View Full Version : Coppers- Channel 4

01-16-2012, 05:53 PM
Did anybody see this tonight? If not go find it on 4od.
How people put up with that level of abuse day in day out and don't kill the "people" they deal with....

01-16-2012, 09:27 PM
Did anybody see this tonight? If not go find it on 4od.
How people put up with that level of abuse day in day out and don't kill the "people" they deal with....

For those of us not in your part of the world-short summary please?

01-17-2012, 02:33 AM
Showed the routine daily abuse the police deal with, rather than the endless traffic offences they normally show on fly on the wall things. Included a bit from the riots last year.
Also seemed a lot less edited in what the actual police officers were saying on camera.
Found them quite restrained really, I know I couldn't have put up with that.
check the #coppers on twitter for the reaction...

01-17-2012, 06:05 AM
I'll look it up tonight

I've often found that police is one of the professions in any country (particularly the UK and US) where the gulf between the respect they deserve and the respect they get is biggest.

The police will never win under modern governments. If they do too little they get nailed for being useless. If they do too much they get nailed for being excessive. Its like the government has blamed the London riots spreading on the lack of police response. If the police had responded, in an alternate universe they'd have been sued for countless excessive force violations.

****ing hate this species some times.

01-17-2012, 11:03 AM
You can't polish a turd! :)

01-17-2012, 12:38 PM
Watching it now. Its a case for walking round council estates with a heavy machine gun.

My favourite quotes so far are "Yeah I'm 14 and was really drunk, and told them to eff off, but they didn't have to be mean to me" and the mums defense of "yeah they have to clean up but they could be more good about it".

F***ing shoot em all and be done with it

Morgan Darkstar
01-17-2012, 04:15 PM
F***ing shoot em all and be done with it

You know? the frightening thing is that I am inclined to agree with this statement :eek:

01-17-2012, 04:49 PM
Don't say that where someone might hear you, the loony left will pop out and tell us all how it's our fault for not hugging them enough.

(Although I was saying the same while watching it lol)

01-19-2012, 07:16 AM
SNAFU - Sub Normal And Fu$king Useless! :)

01-19-2012, 12:18 PM
How people put up with that level of abuse day in day out and don't kill the "people" they deal with....

It's called "being professional"; it's a trait that requires superhuman personal discipline, and just isn't possible if you're going to react to any kind of insult or threat.

Also, escalating a problem by arguing back is about the dumbest thing you can do - all basic training in conflict resolution teaches about de-escalating situations (because despite the fact we imagine that we can win by being an intimidating badass, that assumes the other person is thinking rationally, not out of their gourd on adrenaline and looking for a fight to get rid of it). One of the first things you learn is that the second you react in anger, you've lost the argument.

Basically, someone's got to be the adult, and it's not going to be these monkeys.

I would imagine that having to deal with it every day would give you an incredibly low opinion of humanity, though.

Don't say that where someone might hear you, the loony left will pop out and tell us all how it's our fault for not hugging them enough.

Speaking as a loony leftist, trust me: it's never our fault. Their parents', yes. But never ours.

In this world, if mum and dad don't love you, or are too weak to stand up to you when you're young, well... you're basically doomed. Unless you have tremendous force of character and a thousand times the will of your luckier peers, you're not going to grow into a well-balanced, useful member of society. You're probably never going to do anything other than repeat what your failures of parents did, and spawn another hopeless, joyless, doomed little creature who'll go off and do the same again, leaving the rest of us to sift through the pieces and either slot you into our society as best we can, or more likely shift you in and out of prisons until you die or are too old to be a threat.

Mums and dads are the only ones to blame. No-one else. Being a parent is the single greatest responsibilty any human can have, and it disgusts me that so very many people make such a dreadful job of it.

The police will never win under modern governments. If they do too little they get nailed for being useless. If they do too much they get nailed for being excessive. Its like the government has blamed the London riots spreading on the lack of police response. If the police had responded, in an alternate universe they'd have been sued for countless excessive force violations.

I quite agree, but it's not just the police; any public sector job is an easy scapegoat for a government wishing to score points or look strong, largely because when you're dealing with an institution funded by tax money, people get a real sense of entitlement about how that institution should work; the "I pay your wages..." syndrome.

I had an argument with a woman claiming that she and her husband paid their taxes and they saw nothing for it. I pointed out that she was 22, and had been employed since 17, so she'd been paying taxes for five years. She also had a child. The birth of a child costs the NHS around £10,000, but because the NHS isn't allowed to say how much anything costs, she just assumed that it was free.

Because doctors work out of the goodness of their hearts, survive on happy feelings and rainbows, and certainly don't need the money to pay off the insane amount of student debt it takes to qualify as a doctor, oh no.

When I pointed out that there was no way she'd paid £10,000 in taxes, and thus technically wasn't paying anyone's wages, and in fact owed the country money for the safe delivery of her child (especially given that even with a doctor present, 1 in 8127 women die in childbirth in the UK), she got a little cross.

01-22-2012, 07:12 PM

01-24-2012, 10:39 AM
When you put it like that^^ lol

Anyone see the muppets on this weeks thrilling instalment?

01-25-2012, 04:09 AM
I did. Again it makes me lose faith in people and the system

You offer a homeless guy 3 hots and a cot for 30 days if he gets drunk what do you think hes going to do?