View Full Version : Badab war conversions

01-12-2012, 06:31 PM
Who has made models for the Badab war characters? ive made Vaylund cal and i use Titus with my Sons of Medusa bc it makes sense to have a venerable dreadnought char for them. ill post a pic of them later

01-13-2012, 09:22 AM
I made my Vaylun Cal with a GK terminator and added a techmarine backpack post a picture later when i get home

01-13-2012, 09:59 AM
I've done a whole bunch, in fact I got a little cazy.

I started with an Astral Claw/Tyrant Legion list. I coverted a whole bunch of corpse taker servitors out of spacewolf/cadian and wargames factory bits.

I did the Auxilia conscripts out of wargames factory shock troops and cadians.

I used some ramschackle games quad bikes as the basis for Iron Hunters, and used Ramshackle's Iron Grumbler as the basis for rhinos, but also for a Medusa.

I converted Valthex (AC Master of the Forge) out of a tech priest and a tech marine kit.

I went waaaay over the top with conversions and use of non-gw models. It was a very fun project.

Try to get some pics up later.

01-13-2012, 12:32 PM
I made my Vaylun Cal with a GK terminator and added a techmarine backpack post a picture later when i get home

ours sounds very similar lol ima post pics tommarow