View Full Version : Gale Force Nine

01-17-2012, 07:12 AM
Gale Force Nine (http://www.flamesofwar.com/gf9online_store.aspx?CategoryID=13170) do a range of pre-painted fantasy terrain as part of their Battlefield In A Box line (the line also consists of terrain for use in 15mm WW2 battles which are marked as Flames Of War). Below are a few of my favourite pieces from their line:

Elven Tower (17 inches tall!)

Elven Pillars & Ruins

The Grand Vestibule

The Tree of Woe

01-17-2012, 07:18 AM
Some more pics:


Large Rocky Hill

Ponds (Trees not included)

River Expansion: Island

All come pre-painted and with a small bag of flock which you can apply as you like.

They also do some desert terrain, and for 40k players a box of Tank Traps too. Sadly they no longer seem to do the Rocky Outcrops which I bought from them a while back, hopefully they will bring them back at some point because they are really great for breaking up an area of the battlefield.

01-17-2012, 07:26 AM
The Vestibules quite nice, as is their gothic stuff. Reminds me of the ruins that FW used to do.

Wish there was an unpainted option for a little cheaper. You ever bought from them? WHats the scale like?

01-17-2012, 07:33 AM
The Vestibules quite nice, as is their gothic stuff. Reminds me of the ruins that FW used to do.

Wish there was an unpainted option for a little cheaper. You ever bought from them? WHats the scale like?

I bought the Rocky Outcroppings from them and I have a pic of my recent battle against my friends Eldar army that I can show so you can see the relative scale:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/395024_10150596153676518_593781517_10947791_125480 2770_n.jpg

I've yet to stick the flock on mine (cos I'm lazy), but you get a good idea of the scale the Battlefield In A Box line is made too.

01-17-2012, 07:33 AM
Thanks Brakkart, another company to go on the list that I forgot about.:) Have to agree with DrLove thogh, I'd be much more interested in these if they had an unpainted option as well. I could paint them better and more in keeping with my existing terrain.

01-17-2012, 07:38 AM
My painting skills are not that great, so I prefer them as they are, but yeah it would be good to offer an unpainted version as well for a little less.

01-17-2012, 04:00 PM
Some nice stuff, thanks Brakkart. I agree with you, I have five armies, not to mention several specialist games, and none of them is fully painted, so painting scenery is pretty low down the list of things to do!

01-17-2012, 08:54 PM
Thanks Brakkart, another company to go on the list that I forgot about.:) Have to agree with DrLove thogh, I'd be much more interested in these if they had an unpainted option as well. I could paint them better and more in keeping with my existing terrain.

Because Eldargal doesn't have a paintbrush and the ability to redo it herself? :P

01-18-2012, 12:45 AM
I'd rather not stuff something I've paint to be pre-painted in paint stripper, scrub it to get all the paint off and then repaint it when I could buy something unpainted to begin with.;)

01-19-2012, 04:59 AM
Actually, the stuff isn't painted too badly, ie, too thickly, so you CAN get away with painting over the top, so long as you aren't being silly and using house paint or a massively thick coat.

01-20-2012, 02:17 AM
But I'm still paying extra for a paintjob I don't want.:) So I still wish they gave the option of buying them unpainted. I wouldn't have thought it would be that much effort for them.

03-28-2013, 10:16 AM
Thought I'd add to this thread as I've just had a parcel arrive with my order from GF9 (sent via their UK distributor so next to nothing paid for postage, think it was £3 and that was for tracked next day courier delivery!). I plan on getting a Realm of Battle board at some point and as my Imperial Fists are based with reddish/brown dirt and scrub tufts I'll be doing it up as a red desert to match with them. So with that in mind I got these:




Went for 2 each of the Bluff and Plateau (£20 each) and 1 of the Rocks (£18) to scatter around so that I can have a board that looks a bit like Monument Valley. These are really well made, very solid with a basic but functional paint job. I'll be adding tufts and dirt to mine to spruce them up a bit. I think they are really good value for money.