View Full Version : Dreadnaught in Space Marine

01-12-2012, 06:54 PM
So this January we will be getting some more DLC from Relic for the game Space Marine. All they have said so far is we will get a "big metal surprise" in January, and of course we have this nice little picture of a DREADNAUGHT shooting a chaos space marine in the face.

We don't know anything else like if you will be able to actually play as a dreadnaught or just be fighting one in some sort of Exterminatus mode. Although we can say that at the very least you will be able to kill a dreadnaught since the picture has a customized chaos assault marine instead of the chosen of Nemoroth.

My bet is on some sort of new multi-player mode where you can control the dreadnaught.

So is anyone still playing Space Marine? And if not, why? It's gotten allot better since it's release with the addition of Exterminatus, Exterminatus Chaos Unleashed (Bonus wave you fight Killa Kans! :D), and Capture the Flag where there are some seriously intense fights. Anyone else excited for more Space Marine DLC? I know I am.

01-12-2012, 07:19 PM
good game, but too intensive for my current pc, will play more when i get my new laptop.

01-12-2012, 07:47 PM
i enjoy the game it only got better as the dlcs came out. Dread dlc will be awsome i hope i can play as it

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-12-2012, 10:39 PM
My hope is that it'll be something along the line's of Halo's "Juggernaut" gametype - all players fighting against the Dreadnought, whoever kills the Dreadnought becomes the Dreadnought.

01-12-2012, 11:01 PM
I was disappointed the last time I went on to try the new DLC. There was next to no one on line.

01-13-2012, 05:36 AM
You mean the dreadnought is Saxton Hale? must have....

01-13-2012, 11:19 AM
I'm still really enjoying it. I had very low expectations for this game, so was pleasantly surprised when they released a solid, well made shooter that stayed true to the feel of the GW universe and actually made me feel like a marine. The multilplayer mode is still proving fun, though I'm not a huge fan of the exterminatus and capture the flag modes. Looking forward to some dreadnought action.

01-13-2012, 11:29 AM
I'm in the opposite camp. I love Exterminatus with 3 of my buddies on VOIP. And capture the flag I think is the better of the two deathmatch modes simply because it balances out the differences in the roles better.

I hate plasma cannons btw.

01-15-2012, 10:45 AM
I'm in the opposite camp. I love Exterminatus with 3 of my buddies on VOIP. And capture the flag I think is the better of the two deathmatch modes simply because it balances out the differences in the roles better.

I hate plasma cannons btw.

Yea plasma cannons are rough. I really enjoyed the campaign, it was solid and finally felt like a fluff marine. Cant wait for the second one(fingers crossed) and hopefully since the engine has been built and works very well it would just be a matter of building new environments and wont take more than a year or so.

01-15-2012, 11:01 AM
Yea plasma cannons are rough. I really enjoyed the campaign, it was solid and finally felt like a fluff marine. Cant wait for the second one(fingers crossed) and hopefully since the engine has been built and works very well it would just be a matter of building new environments and wont take more than a year or so.

By all accounts it has done much better than THQ ever expected, both in terms of sales and critical reception. According to my games designer mate, it looks like they are now making extra DLC beyond what they orignally planned to, so I'd be surprised if there wasn't a sequel.

01-16-2012, 09:12 AM
When I'm having a bad day at work, I rotate 90 degrees to my gaming PC, crank up the volume on the subwoofer and play the maps with the Thunderhammer. Nothing for me is more therapeutic than smashing Ork face with that thunderhammer.

01-16-2012, 09:16 AM
The game makes you feel like a Fluff marine.....

Except for the fact that all Ork Rokkits seem to be the most accurate weaponry in the universe.

01-16-2012, 12:15 PM
Ork rokkits are far too accurate, there should be more fired, but less aim involved

01-16-2012, 12:40 PM
A Dreadnought in SPace Marine? That would be awesome :D. Love the multiplayer and the Exterminatus, good to see others enjoy it too.

01-17-2012, 12:18 PM
I found some more info on the January DLC that might interest ya'll.

From Amazon
"Only the greatest Space Marines and vilest Chaos Space Marines are given the chance to become the heavily armored 20 foot tall Dreadnought. Fight to control the ancient machinery necessary in multiplayer to encase one member of your team inside the walking destructive force that is the Dreadnought. Strike down the Imperium or defend the Emperor on three new multiplayer maps."- Here is a link http://www.amazon.com/Warhammer-40k-Marine-Dreadnaught-Assault/dp/B006WS0ZDQ

So you will be fighting for objectives to put one person from your team into the Dreadnaught. Sweet we actually get to play as a dreadnaught! :D

But wait there is more! We will also be getting new skins for the Iron Hands and Death Guard, pictures attached sorry that's as big as they come. They don't look to impressive but they are small pics so we will see.

01-18-2012, 11:58 AM
Official word from Relic on the new DLC http://www.spacemarine.com/blog-post/dreadnoughts-coming-warhammer-40000-space-marine

I can't wait till the 24th.

Pics from facebook.

01-18-2012, 12:02 PM
sounds sweet multiple capture points and a dread will spawn at one, i wonder how hard they will hit considering they have the power fist. assault cannon/ auto cannon will be fun to use. also new maps wooo!

01-18-2012, 02:46 PM
That sounds brilliant. Plus new free stuff too. They are doing really well with supporting this game.

01-24-2012, 02:13 PM
I don't know if anyone else just caught it - but my Space Marine game was just updated through steam automatically without me buying anything.

01-24-2012, 03:41 PM
I don't know if anyone else just caught it - but my Space Marine game was just updated through steam automatically without me buying anything.

I downloaded the Chaos pack the other day and it took something like 30 seconds. My game designer mate reckons they are patching all the data for the DLC to the game automatically, meaning buying it basically just unlocks the content already installed to your game. Also, the Dreadnought DLC is now available!

01-24-2012, 05:04 PM
Gotten a few rounds in - the dreadnought mode is a lot of fun. Very brutal but a lot of fun.

If the enemy gets the dread, hop in a lascannon devastator because thats about the only thing that can reliably take it down. Thunderhammers with killing blow wont do the trick.

01-25-2012, 12:08 PM
Cheers for the tip. That's my friday night sorted.

01-25-2012, 12:35 PM
The melta gun any good against it?

01-25-2012, 12:42 PM
Haven't tried the meltagun out - but you have to get pretty close with it to shoot and thats insta death. That dread's cannon really puts a hurt on.

01-25-2012, 02:03 PM
I haven't played it yet but I hear that the Melta, Lascannon, and Hammer all can give the dreadnaught a stun. I watched a video and if your team can get all their shots in at the same time the dreadnaught goes down quick so team work is the name of the game.

01-25-2012, 02:51 PM
I also wanted to post this here for you space marine players, Copy and pasted from the Space Marine website from heyzeus45. It's how to use the downloadable skins in the customiser. I made an Ultramarines Chaplain with the legion of the damned helmet and right shoulder pad.

Here's what to do.

>Go to customizer via multiplayer main menu
>Edit appearance
>Select chapter armor you want to use
>Set active appearance
>Go to loadouts
>Switch races a few times, maybe 4-5
>Return to appearance editing
>Try to set active appearance on warband/chapter armor set
>Should go to Appearance 1. Keep switching active appearance, if the plus doesn't move to the chapter/warband armor set, you done it right
>Pick the chapter/warband armor you want
>Try setting AA again, if it doesn't work properly, well done
>Back to multiplayer main menu
>If the armor set you picked is there, well done
>Return to edit appearance
>Appearance 1
>Edit to your heart's content.

Credit to the guy that posted the other forum about this, I'm just highlighting it. Tested and working on Xbox 360 and PS3.

EDIT: This does not work on PC due to the fact that you use a mouse rather than a controller, unfortunately.

Also, the Chosen Of Nemeroth armor is the only color customizable armor out of every set there.

01-26-2012, 11:58 AM
the dreads are really tough, they can heal for some reason lol. it makes it really interesting and when the capture point pops up when its gets bloody fighting for that dread point.

01-28-2012, 03:33 AM
So got a couple of hours in last night and here is my recomendation for anyone thinking of getting it. DO NOT, UNDER CIRCUMSTANCES, BUY THIS DLC. EVER. It is the most broken ***, unfun piece of crap I have played in a long time.

For a start, the actual Dreadnought assault playlist is broken. It just keeps repeatedly telling you you haven't unlocked it, even after re-downloading it. The ony way to actually play it is through the Chaos unleashed playlist.

Secondly the game itself is bugged to hell. On numerous games with different players, I repeatedly expereienced host migration, a problem that has been very rare previously, and there was never any lag or players dropping so I could no reason for the host migration. And in one game, once the dreadnought unlocked, the capture points failed to spawn making the game unwinable.

