View Full Version : 1500 Salamander Mech+Dreads Help

01-09-2012, 11:54 AM
I'm restarting marines again and have been reading up extensively and talking with people. This is my first list so be easy on me!


Vulkan - 190
5 Assault Terminators - 200
Land Raider Redeemer + Multimelta + Extra Armor - 265

Dreadnought w/2 Twin-Linked Autocannons - 125

***Dreadnought w/Multimelta and Heavy Flamer - 115***

Tactical Squad of 10 in Rhino w/Meltagun, Multimelta, Sergeant w/Combi-Melta and Powerfist - 245

Tactical Squad of 10 that will Combat Squad - 220
- 5 men w/Flamer, Sergeant w/Combi-Flamer in Razorback w/Heavy Bolters
- 5 Men w/Missle Launcher

Landspeeder w/Multimelta and Heavy Flamer
Landspeeder w/Multimelta and Heavy Flamer
Total: 1500

***Vindicator is another option. Please advise based on tactics below****


Firebase or own objective holder is composed of "Rifleman" Dreadnought and Combat Squad with Missle Launcher will go after enemy transports first and foremost.

Razorback Flame squad can either hang back with firebase and support with HB and couter-attack or go forward with LRR and Rhino.

The LRR w/Termis and Vulkan and Melta/Fist Tactical Rhino are geared towards advancing as necessary, but could be used in counter-attack against a real aggresive opponent. I put the Powerfist in this squad cause I know it will get up close and personal and will be the objective grabber. The Razorback with flamers could advance as well and provide anti-infantry.

Landspeeders w/MM and HF can do basically everything. Deepstrike, flank, or counter-attack as necessary. Love their versatility!

As for the choice between MM/HF/DCCW Dreadnought vs. Vindicator. Both would be supporting the firebase first to counter deep strikers and flankers. The MM/HF Dreadnought can provide assault power which is lacking for the firebase. Otherwise, he can advance and serve as a semi-distraction or as a second line in the advance. The Vindicator would in theory help counter deepstriking Terminators or present an intimidating template against any advances. However, I'm prepared either way for the Dread or the Vindicator to probably become the main target of a deepstrike, but that's okay since they won't be going after my more important stuff.

Which functions better in this list Vindicator or MM/HF Dreadnought? Overall thoughts on the list?

Thanks in advance!