View Full Version : 1500 Space Wolves, Too much?

01-09-2012, 12:07 AM
‎1500 Wolves, Thoughts? Comments? Criticisms?

HQ: Rune Priest [Living Lightning, JOTWW, Chooser, Melta Bombs]
Elites: Wolf Scouts x5 [Melta]
Elites: Wolf Guard [CombiMelta, Melta Bombs] x5
Troop: Grey Hunters x10 [Melta, Melta, Rhino]
Troop: Grey Hunters x8 [Melta, Rhino]
Troop: Grey Hunters x5 [Melta, Razorback /w TL-Las]
Troop: Grey Hunters x5 [Melta, Razorback /w TL-Las]
Troop: Grey Hunters x5 [Melta, Razorback /w TL-Las]
Heavy: Long Fangs x5 [4x Missle Launcher]
Heavy: Long Fangs x5 [4x Missle Launcher]
Heavy: Long Fangs x5 [4x Missle Launcher]

Just too spammy? Glaring Weaknesses? I'm making the plunge and could use a hand.

01-09-2012, 05:05 AM
For a hardcore competitive list? It's what everyone has been running with success.

For a friendly match? Total dickery.

That said, this sort of build has been marginalized in terms of its viability due to newer codexes. Grey Knights simply do this exact build better with psybacks and Dreads and Scarab Swarms will be on you so fast it will make your head spin. IMHO wolves players need to go back to the basics of how the codex was written to be played; this means essentially strong shooting with an above-average assault punch. Those little 5-man units aren't going to cut it against GK.

03-06-2012, 03:58 PM
I would definitely recommend full 10 man squads of GH. The ability to pump out 16 bolter shots and 2x melta (or plasma) is amazing and then when they are charged you still get 30 attacks! I'd take 1 or 2 small squads in razorbacks to add to your anti tank and you can use those guys to get objective while the rest of your army puts the pressure on your opponent. supported by the LF which I would run exactly like that you are going to have one scary list.

Personally I love drop pods. I know they arent the most competitive choice but they are fun and can be devastating.

anyways take from this what you will lol


03-06-2012, 05:40 PM
It's a good list, for friendly and tournament games. If your friends gripe about it, tell them to get better ;)

There's a few things I would change though. I would definitely go with Lascannon/TL Plasmagun on the Razorbacks. Not only is it more firepower, but if you have a gun destroyed then the tank can keep firing!

I would then drop the Meltabombs on the Rune Priest and the Razorback Wolf Guard for a Wolf Standard on each of your Rhino units. This gives them a fantastic boost of usefulness for a turn, and I can guarantee that you will use the Standards more than those Meltabombs.

03-06-2012, 06:49 PM
If you have to ask if it's too spamy, it probably is. Have you tried a "get in close, kick you in the teeth, throttle your neck" Space Wolf army?

03-07-2012, 02:45 PM
I would have to agree with the person above, combine a squad or two and put them in a drop pod, makes for tons of fun with a lot of pressure on your opponent early.