View Full Version : Tau: Demiurg

01-17-2012, 12:09 PM
Hey; Since the confirmation of the Demiurg making an appearance in the new Tau codex, does anyone have any experience or tips on building Demiurg?

I was thinking of using forgefather iron warriors and keeping them in plastic and waiting until the dex release.

Any feedback would be hot. Thanks.

01-17-2012, 12:25 PM
I've heard conflicting rumors on what the Demiurg are going to look like. Some say space dwarves and some more recent rumors say space stone dwarves like a golem. Honestly I would wait unless you just really like those models, but I bet the GW ones that release with the codex will blow those out of the water. Plus you don't know what weapons they will have and you want everything to be WYSIWYG right?

01-17-2012, 12:32 PM
SO you're aksing how to "counts as" a model that is only rumoured so far and hasn't even got rules for it.

New low for counts as players

01-17-2012, 12:39 PM
SO you're aksing how to "counts as" a model that is only rumoured so far and hasn't even got rules for it.

New low for counts as players

I'm not up on the lingo but I don't think it's "counts as" but instead "proxy" right?

01-17-2012, 01:33 PM
SO you're aksing how to "counts as" a model that is only rumoured so far and hasn't even got rules for it.

New low for counts as players

Yeah, damn you for playing your plastic dudes as some other plastic dudes in a board game! Didn't you know that that's ILLEGAL in 43 states and 6 countries? Sheesh, the nerve of some people.


^ That link should help out a bit, but just think "squats meet space marines meet mechanicus" and you'll be on your way.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-17-2012, 01:49 PM
SO you're aksing how to "counts as" a model that is only rumoured so far and hasn't even got rules for it.

New low for counts as playersI mean really, I don't see how anyone could possibly enjoy playing with the WRONG plastic toys instead of the RIGHT plastic toys. Very elementary.
I'd recommend waiting for the 'dex to come out so you can see how they're handled, what weapons they have etc. Stick to typical Tau units for now /shrug

01-17-2012, 03:17 PM
Space Dwarves are space dwarves. This is why I suggested keeping them in plastic should they not pan out. Not to mention if the weapons don't work out, I can mod em any way I need em. Makes em more personal that way.

What do I care about 'illegal'? I'm not a tourney player. Moding your mini's makes them more personal.

If they don't look like them? Ok, then they either get the green stuff or they go back in the box and put back on ebay. No biggie.

Modeling wise, ehff GW. If they made affordable interesting mini's, they wouldn't make green stuff, sand paper, and sprue clippers. I'd rather buy bits and build whatever I'm looking for on my own than pay 50 bucks for a broodlord and be upset because it looks standard and unremarkable. GW doesn't dictate to me my imagination. I do. :D

01-17-2012, 03:22 PM
Oh, I forgot... I DO appreciate the input though. I'm just trying to think ahead of the curve... if they DO end up looking like space dwarves, I want to have them before the internet empties out of availability of cool looking modable mini's:rolleyes:

01-17-2012, 03:52 PM
Hey; Since the confirmation of the Demiurg making an appearance in the new Tau codex, does anyone have any experience or tips on building Demiurg?

I was thinking of using forgefather iron warriors and keeping them in plastic and waiting until the dex release.

Any feedback would be hot. Thanks.

Has GW confirmed anything about the next Tau codex ? Let alone actual units. It's all still rumours.

However are you looking to proxy the forge fathers into the current codex and if so what unit are you thinking of using them as ?

I personally hope we do see demiurg but I was also hopeing that the rumours of a giant Necron robot called the necromancer with a crystal in it chest were true too, every rumour monger said it was going to be the "big thing" in the new Necron codex, didn't happen.

Rant over and good luck with your demiurg and post us some pics of your progress :)

01-17-2012, 06:11 PM
As much as I like new races, I really hope they progress the Other races with some serious lore as well. I want vespid to be epic and kroot to be bad ***, and tau sooo awesome no words need to be said about them.

01-17-2012, 08:56 PM
As much as I like new races, I really hope they progress the Other races with some serious lore as well. I want vespid to be epic and kroot to be bad ***, and tau sooo awesome no words need to be said about them.

Tau are too metro to be bad***.