View Full Version : Thousand Sons Question

01-16-2012, 11:38 AM
IF there's one thing that can be taken as a universal 40k fact, its that no matter what race you are or how many high caliber ballistic weapons they face sergeants never wear helmets.

That in mind what happened to any non pysker Thousand sons who happened not to be wearing their full suit of armour during the rubric?

01-16-2012, 02:29 PM
I wasnt aware there were any non-psyker Tousand Sons. I thought they all had at least some low level latent ability, part of Magnus' mutated geneseed. I could be wrong on that.

01-16-2012, 05:52 PM
Go to the beach on a windy day, fill a bucket with sand and then tip it up.

That's what happened ;)

01-16-2012, 06:56 PM
When Ahriman cast the rubric most if not all the Thousand Sons were feeling there bodies change/mutate and they weren't getting anything out of Magnus so I assume they had a fair amount of fear. What does a warrior do to feel safe? Put his armor on, exactly! It was also a very big deal when Ahriman cast his rubric and I always assumed that they had on all their armor for the ceremony.

But if anyone didn't have their helmet on I imagine two different scenarios.
1. Their helmet magically finds it place since the rubric was bounding them to their armor.
2. The dust blows out and that marine is lost forever.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-16-2012, 07:00 PM
I wasnt aware there were any non-psyker Tousand Sons. I thought they all had at least some low level latent ability, part of Magnus' mutated geneseed. I could be wrong on that.The fluff on that varies; I think it's that older stuff stated the T. Sons had more Psykers than everyone else (but still primarily non-psykers), newer stuff has it that they're entirely psykers. The Rubric fluff was first that all non-psykers became Rubrics, now it's that the weaker psykers became rubrics.

On the original question; there're some awesome pics (I think book covers?) of Rubrics wearing partial helms, revealing a ghostly skull. So maybe that. Orrrr they just disintegrated? Maybe when their planet was covered in daemonic storm clouds they all put on their helmets to be extra careful? It's a mysteryyyyyyyyy

01-17-2012, 04:35 AM
I'm no expert on this area, but the fluff stipulates turning to dust right?

No where does it say (as far as i'm aware) that the armour is empty, except for a little pile of dust in the boots. I can almost imagine them as Sandman (spiderman that is) esque dust golems in their armour. Otherwise what happens when one is shot? Once the airtight seal of the suit is breached, do they just leak out the holes?

01-17-2012, 01:33 PM
I always thought of the Thousand Suns as like the brother in Full Metal Alchemist. Just suits of armor that happen to have their bodies remains and that if the armor is hurt and some dust gets away, who cares! Their souls are in the armor!

02-02-2012, 12:16 AM
Those with non existent or little psychic power were turned into Rubric marines. those with psychic talent found their powers amplified. That's the way it has always been.

The armour acts as a trap for their physical remains, the dust, as well as their souls. If the armour is breached, the soul can escape to the warp.

Newer fluff, but I don't have a source, seems to indicate that a TS Sorceror can recall a soul that has fled the armour by re-sealing the armour, making the only way to truly kill a rubric marine is to obliterate the armour.

02-02-2012, 06:47 PM
Those with non existent or little psychic power were turned into Rubric marines. those with psychic talent found their powers amplified. That's the way it has always been.

The armour acts as a trap for their physical remains, the dust, as well as their souls. If the armour is breached, the soul can escape to the warp.

Newer fluff, but I don't have a source, seems to indicate that a TS Sorceror can recall a soul that has fled the armour by re-sealing the armour, making the only way to truly kill a rubric marine is to obliterate the armour.

Sooo... In this context, unless I'm just reaching, Thousand Sons Rubric Marines are like the Necrons in that nothing can really destroy them unless the armor is completely atomized? That's pretty cool. Lol, I'm invisioning a blue colored gauntlet inching across the battlefield and strangling its enemy like Thing from the Addams Family.

02-06-2012, 02:01 AM
Perhaps on that particular day, when they all gather together to watch this Rubric thingie happen on of the brother marines who happened to eat way to many beans let a good one rip that by some fluke his armour failed to completely filter and they all had to wear helmets to remain conscience.

03-05-2012, 05:11 PM
I rather hope the sorcerers figure out how to make new marines and start trying to take loyal marines prisoner to restock the supply.

03-05-2012, 07:23 PM
That's probably why we don't see any helmutless 1k Sons

05-24-2013, 12:45 AM
I feel like you guys are focusing way to much on the dust factor, like somehow the dust inside the suits creates organs and muscles. I think when they say the thousand sons were turned into dust inside their power armor what they are trying to get across is the loss of their physical form. the armor is magic and contains the essence of the warrior but that if not necessarily a pile of dust. I don't think there is any particular power to the dust, it's just a physical artifact of their firmer self. A rubric wouldn't be bothered by losing an arm. That doesn't work if the soul slips out of any crack in the armor

The Last Lamenter
06-06-2013, 05:49 PM
Meigeall... Go Braves..

06-06-2013, 07:03 PM
I always thought of the Thousand Suns as like the brother in Full Metal Alchemist. Just suits of armor that happen to have their bodies remains and that if the armor is hurt and some dust gets away, who cares! Their souls are in the armor!

Love that show.

06-11-2013, 02:39 PM
Love that show.

That's how I've always perceived the rubrics: some sort of rune in the armor, locking the soul in place and forcing them to be more servile. The body itself is long since gone, any dust in the boots is just the long since decayed remains, but have no bearing on the effect of the rubric itself.

08-12-2013, 04:24 PM
I imagine that had any Thousand Son without psyker powers been without a helmet, that the moment after the Rubric was performed their flesh disappeared, their souls were bound into their armor, and their armor assembled into one complete suit if they weren't all together already.

08-12-2013, 05:28 PM
I imagine that had any Thousand Son without psyker powers been without a helmet, that the moment after the Rubric was performed their flesh disappeared, their souls were bound into their armor, and their armor assembled into one complete suit if they weren't all together already.

Now I really want to model a Thousand Son without a helmet, just a spear of warpflame coming out of the neck socket.

08-12-2013, 05:32 PM
Do it. I want to see something that awesome.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
08-12-2013, 05:40 PM
I recall a book cover with an open-faced helmet on a Thousand Son - had a magicglowyflamey skull.

08-12-2013, 06:21 PM
I recall a book cover with an open-faced helmet on a Thousand Son - had a magicglowyflamey skull.

You sure that wasn't Legion of the Damned?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
08-12-2013, 07:25 PM
You sure that wasn't Legion of the Damned?Found it on the wiki;
But the glowy left spellcasting hand miiiiiiight mean it's merely a sorcerer with a mutant glowy face and a bolter.

The Sovereign
08-12-2013, 07:53 PM
According to the fluff, the sorcerers (i.e. not the rubric marines) have normal, corporeal bodies. In Battle for the Fang, which takes place after Ahriman's Rubric and subsequent exile, the sorcerers are depicted as normal Astartes, though still prone to the occasional mutation.

Edit: As I was. Just double checked that, and the Rubric happens after the Battle of the Fang.

08-13-2013, 07:50 AM
The last book in the Dawn of War omnibus seems to use rubrics when Ahriman and friends find a lost Blood ravens librarian on an exodite world. The description of Ahriman's cohort fits that pic above almost exactly.
Then again, it is also CS Goto, and he has renamed the same Blood Ravens battle cruiser two or three times now in the same c