View Full Version : Lucius the eternal. Is he really eternal?

01-06-2012, 09:27 PM
Okay so I have been reading up on my chaos Codex and looked at Lucius. Now it says he takes over the body of whoever slayed him. Now hear me out im going off on a long shot here. What if a tank were to flip over on top of him and explode killing him in the process. What would happen? Would he take over the dead body of the driver? Or the guy who flipped the tank? Or would he actually be dead?

01-06-2012, 10:10 PM
Okay so I have been reading up on my chaos Codex and looked at Lucius. Now it says he takes over the body of whoever slayed him. Now hear me out im going off on a long shot here. What if a tank were to flip over on top of him and explode killing him in the process. What would happen? Would he take over the dead body of the driver? Or the guy who flipped the tank? Or would he actually be dead?

So like if he were down to 1 wound, assaulted a vehicle, it exploded and the result killed Lucius? um...Tzeentch would laugh his *** off?
(because yeah, this really does sound like he'd be dead-dead in that instance)

01-06-2012, 10:15 PM
I am looking at this from both the actual board game and a fluff perspective. Would he actually be dead? Or would Slaanesh be all like NO you take over that guy's body?

01-06-2012, 10:56 PM
Well, fluffwise he takes over his killer's body only if the killer feels any sort of triumph. I'm guessing that means that if he gets pasted by artillery or brought down by Crons or Nids, he's SOL.

From a gaming perspective this doesn't happen, but I'm hoping it will in the next Codex. Something like if he is killed by a non-vehicle model, that model is replaced by Lucius on a 2+ or something. After all, there's that Cron character whose name escapes me at the moment who can possess his buddies when he dies.

the jeske
01-07-2012, 01:31 AM
stomped by a titan that doesnt even notice . random fire other then from a snipe[who may actualy see what he is shoting at] , mines etc . If it doesnt have a soul it wont work . + the soul transfer wouldnt probably work marked people . So killed by a saint ? no transfer. alfa++ lvl psyker no transfer . exalted champion of another god . no transfer . demon no trasnfer . any form of elder [their souls are protected from any form of switching] etc. So yeah he is more like eternal in melee and only against humans more or less.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-07-2012, 08:31 AM
Remember that Slaanesh gave him that power since he's a favorite plaything. If it isn't enough to save him, undoubtedly Slaanesh would break the power's 'rules' and bring him back anyways. There've been a couple've mentions of Chaos Space Marines revived from 'death', after, their souls plucked from the warp.

01-07-2012, 10:36 AM
well the tankl pilot, even if hes dead!

01-07-2012, 01:45 PM
stomped by a titan that doesnt even notice . random fire other then from a snipe[who may actualy see what he is shoting at] , mines etc . If it doesnt have a soul it wont work . + the soul transfer wouldnt probably work marked people . So killed by a saint ? no transfer. alfa++ lvl psyker no transfer . exalted champion of another god . no transfer . demon no trasnfer . any form of elder [their souls are protected from any form of switching] etc. So yeah he is more like eternal in melee and only against humans more or less.

Now im going even farther. All Ig tanks have the machine spirit so would the tank turn into lucius? WOULD HE GET A CANNON OUT OF HIS CHEST?! I know that is going way out there but still the soul thing is there.

01-07-2012, 05:31 PM
What if he committed suicide? Zombie Lucius?

01-07-2012, 06:10 PM
From a fluf point of view, this is very easy to deal with. It is a long established, unwritten rule, that special characters killed in battles are not really dead, just incapacitated in some way and they recuperate later. So if Lucius is killed by a shell, Titan foot etc then whilst he is removed from the game table, he isn't actually dead, rather 'removed as a casulty'. In terms of actual rules, I'm not sure how it works.

01-07-2012, 08:54 PM
I'm pretty sure Lucius only replaces the model that killed him in CC, meaning that you can burn him at range without worry he'll be getting back up during that game.


01-08-2012, 02:23 PM
Now im going even farther. All Ig tanks have the machine spirit so would the tank turn into lucius? WOULD HE GET A CANNON OUT OF HIS CHEST?! I know that is going way out there but still the soul thing is there.

Lucius the Eternal Tank FTW! :D That would be even more awesome than Squirril Girl!

But if I recall correctly, Lucius's special power only works in hand to hand, so the obvious solution is to shoot him with laser cannon until he goes away.:)

edit. Decided to do somehting strange and actually look at the Codex. Under the new rules, for every armor and invulnerable save Lucius makes in hand to hand, the unit causing the wound immediately takes a Strength 4 hit that ignores armor saves. Apparently he deflects the blows in such a way that they rebound and hit the attacker, only even stronger! Nasty.