View Full Version : Titan close combat weapon

01-10-2012, 11:06 PM
So a Titan's close combat weapon gives the Titan plus 3 Attacks along with the Destroyer rule. So how about 2 close combat weapons? Plus 6 Attacks?

I've just got this image of a "Furioso" style Titan in my head.

01-11-2012, 12:54 AM
Indeed it would be awesome to see, however with so many threats to the titan itself, most people keep them with a range weapon load-out. And titan ccws are really only good against other titans/creatures.:mad:

01-11-2012, 03:40 AM
As Mr. Picklez pointed out it is entirely possible. Speaking from experience with my Warlord, Monstrous Creatures and mass thunderhammer/powerfists will tear through Titans in short order. Gargantuan creatures are even more punishing. Other superheavy walkers are a fair match up (if you call pitting a warlord against a stompa a fair match up! The stompa has a fairly even chance of winning) and other superheavies are like paper infront of a TCCW, but the low WS and I make titans very vulnerable, despite high AV

01-11-2012, 08:35 AM
It's probably best when used on a Phantom, as its TCCWs have guns (albeit weeny ones), it is very hard to hit for regular troops in colse combat and, most importantly, its Towering Monstrosity rule doesn't forbid using its TCCW against normal targets (it's also WS/I 3).

01-11-2012, 11:09 AM
I run Imperial Titans. I have two Reavers and two warhounds already. So I have plenty of long range firepower for back up. I haven't lost a Titan yet in battle. I tend to screen the Titans with infantry to avoid the Hammers. Was thinking of putting the TCCW on either a Warhound or a Reaver. Leaning towards a Warhound for mobility and visual effect. I realize of course this is gonna lead to a very large expolosion. One way or the other.
My Legio Angeluis is a Titan Legion founded in Honour of Sanguinius and the Blood Angels. While the vast majority of the Titans are "shooty" I just think it will be kool to have a Titan built for the love of close combat such as the Blood Angels prefer.