View Full Version : 750 GK list

01-07-2012, 11:11 AM
Hello hello (my first post)
I. Need help building a list for a 40k free 4 all. Rules are 750 point, kill point, if your Hq kills a model you get a point ( if your hq runs in and kills 30-50 people you get 30-50 point), if you kill a Generals you get 5 points (1 hq per army). Most games are won around 15-25 points. Last NO name characters (even unit upgraded name characters). about 5-6 people are playing

I have blood angels, orks, grey knights, and ig.

I was looking at
Librarian w vortex of doom
Vin assassain
2x 5 man strike
Heavy unit 4 psycannon
1 techmarine
Bolster and sit my eggs in one basket. The librarian deep strikes vortex and kills as much as he can (general) I am hoping the blood angel player is there. Just deep strike after him and vortex his general.

Ork I was looking at war boss w/ bike
Nob on bikes
Boys w klaw
If the warboss kills a lot it maybe gold

It's IG shoot