View Full Version : Is filing dangerous?

01-08-2012, 01:05 PM
Right now im working on filing down a metal model(quite possibly my last one) for an extensive conversion. Know im wondering. Is filing both metal or plastic models dangerous. like dust and stuff? Like inhaling it or so. Same with shavings.

01-08-2012, 01:21 PM
I suggest you avoid snorting it like cocaine:rolleyes:.

Unless you're using a power tool that can kick up the filings into the air, you're probably ok. I'd still do it outside if possible, just because it's easier to clean up that way.

01-08-2012, 02:18 PM
I am sorry . . . but when I read the title this came into my head!

No, but its a great way to organise things!

again sorry.

01-08-2012, 05:30 PM
Bad pun is bad.
Also what about green stuff?
It says on it it is dangerous.

01-08-2012, 06:34 PM
That's just a general purpose cover-your-arse thing.

To cater for that small percentage that MIGHT have a reaction to it (epoxy putties can irritate the skin) and who DON'T read the instructions.

ALL dust is bad in regards to inhalation. ALL DUST.
Resin dust is not poisonous in itself (though the ingredients that make it up might be, when combined they are pretty much neutralised). It's more the shape of the dust particles than anything of a chemical nature.

If you're inhaling metal dust, then you're working TOO CLOSE TO IT and stop huffing it.

Wear a dust mask if you are worried about dust.
Vacuum the area or use a wet sanding procedure to minimise dust.

01-08-2012, 11:49 PM
That's just a general purpose cover-your-arse thing.

To cater for that small percentage that MIGHT have a reaction to it (epoxy putties can irritate the skin) and who DON'T read the instructions.

ALL dust is bad in regards to inhalation. ALL DUST.
Resin dust is not poisonous in itself (though the ingredients that make it up might be, when combined they are pretty much neutralised). It's more the shape of the dust particles than anything of a chemical nature.

If you're inhaling metal dust, then you're working TOO CLOSE TO IT and stop huffing it.

Wear a dust mask if you are worried about dust.
Vacuum the area or use a wet sanding procedure to minimise dust.

I didnt think of the wet part. TY.

01-09-2012, 01:55 AM
like darklink said unless your using power tools or those massive files (the ones for woodwork ) you should be fine :)

01-09-2012, 01:23 PM
Also what about green stuff?
It says on it it is dangerous.

I wouldn't recommend eating it, but other wise it is fine to use with bare hands. I'd recommend having a small bowl of water near by to dip your fingers/sculpting tools in as it can get a bit sticky

01-09-2012, 02:24 PM
If you start using greenstuff and your hands catch on fire, then I suggest you stop. If nothing happens, you're good to go.

01-10-2012, 12:59 AM
Filing Forge World resin is definitely unhealthy, but supposedly Finecast isn't. Metal and plastic are no more dangerous than any other large, mostly-inert particles. Avoid breathing them if you can, but they're not going to give you Cancer Of Instant Death.

I wouldn't recommend shaping Green Stuff with your bare hands though. You'll leave fingerprints in it!

I am sorry . . . but when I read the title this came into my head!

No, but its a great way to organise things!

again sorry.

Paper cuts kill.

01-10-2012, 03:17 AM
FW resin is no more dangerous than any other plastic or Finecast either, according to their resin tips pdf and people asking on their Facebook page every so often. Avoid breathing in it because it might cause respiratory irritation but that is pretty much it.

I managed to stab myself with a nail file once.

01-10-2012, 10:49 AM
Filing Forge World resin is definitely unhealthy, but supposedly Finecast isn't. Metal and plastic are no more dangerous than any other large, mostly-inert particles. Avoid breathing them if you can, but they're not going to give you Cancer Of Instant Death.

I wouldn't recommend shaping Green Stuff with your bare hands though. You'll leave fingerprints in it!

And what exactly do you have to support this assertion? As far as I'm aware its no more dangerous than breathing in wood dust - not advisable but tiny amounts won't do much/any harm
As for green stuff, just use the flat end of the sculpting tool to smooth out any prints and it's fine, no need to faff around with gloves and such like.

01-10-2012, 12:02 PM
I managed to stab myself with a nail file once.
Me, too. I was using the pointy end to get some paint out from under my fingernails, and I sneezed. The point didn't to too deep, but it did get under my nail a bit, and there was some blood. Those things are dangerous.

01-10-2012, 02:56 PM
Huh, I was sure I remembered reading in the Forge World "WORKING WITH RESIN" article that it was toxic. That's two brainfails in one day; I must be getting old (despair, despair).

I do know for sure that working with FW resin has been banned from all my local area's GWs, by order of area management, on the grounds of safety (one Chaos DKoK player was most cheesed off that day), but that may well have been the "offical line" to cover up for them not wanting you to sit there building and painting models you can't buy at the in-store counter...


I think that's quite enough enough getting-away-from-the-original-question out of me. We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic.

01-10-2012, 11:28 PM
Well at least that makes sense, I stabbed myself in the thigh somehow.

Me, too. I was using the pointy end to get some paint out from under my fingernails, and I sneezed. The point didn't to too deep, but it did get under my nail a bit, and there was some blood. Those things are dangerous.