View Full Version : Personal 3D printing becoming affordable

01-15-2012, 02:21 AM
Someone posted a thread about a $2400 40K Model (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=19316
) and that made me realize - that's more than the cost of your own personal rapid prototyper. So....

Are you into CAD and 3D programming? Got a few grand to spare? You too can now churn out your own plastic dudesmen on the (relatively) cheap.

Buy a 3D printer for as little as $1,500 (>>Click Here<< (http://www.alibre.com/store/c-14-3d-printers.aspx)).

Don't have the volume and cannot justify the cost? No problem. Have someone else print it for you (>>Click Here Instead<< (http://eu.redeyeondemand.com/PR052108.aspx)).


01-15-2012, 08:00 AM
sounds cool , makerbot sells the components for a printer at a much cheaper price i think?

also i dont have acess to the amount of cruched hopes and dreams to make finecast :l

01-15-2012, 03:48 PM
sounds cool , makerbot sells the components for a printer at a much cheaper price i think?l

Makerbot looks cool too. From what I can tell, Makerbot and Alibre's BotMill are more or less comparably priced. They're both the same basic technology, using pretty much identical production methods. Of course, the more detailed you want the final product to be, the more expensive a unit you'll need to buy.

For myself, I'd buy Alibre's 3DTouch printer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EdBtTMaTOg) today, if it weren't for the fact that my wife would kill me. It's moments like these that make me regret buying her that really, really wicked dive knife she wanted for Christmas last year (not to mention all the cutting power tools she wanted this year). :eek: