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01-04-2012, 05:39 PM
How is everyone using there c'tan shards? Currently im doing a shard with the entropic strike or whatever and the world scape. My combo is using the crypteks with the tremor staff and causing units to be in difficult terrain and the shard should make it dangerous so i hope this works well. Also can all my crypteks take the staffs?

01-04-2012, 09:47 PM
Yes, you can take five Crypteks for every Overlord in your list and give them all tremorstaves.

01-04-2012, 10:36 PM
ill probably only take 4 but idk. sounds like a good combo

01-05-2012, 12:15 AM
Not that Entropic Strike isn't great, but when you have 4-5 attacks rolling 2D6 penetration at S7 it really offers little if any benefit. Average dice rolls will glance or pen AV14 without trouble.

The better option is Lord of Fire, the anti-melta rule. By making all flame based weaponry nearby a deadly weapon, your opponent is going to start questioning his melta-spamming anti-tank strategy. Especially since unlike Gets Hot, models carrying the weapons don't get saves or even take wounds--they are removed from play entirely (and it even works against vehicle weapons too!).

Plus, it's dirt cheap. It's the cheapest option in the codex, and just like WW works as a supreme tactical denial upgrade.

The only problem is that just like several other units, the logistics of getting it into that key 12" range are difficult to reliably account for. But if your plan is to put him on near a crucial objective backed with vehicle or massed infantry support, expect him to get plenty of opportunities to use both of his abilities.

01-05-2012, 11:59 AM
Monoliths can work well for re-deploying your C'tan.

01-05-2012, 01:42 PM
I love that idea! I haven't run C'tan for a few reasons, mainly because I lake a suitable model. I might have to keep my eyes peeled and pick one up.
What about the shooting upgrades? The large str4 blast doesn't seem too shabby, especially if you're lacking antihorde. Might also give your C'tan something to do while it's trying to get into assault.

01-05-2012, 02:43 PM
I love that idea! I haven't run C'tan for a few reasons, mainly because I lake a suitable model. I might have to keep my eyes peeled and pick one up.
What about the shooting upgrades? The large str4 blast doesn't seem too shabby, especially if you're lacking antihorde. Might also give your C'tan something to do while it's trying to get into assault.

In a proxy game I played, the Shooty C'tan worked great. it is formidable in CC and just put out a large amount of low strength shots (pie plate plus a bunch of direct shots). It is a 'jack of all trade' C'tan. I used him to support a squad of Tesla Immortals. The combination was a some intense firepower. (also had a cryptek with termorstaff).

01-05-2012, 02:58 PM
Staves are not like the other options. You cannot be a harbinger without taking the appropriate stave. You can them trade the stave for one of the unique pieces like the harp or veil.

01-05-2012, 09:50 PM
Staves are not like the other options. You cannot be a harbinger without taking the appropriate stave. You can them trade the stave for one of the unique pieces like the harp or veil.

Actually you still keep the tremorstave when you get the harp or seismic cube. The only exchanging that goes on is the staff of light gets substituted for 'x' when the Cryptek gets upgraded to a Harbinger of 'y'.

Regarding the shooting attacks, I like Pyreshards because it is the cheapest and still decent. BS 5 is better when you don't roll the scatter die so you'll consistently hit more with it. The range is 6" shorter, which is a drawback, but I like saving the points and rolling 8 dice and hitting on a 2+ personally.

01-06-2012, 12:32 AM
Oh boy.... I can't find a use for these dudes.

there's the generic worldscape/meltapower mix which is effective but gimmiky...

One idea I'd like to try out is the 8 shot ranged gun and make the C'tan Entropic :D

01-06-2012, 01:03 AM
ill keep the world scape upgrade the large blast sounds promising bc i do have a lack of anti horde.

01-07-2012, 06:33 AM
Oh boy.... I can't find a use for these dudes.

there's the generic worldscape/meltapower mix which is effective but gimmiky...

One idea I'd like to try out is the 8 shot ranged gun and make the C'tan Entropic :D

I did not think at all to try this! Shooting entropic strike, seems so simple, they already have a shooting entropic strike cryptek power, but it's one shot a turn meh, this seems like this is SWEET! The opponent will be trying to slim down your scarabs then BOOM, land raider gone via the Ctan of DOOOOOM! :) I am now going to frantically list build to attempt to use this, thank you for your time.

01-07-2012, 06:34 AM
... and I open my codex to find:

"All of the C'tan's CLOSE COMBAT attacks cause..."

Ah hem, back to the drawing boards...

01-07-2012, 08:19 AM
... and I open my codex to find:

"All of the C'tan's CLOSE COMBAT attacks cause..."

Ah hem, back to the drawing boards...

That was the quickest OMG to NOOOOO transition I've had in a while.

01-07-2012, 08:38 AM
Haha thanks!
I had my Codex sitting almost 2 feet away from me and I immediately grabbed it it check the points costs on those two abilities. And then the "Mother of God" moment hit.

01-07-2012, 11:17 AM
If that worked omg u know all ctan would just fly around and just be like " hey nice armor 3 rhino!" lol......if only that worked

01-07-2012, 12:12 PM
If that worked omg u know all ctan would just fly around and just be like " hey nice armor 3 rhino!" lol......if only that worked

This doesn't mean the C'Tan aren't useful.
They are still monsterous creatures, ignore terrain checks, 4+ inv, T7, S7, 5A on charge, annnnnd get 2 powers.

Plus they can use the Monolith as a 'transport'. Yes, at that point, you are dumping a lot of points into monoliths and C'tan... but 3 C'tan and 3 Monliths sounds overbearing to me...

Especially if you take Night Scythes with 15 warriors (knock off a few to add characters).

01-08-2012, 11:04 PM
Oh i know they are useful, im just trying to figure out the second upgrade for mine i will be using world scape but 2nd idk yet

01-13-2012, 11:44 AM
The best upgrade WOULD be Wings/Flight/Jetpack. With everything being so mobile in the codex, I'm suprised this wasn't added. I think that having to footslog is the thing that will always hold this unit back.
This weekend, my buddy and I are playing in a 2500pt team game. He's using something like Immotek, Monolith, Ctan with World/Fire and lots of min size Warriors with crypteks/tremorstaves, while I'm running DEATHWING! We're hoping that we'll be able to reduce incoming fire on the terminators with night fight and then slow their retreat with tremor staves. I will let you know how it all turns out and how the C'tan performs.

01-16-2012, 08:46 AM
With the FAQ now out, I do believe you will see a lot more WWS C'tan out there with spamming tremor staves. I am totally doing this.

01-16-2012, 08:54 AM
With the FAQ now out, I do believe you will see a lot more WWS C'tan out there with spamming tremor staves. I am totally doing this.

I noticed this. Or that HQ which gives it to everyone on turn 1.

A combo that means you have to stand still or 1/6 of your army dies? Dickish....assault armies are going to suffer.... Draigowing is f%$Łed

I can see it getting more common.

01-16-2012, 11:35 AM
Yes I agree. It is about time that a non-imperial codex got a little power. The whole "omg omg omg everything in my codex is awesome i can't fail at any list i make !!11!!!!* Grey Knights business really was getting old.

As far as the original thread goes, I can't imagine you will see any other type of C'tan. If you look at the costs of the abilities, it comes in pretty cheap and pretty powerful. A passive game changer like Writhing Worldscape is just too good on a model that is already pretty beastly.
I think out of this FAQ you should see two more competative builds besides the "Scarab Farm" business. I reckon you will see a lot more Immotek+Chromo lists, considering I didn't run one because I don't feel like arguing with my friends every time I play. A secondly, C'tan/Okrian/Tremor spam.
I don't see the Scarab farm list losing much power because most people didn't conga line anyways.
Go figure, a codex with more than one build!!! WOO!

01-23-2012, 08:11 AM
I've used writhing world scape a good bit lately and it's come off as useless. The enemy will just sit back and wait for me to come into range of his guns. One of those things that sounds good on paper but not as effective in practice.

The Twilight Fade
01-23-2012, 08:33 AM
I've used writhing world scape a good bit lately and it's come off as useless. The enemy will just sit back and wait for me to come into range of his guns. One of those things that sounds good on paper but not as effective in practice.

But thats a good thing, forcing an opponent to sit back and fire is what necrons prefer.

You'll always get a reanimation against shooting (unless the squad is wiped out by if ofc) where as necrons still fail in assault and have chances of losing RP tokens and even the entire squad to sweeping advance.

