Workshop,

I wanted to make an enquiry, I've noticed that Forgeworld products such as the "Imperial Armour" and "Warhammer Forge" books are no longer listed on your main website. So my question is primarily if and when these book will be available again on the GW's main page?

Thank you for your time

The Reply:

Hi ________

Thanks for the email, these products are now only sold via Forge World:


We hope this helps.

Kyle Workman

This kind of news is a bit of kick in the knickers really on a personal level. However I'm not sure how much of an effect it will have on the GW community as a whole. But obviously it's hinder more more problems than solve any.

As a question to BoLS community: How do you guys respond to this? Angry, annoyed or not bothered??

01-21-2012, 07:42 AM
I buy everything through Forge World anyway, so this doesn't bother me at all. I love FW and want as much of my money to go to them as possible, I've no idea if buying through GW siphons any off or not but why take the chance?

01-21-2012, 08:14 AM
I always get everything through FW so no problem here

It'll bother staff a bit, as they don't get as good a discount through FW as they do their own

01-21-2012, 08:37 AM
I also got an email from FW/GW this morning, although it was a little bit longer, probably as it was a reply to a letter of complaint I had submitted yesterday.

As well as being very polite, the email explained the reason for removing FW books from GW's site is basically due to the free shipping you get. Someone has to pay for it and that is basically FW. So, to protect the margins, no more free shipping.

I did suggest in future they might want to just tell customers about this up front. We're (nearly) all grown ups and if you're going to be all warm and informal on Facebook, just tell us you're not doing free shipping.

I still haven't received a reply to my query as to all the other content that has disappeared from the GW site though...

01-21-2012, 10:38 AM
But GW had a 40% profit increase!!! Surely they could afford to help with shipping now, right? Especially with Finecrap being so cheap to make and all, according to GW themselves... :rolleyes:

01-21-2012, 10:59 AM
I personally hate the fact Forgeworld don't accept paypal where as GW do. No biggie but it made ordering FW books using the GW site more convenient for me. Not anymore.

01-21-2012, 06:01 PM
Yeah, I like to pay with paypal too. I asked about this at the Black Library stand at last year's UK Gamesday. They said 'the website is due for an overhaul', as if to suggest it is a feature they are considering. As the FW site is so similar in format, I guess the same might apply. Although the fact paypal would then tale a cut might also count against it.

Until then I'll keep on asking and suggesting it whenever I can.

01-22-2012, 02:54 AM
FW had some good reasons for not accepting paypal last time I saw them talk about it on the Facebook page. I don't remember what they were, though.:rolleyes:

01-22-2012, 04:29 AM
FW had some good reasons for not accepting paypal last time I saw them talk about it on the Facebook page. I don't remember what they were, though.:rolleyes:

I would imagine Paypal charges companies for using its services.

But GW had a 40% profit increase!!! Surely they could afford to help with shipping now, right? Especially with Finecrap being so cheap to make and all, according to GW themselves... :rolleyes:

Games Workshop did, but FW is seperate an entirely seperate company (albeit one wholly owned by GW). As such, FW is responsible for running itself which means no subsidies from GW and that they have to turn a profit themselves. FW will be responsible for all it's own production costs, meaning it is paying for the books, not GW. And you don't maintain 40% profit increases by propping up loss making companies.

01-22-2012, 04:49 AM
I would imagine Paypal charges companies for using its services.

They do. I forget the exact percentage, but its enough when I get my bill each month I say *ouch*.

Its a little surprising FW are so bothered by the postage cost of a book tbh - seems their profit margins are thinner than I would have guessed. I'd love to see their annual reports ;)

01-22-2012, 05:39 AM
It was more than just Paypal charges, though. Something about the way their billing and production departments interact and something about warehouses? Its irritatingly on the edge of my memory.

01-22-2012, 08:16 AM
I find it very hard to believe that FW cant afford to use paypal, when much smaller companies can. I know its about profit and not just size but just about everyone accepts it now even GW. When you look at all the much smaller model companies that do take Paypal (I mean retail in general) it just smacks of talking bollocks really. On the other side of the coin Amazon don't take it either.

Yay Wayland games really as they supply FW products and take Paypal although delivery time is a little longer.

Correct me if I am wrong but I am sure a good couple years ago you could order and pay for FW products though your local GW store. I know I did a couple of times when the Manager in my local would bend over backwards to help his customers out. Hell They sold the FW books off the shelf.

01-22-2012, 08:28 AM
Like I said, I'm sure it was more than the fees.

01-22-2012, 12:28 PM
Games Workshop did, but FW is seperate an entirely seperate company (albeit one wholly owned by GW). As such, FW is responsible for running itself which means no subsidies from GW and that they have to turn a profit themselves. FW will be responsible for all it's own production costs, meaning it is paying for the books, not GW. And you don't maintain 40% profit increases by propping up loss making companies.

