View Full Version : 2500 Marines

01-18-2012, 10:35 PM
Vulkan Hestan
MotF w/ thunder hammer, bike, combi-melta, digital weapons, servo-harness
10 Man Sternguard Squad, 5 ombi flamers, 5 combi meltas, power weapon, drop pod (deploy with Vulkan)
Venerable Dread heavy flamer, assault cannon, drop pod
Venerable Dread heavy flamer, assault cannon, drop pod
Bike Squad x8 w/ 2x melta-gun, & PF + attack bike w/ multi melta (deploy w/ MotF)
Scout Squad x10, w/ bolt pistol knife, Sgt w/ combi-flamer & PF all camo cloaks
Scout Squad x10, w/ bolt pistol knife, Sgt w/ combi-flamer & PF all camo cloaks
Ironclad Dread 2 HK Missile, dread ccw, melta gun, heavy flamer, seismic hammer drop pod
Ironclad Dread 2 HK Missile, dread ccw, melta gun, heavy flamer, seismic hammer drop pod
Ironclad Dread 2 HK Missile, dread ccw, melta gun, heavy flamer, chain fist, ironclad assault launchers, drop pod


01-26-2012, 07:03 AM
Depends what you mean by effective.
If you are playing an objective based game you only have 3 scoring units.
But generally anything at 2000pts or over you have that many poionts to play with that it doesn't matter if you pick a "sub-par" unit.