And thirdly the issue of game balance. The dread itself is unsurprisingly extremely hard to kill (I'm talking five lascannon rounds to the face hard) and it respawns health, meaning you have to do a massive amount of damage to it very quickly. There are only two weapons of any use, lascannon and melta and a halfway decent enemy team will tear you apart on most of the maps. Lascannons have to get too close on most maps to get a LoS and the moment you give away your position with a couple of shots, a flock of thunder hammer death descends on you. Trying to get close with melta kills is of course also extremely hard, not least because of the dread itself. There are a couple of maps where this is less of an issue, and having half full teams helps, but after an hour and half of play, in all but two games the team that got dread first instawon.

I speak as someone, who, up to now, was a big fan of space marine, but having spent 800 MSP on this, I am deeply disappointed. THQ has burned all the good will it built up from this game in one spectacular move. Unless you are a masochist, I implore you not to buy this until it is patched and the bugs and balance are addressed.

01-28-2012, 12:35 PM
Damn Wildybeast sounds like me and you had two completly opposite experiences! Except I couldn't play on the new maps either, we will just have to wait until tuesday and see if it get's fixed. On the other hand If you have freinds who have it you can play a private match with the new maps and they are SWEET! I'll be on the Xbox later tonight so if any one want's to join up and kill some dreads here is my gamertag, MacabreBeasty, feel free to add me.

I've been playing it like crazy since I got it and love it. You can take it down with a lot of things the only weapons that don't do much are the plasma weapons since they are for stripping armor and the dreadnaught is all health. I made quick work of one with the heavy bolter.

The big deciding factor in this mode is your teammates. You have to keep CONSTANT PRESSURE on the sucker. You need thunder hammers at it's feet slamming into it to stagger it while others shoot it from far away. You need someone watching your back when shooting at it because like you said the assault marines start cleaning up devastators.

01-28-2012, 02:46 PM
The big deciding factor in this mode is your teammates.

Exactly my problem with it. If your team mates aren't pretty good players, it is very difficult. From a balance point of view, that is poor game design. Most people in a random match up don't talk to each other, so creating a game that relies on very good coordination is just stupid. All the other game types on there do perfectly well on intuitive teamwork, but that just isn't enough to take the dread down. If you enjoyed it, great, but I think it will leave a lot of people very frustrated for a number of reasons. It certainly left me feeling very cheesed off.

01-28-2012, 06:10 PM
So got a couple of hours in last night and here is my recomendation for anyone thinking of getting it. DO NOT, UNDER CIRCUMSTANCES, BUY THIS DLC. EVER. It is the most broken ***, unfun piece of crap I have played in a long time.

For a start, the actual Dreadnought assault playlist is broken. It just keeps repeatedly telling you you haven't unlocked it, even after re-downloading it. The ony way to actually play it is through the Chaos unleashed playlist.

Secondly the game itself is bugged to hell. On numerous games with different players, I repeatedly expereienced host migration, a problem that has been very rare previously, and there was never any lag or players dropping so I could no reason for the host migration. And in one game, once the dreadnought unlocked, the capture points failed to spawn making the game unwinable.

And thirdly the issue of game balance. The dread itself is unsurprisingly extremely hard to kill (I'm talking five lascannon rounds to the face hard) and it respawns health, meaning you have to do a massive amount of damage to it very quickly. There are only two weapons of any use, lascannon and melta and a halfway decent enemy team will tear you apart on most of the maps. Lascannons have to get too close on most maps to get a LoS and the moment you give away your position with a couple of shots, a flock of thunder hammer death descends on you. Trying to get close with melta kills is of course also extremely hard, not least because of the dread itself. There are a couple of maps where this is less of an issue, and having half full teams helps, but after an hour and half of play, in all but two games the team that got dread first instawon.

I speak as someone, who, up to now, was a big fan of space marine, but having spent 800 MSP on this, I am deeply disappointed. THQ has burned all the good will it built up from this game in one spectacular move. Unless you are a masochist, I implore you not to buy this until it is patched and the bugs and balance are addressed.
I disagree with everything he says about the dlc. It's awesome. The dreadnought takes teamwork to kill, one guy wentt be able to do it. The only thing that is true about what he said is the host migration. It isn't even that bad when it happens. 5 seconds tops.

01-28-2012, 06:13 PM
Ok I get your point now and in that regard it is flawed. The people who don't get what is going on just run around like chickens with their heads cut off. But it is only a matter of time until most people catch on and when you do get balanced teams it's a riot.

