View Full Version : Necron Doomsday/ Ghost Ark builds

01-19-2012, 09:48 AM
Hi all,

Building my Doomsday Ark slowly and wanted some feedback from those who have already completed the model.

Has anyone built it in modular fashion so as to be one or the other vehicle? If so, could you post pics of where you but magnets or pins so that others can build their kits likewise?

My biggest question: Has anyone entertained the idea of building the vehicle like a Ghost, but then mounting the Doomsday cannon where the troops would be? I feel like the normal Doomsday model is underwhelming by keeping such a cool gun out of sight, so I want to play around with the idea of doing a simple reversal. Has anyone done this?

Thanks in advance.

01-19-2012, 02:10 PM
Look at the video posted for the Necron stuff at battlefoam.com, he did exactly that and has it in that video.

01-19-2012, 03:39 PM
Not a bad video. It looks like he assemble a Ghost Ark with the Cannon replacing the damaged warriors. The only other difference I can discern is that he left the prow off so that it wouldnt be in the way of the cannon. I wonder if the orb piece that goes the rear of the GA or an inverted prow would fit and look good?

Digging his method, I def think it allows for much more appreciation of the gun. Also looks like you could keep the gun modular to use as GA sometimes

01-19-2012, 03:43 PM
It also looks like he cut down the ribs so that they are shorter. Not a bad idea but a tad too much sawing for my time frame right now lol