View Full Version : Salamander 2000 Mech force

01-10-2012, 02:12 PM
Vulkan He'Stan - 190
Librarian - 100

5 Assault Terminators w/TH+SS - 200
Land Raider Redeemer+ MM + EA - 265

Dreadnought w/MM and HF in Drop Pod - 150

Tactical Squad w/Flamer, Combi-Flamer, and MM in Rhino - 215
Tactical Squad w/Flamer, Combi-Flamer, and MM in Rhino - 215
Tactical Squad w/Flamer, Combi-Flamer, and MM in Rhino - 215

Land Speeder w//MM + HF - 70
Land Speeder w//MM + HF - 70
Land Speeder w//MM + HF - 70

Predator w/AC+LC - 120
Predator w/AC+LC - 120

Total: 2000

Vulkan, Libraian, and 5 AT's all jump in LRR and go after big baddies. I like the suicide Drop Dread because it has 8/9 to hit on MM at 12 inches (better range than melta) and has 50% chance of causing a penetration roll on a Land Raider! At 2000 pts, most of the people in my area tend to take a nice shiny toy such as Land Raider, etc. that will make it worth my while to try to destroy. The pay-off is just so good if it works and not that much of a loss if it doesn't.

I like to match my special and combi-weapon on Tac squads to maximize what I'm shooting at. For me, Tacs all have Bolters which are an anti-infantry weapon. I prefer to enhance this (especially since I'm not combat-squading) with more anti-infantry hence the flamers. It's also nice to have a TL-MM in your back pocket if absolutely critical!

I was thinking about Attack Bikes, but I don't have any bodies in the open. I like AB's if you have a decent amount of foot Marines (particularly heavy weapons guys) on the boad because then you're saturating bodies. I love the Land Speeders flexibility though in having both MM and HF even if I have to pay more. Deep strike is also an option. So I went with the Speeders cause they are vehicles.

Finally, I just have 2 good ole Predators for transport killing. They may not be mobile, but I need them to cover the board and pop transports of nasty melee armies out there. Preds are better against AV 12 than Rifleman Dread IF the Preds can fire all weapons being stationary. I plan to hopefully cover 2 main sight angles with the Predators for an initial kill zone.

I have a lot of Flamers and Heavy Flamers that re-roll to wound. I actually don't have any regular meltaguns, but instead have lots of Multimeltas who have better range.
