View Full Version : Bad Kitty

01-16-2012, 10:03 PM
Ever have a cute, cuddly, itty bitty witty kitty jump up on the kitchen table while you were eating dinner and you just say to yourself, "Awww who's a bad little kitty?" before getting the spray bottle to give him or her a little spritz?

Not that I play Tyranids but I feel like I need to get the spray bottle and give GW a sprtiz...

"Q: Does the Doom of Malan’tai’s Spirit Leech ability
affect units embarked in transport vehicles? (p58)
A: No"

Yup makes sense t-

"Q: Does Shadow in the Warp affect psykers who are
taking a Psychic test whilst embarked within a
transport vehicle? (p33)
A: Yes"


Who's a bad kitty... whoooo's a bad, personally I'm not to found of cats...

01-17-2012, 05:23 AM
I'm not sure I follow you on this.

Fluff-wise, does an ability that requires the Doom to pick out individuals work when it can't recognise they are there because all it sees is a big metal box? No

Does a the ability of a Tyranid biofleet that can be felt by the psykers in the next system over affect the abilities of the psykers a few feet from the front line? You bet ya

01-17-2012, 12:24 PM
I'm not sure I follow you on this.

Fluff-wise, does an ability that requires the Doom to pick out individuals work when it can't recognise they are there because all it sees is a big metal box? No

Does a the ability of a Tyranid biofleet that can be felt by the psykers in the next system over affect the abilities of the psykers a few feet from the front line? You bet ya

Along that logic, why doesn't shadows effect the whole table?

01-17-2012, 04:17 PM
Along that logic, why doesn't shadows effect the whole table?

Because the effective range of it is limited by the psychic capacity of the individual creature concerned?