01-29-2012, 11:11 AM
I disagree with everything he says about the dlc. It's awesome. The dreadnought takes teamwork to kill, one guy wentt be able to do it. The only thing that is true about what he said is the host migration. It isn't even that bad when it happens. 5 seconds tops.

But why does it happen in the first place? It wasn't a problem before this DLC was released, why is it now? And why isn't the Dreadnought unleashed playlist working? Companies releasing games/content that doesn't work properly simply isn't good enough. If you bought an electrical appliance that stopped randomly stopped working for 5 seconds you would say it was unacceptable and take it back, yet there are so many buggy games released people have lowered expectations and just put up with it. I know full well, as do you, that THQ could have made this without bugs, as the rest of the game didn't have this problem. Instead they have chosen to rush this out without properly testing it, in order to get money. GW got hammered for bad quality Finecast models and I see no reason why a game company should be let off the hook. At least with GW, I could take a finecast model back and swap it for 'working' one, but there'll be no refund on my money form either THQ or Microsoft.

Brass Scorpion
01-29-2012, 11:45 AM
For a start, the actual Dreadnought assault playlist is broken. It just keeps repeatedly telling you you haven't unlocked it, even after re-downloading it. The ony way to actually play it is through the Chaos unleashed playlist. There is a bug that prevents choosing the Dreadnought Assault maps, though it can be played by choosing either Classic or Chaos Unleashed. I've repeatedly asked THQ to fix the problem on their Facebook Space Marine page and so have others, but to no avail. The maps for Dreadnought Assault will appear in random rotation occasionally just like the Chaos Unleashed ones do if you pick Classic, but not nearly as often as when you actually choose those maps as I learned with Chaos Unleashed and since you can't choose the new DA maps they hardly come up. I've yet to play a real game on the new DA maps, every time they come up (which is rare) there's a problem with the game such as virtually no players in it. THQ should be ashamed for releasing it with a bug and not fixing it promptly.

As for play balance, I've seen a Dreadnought last as little as less than 1 minute and as long as about 12 minutes. A game is 15 minutes maximum. Killing the Dreadnought quickly depends on hitting it with the right weapons. It's also more vulnerable from the rear. Teams that protect the Dread from melta guns, lascannons and thunderhammers will have it last a lot longer. Good teams cover the Dread's rear and seek out and destroy heavy weapons firing at it, thus making it last a lot longer.

My biggest complaint is the same as for the tabletop game, people playing have different goals which conflict and ruin the game for some. The first day Dreadnought Assault was live EVERYONE wanted to be the Dreadnought so everyone would fight at the Dread Capture Point and if you played for a while you got to be the Dread repeatedly. By day 3 of the release some people clearly decided they had no interest in being the Dread, just in keeping the other team from getting it. So they sit back and barrage the Dread Capture Point with Heavy Plasma and Heavy Bolter fire, destroying the opposing team at no risk to their own since there's no friendly fire, thus ensuring their team gets the Dread and wins. For those of us who are only really playing the game for a chance to play as the Dread, it's really fun spoiler. If I just wanted to play a regular game and try to win, I'd go back to Seize Ground or one of the other variants like the new Capture and Control. Within the first day or two I got to be the Dreadnought about 8 times, on the third day not at all thanks to the heavy weapons barrage that began to appear in most games. On the fourth day after release I stopped playing Dreadnought Assault entirely.

Brass Scorpion
02-02-2012, 11:34 PM
The bug is fixed!!! Or so it appears. For the past 24 hours I've been able to select the Dreadnought Assault maps from Playlist for any type of multi-player game. Unfortunately, it appears most people gave up on it during the 2 weeks the bug prevented that, so far there are 0 games available using them for Seize Ground, etc. when I select them. I'm hoping by letting everyone know this has been fixed that more people will try including them in their map rotation selection from Playlist for multi-player online Versus games.

02-02-2012, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the update!

02-03-2012, 08:11 AM
I haven't been the dreadnought yet. I find its much more fun to go hunt those ******* plasma spammers while the capture point is active.

02-03-2012, 11:26 AM
About bloody time. Bad enough they release a broken peice of crap in the first place, but then taking two weeks to fix it is ridiculous. I'll give it a go tonight and see if anyone is on that playlist

02-03-2012, 11:32 AM
I haven't been the dreadnought yet. I find its much more fun to go hunt those ******* plasma spammers while the capture point is active.

I love to do this to. Serves them right.

02-03-2012, 12:28 PM
I love to do this to. Serves them right.

I really wish that they would tone down the plasma cannon in that game.