Well, then FW is doing worse than anyone ever thought then.

Ulthwé Guardian
01-24-2012, 06:41 AM
Well there seems to be one small silver lining, mentioned here on there "What's New Today (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/wnt/blog.jsp?pid=900084-gws)" an article about Imperial Armour 11: Doom of Mymeara

Imperial Armour Volume 11: The Doom of Mymeara, is available again in Hobby Centres or from the Forge World website.

Available in Hobby Centres is the key sentence I like. Still I liked the option of ordering it or even the possibility of shipping a copy to your local store. I suppose you can call a store in advance see if they have a copy of your book or just roll the dice on the off chance they have it when you make a random visit.

01-24-2012, 12:51 PM
Well, then FW is doing worse than anyone ever thought then.

I don't think they are doing badly, quite the opposite in fact, but where is the sense in them letting GW do free shipping of their stuff and having to foot the bill themsleves, if they are charging for shipping from their own website? Also, it forces people to go the Forgeworld website to get that book, and while you're there, you might as well pick up some of those really cool new models they just released....

01-24-2012, 09:28 PM
I don't think they are doing badly, quite the opposite in fact, but where is the sense in them letting GW do free shipping of their stuff and having to foot the bill themsleves, if they are charging for shipping from their own website? Also, it forces people to go the Forgeworld website to get that book, and while you're there, you might as well pick up some of those really cool new models they just released....

Oh... I see... So now GW is making me pay for their advertisement? Sounds about right.. :eek:

01-25-2012, 01:32 AM
Let's put this in perspective. Before you could buy one small fraction of the FW range, the books, from GW at a cost greater than FW charges everywhere but in the UK, made marginally more palatable by free shipping. Now you just have to buy everything from FW. Oh noes!:rolleyes:

01-25-2012, 02:30 AM
Let's put this in perspective. Before you could buy one small fraction of the FW range, the books, from GW at a cost greater than FW charges everywhere but in the UK, made marginally more palatable by free shipping. Now you just have to buy everything from FW. Oh noes!:rolleyes:

If GW or FW put their prices up 200% I think you would find a way to give the news positive spin. :p

01-25-2012, 03:47 AM
Hardly, I just have a sense of perspective, my sense of self entitlement is under control and I don't feel the need to whine about everything even when it is a complete non-issue. I mean here it will be like four pounds extra on something you only buy once nayway, in Foreign Parts it will be cheaper and buying through FW ensures they get the maximum amount of profits so the problem is what, exactly?

If someone wants to produce a better argument than 'boohoo I have to spend a few pounds extra once per book' I'm listening.

01-25-2012, 04:10 AM
Hardly, I just have a sense of perspective, my sense of self entitlement is under control and I don't feel the need to whine about everything even when it is a complete non-issue. I mean here it will be like four pounds extra on something you only buy once nayway, in Foreign Parts it will be cheaper and buying through FW ensures they get the maximum amount of profits so the problem is what, exactly?

If someone wants to produce a better argument than 'boohoo I have to spend a few pounds extra once per book' I'm listening.


That is all

01-25-2012, 05:22 AM

Personally though I would love to see the option of ordering and paying for all FW items though my local GW store . That would not be too hard to implement and I would think that FW orders would go up. I don't even mind still paying for postage. I suggest that giving customers further options to purchase all GW items is no bad thing. I know I have a habit of impulse buying when I enter my GW store and broadening availability and choice cant be a bad thing ?

I apologise if my previous post came across a bit flamie. That was not my intention I was just rib tickling.

01-25-2012, 06:11 AM
I thought you could order FW things in GW stores and have them sent there for pickup? Maybe they changed that. I wasn't really responding to you, either, I knew you were just teasing, it was just a jab at the 'whine abouy everything no matter how small' culture that seems to permeate the internet these days.:)

01-25-2012, 08:31 AM
You cna't order FW into Gw stores in the same way as you would normal stock.

You can order it on the PC in a GW store, and have the store as its delivery address, but other than a different delivery address its a normal order. Also you have to be friednly with the staff cos they don't like doing it, seeing as they have to sign for it

01-25-2012, 01:08 PM
You cna't order FW into Gw stores in the same way as you would normal stock.

You can order it on the PC in a GW store, and have the store as its delivery address, but other than a different delivery address its a normal order. Also you have to be friednly with the staff cos they don't like doing it, seeing as they have to sign for it

But.. that's how you order normal GW stock too isn't it? Certainly it's the way I've seen everyone doing it...

01-25-2012, 07:15 PM
If you could have ordered FW at your LGS, would you not have to have paid for it first. I know that when I've ordered stuff on the GW computer terminal in store, you have to pay at the same time.

Or would the GW employee signing for said product just want to be responsible for the product?