View Full Version : Deathwatch additions

01-14-2012, 04:25 PM
Looking for some help deciding on chapters for a couple of new Deathwatch members to my collection; an Apothecary, a Dreadnought, and a Champion. Currently my Deathwatch Killteam roster includes the following marines:

Imperial Fist
Space Wolf
Black Templar
Storm Warden
Iron Lord
Blood Angel
Dark Angel

I also converted a Deathwatch Watchmaster from the Raven Guard.

I've tried to model each one with equipment and roles that suit their chapter character (Imperial Fist as heavy weapons, Raptor as a sniper, Space Wolf with lightening claws, Ultramarine in clean-cut classic tactical marine gear, the Black Templar with a chainsword, etc) and I want to continue that concept with these new marines.

For the Dreadnought I was thinking Sons of Medusa or Iron Hands (whichever one I don't use will eventually be included in a terminator squad down the line somewhere). Both chapters have a well known affinity for technology and prosthetic augmentation and would likely embrace internment in a Dreadnought as the ultimate expression of their quest to leave the "weakness of the flesh" behind.

For the Apothecary I was originally thinking Red Scorpions as they are well known to have a strong tradition of Apothecaries as part of their obsession with "purity." However I eventually rejected that idea because the character of their chapter is very poorly suited to service in the Deathwatch, and I actually doubt they would even send marines to serve at all given that just about everything the Deathwatch does/stands for is anathema to their chapter character. I've since landed on the Marines Errant as a better choice as they are known for operating beyond Imperial space with one of the Rogue Trader houses for extended periods and particular note is made both of their Apothecary's excellent and innovative battlefield service in this isolated environment and great experience with Xenos biology encountered in their travels. If anyone can suggest another chapter with strong Apothecary traditions I would be happy to entertain it though.

The last and most difficult decision for me is the Champion, the obvious choice would be a Black Templar, but I already have one in my squad and I don't want to double up on chapters at this point if I can help it. I was thinking of Crimson Fists, Iron Knights, or Executioners as all seem to have similar traditions of excellence in personal combat (notably the Iron Knights as the blurb on them in the Space Marine Codex states they are the only chapter to have won the Feast of Blades competition consecutively). I've also considered the Howling Griffons as I developed a fondness for them after reading about all their misfortune and unwavering nobility in the Badab War. I've also considered a Dark Angel successor such as the Angels of Absolution given the long tradition of swordsmanship and knightly tradition in all Dark Angels lines.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-14-2012, 07:39 PM
I'd recommend Sons-of-Medusa for the Dreadie, since they're a bit less well known. Apoth sounds good.

As for the Champ, perhaps this interpretation of the age old Rainbow Warriors chapter (http://www.philipsibbering.com/wh40k/10-06-01-reimage-rainbow-warriors.shtml)? It's a strong, uncommon look, and would be a fun divergence from 'typical' chapters!

01-15-2012, 04:35 AM
If I remember correctly, the Doom Eagles were also known for swordsmanship (as well as jump packs), so could do well for your champion.

I don't know why, but my brain immediately jumped to the Mortifactors for the Apothecary. As for the Dreadnought... no idea. Maybe the Omega Marines... only time GW ever mentioned them in more than passing was talking about the Dreadnoughts they deployed at Armaggeddon.

01-15-2012, 07:00 AM
Myself I'd go with Sons of Medusa dreadnough as SoM stand out a bit more than Iron Hands and are less well known. Red Scorpions apothecary for the reason you put and Iron Knights champion also for the reason you put about them being the only chapter to have won Feast of Blades twice

01-15-2012, 08:04 AM
As everyone seemed to agree (and it's the direction I was leaning already) I went with a SoM Dreadnought. After some thought I put the chapter colours/insignia on the right knee rather than the shoulder and I think it comes off very well. The apothecary I went with a Marines Errant and also put chapter colours/insignia on the knee-pad because the right shoulder already had the double-helix apothecary symbol (that was some frustratingly tiny detail work let me tell you...).

The Champion remains the odd man out and for now I've left his shoulder blank, but that's actually begun to grow on me as him being a Black Shield. It has some cool potential story elements of a disgraced warrior who takes his Watch vows to atone for something and whose zeal and skills earn him a new chance at redemption and even glory as a Champion of the Watch. It also evokes such classic archetypes as the Black Knight or similar unknown warriors who apear to offer challenge-by-combat in European folklore.