01-23-2012, 01:31 PM
If you make your opponent change their tactics then it is not useless. If they have assault units that are not moving, they are not assault you and you can shoot them to pieces. Also, in objective games it just means you can go to the objectives and sit on them and make your opponent come to you to try and win/draw.

Writhing Worldscape will either change your opponents tactics or force them to roll more dice and take wounds before they get to you. Either way it is worth it. If you hide the c'tan it makes it harder to remove from the game and prolongs it.

The other options for the C'tan I have not decided on. I have uses pyreshards with some success and thinking about the stealth/grenades option and just hide my C'tan and be on guard duty for a back objective.

Transdimensional Thunderbolt is way to expensive for what it is. Gaze of Death seems fun but I haven't gotten my c'tan very close yet.

01-23-2012, 02:16 PM
I defintely see its uses. Vs Orks, it keeps them back, vs DE and Eldar and their skimmers, it could be pretty damned huge.

Dawn of War could be pretty nifty too. Enemy tanks that dont move onto the board due to failed save? Bye bye.

01-23-2012, 03:35 PM
The problem is unless they deploy in terrain you have to be within 36 inches to use the tremor staff and then the only weapons we have that shoot over 36 inches are the doomsday cannon ang heavy destroyers. To be effective at shooting with your entire army you need to be at least 24 inches away and even with writhing worldscape at that point your within range of enemy shooting, enemies such as GK and marines can risk the movement with nice armour saves and assualt hordes such as orks and nids can easily afford the wounds caused by dangerous terrain at that distance. Even then unless your strategy is based solely around writhing world scape, its not enough to make a worthwhile difference in enemy tactics. I have tried this tactic multiple times against various opponents using various tactics. You get better use out of your C'tan giving him grand illusion and some CC powers.

Writhing Worldscapes best quality that I have seen isnt in the wounds that it causes but in the level of psychological warefare it inflicts upon the enemy. I am by no means saying its useless, it is just another support tool to help necrons control the battlefield. Use it to aid your army, dont base your army around it.

01-23-2012, 11:17 PM
Blacknight, even if you can't shoot as far it doesn't change the fact that your opponent is forced to stay in place or risk serious losses, especially if they are playing with a unit that counts difficult terrain as dangerous already.

01-24-2012, 08:24 AM
So I am to sit back and allow my enemies long range weaponry grind me down while I hope he moves? Or do I move into my weapons range and do what Necrons do best?

01-24-2012, 12:38 PM
Why shouldn't you do both? You make it sound like an either-or statement. Even guard can do some serious damage in the assault phase under the right circumstances. There is not one single army right now that can reliably win the game without moving, so denying them safe cover is a big deal.

01-24-2012, 01:08 PM
Because once your within the 24 inch range where most of our guns can shoot you are also within charge range, or shooting range of the enemy. When your that close to the enemy the prospect of moving and possibly taking some casualties isn't such a big deal. The only army WWS has been a factor against was Nids, and that wad because he ran lots of ymgarl. I have tested this strategy many times and it's not very useful. You may have a different experience but ya know these things happen. I am still ranking it as situational at best, nothing to builds your army around.

01-24-2012, 02:41 PM
Worldscape (1995pts)
2000pt Necrons 5th Ed (2011) Roster (Standard)


* HQ

* Necron Overlord
* Catacomb Command Barge
Quantum Shielding, Tesla Cannon
* Cryptec
* Harbinger of Transmogrification
* Cryptec
* Harbinger of Transmogrification
* Cryptec
* Harbinger of Transmogrification
* Cryptec
* Harbinger of Transmogrification

* Orikan The Diviner
Phase Shifter, Staff of Tomorrow, Transdimensional Beamer

* Elites

* C'tan Shard
Transdimensional Thunderbolt, Writhing Worldscape

* Triarch Stalker
Particle Shredder, Quantum Shielding

* Troops

* Necron Warriors
* Ghost Ark
2x Gauss Flayer Array (5 Flayers per Array), Quantum Shielding
* 5x Necron Warrior
5x Gauss Flayer

* Necron Warriors
* Ghost Ark
2x Gauss Flayer Array (5 Flayers per Array), Quantum Shielding
* 5x Necron Warrior
5x Gauss Flayer

* Necron Warriors
* Ghost Ark
2x Gauss Flayer Array (5 Flayers per Array), Quantum Shielding
* 5x Necron Warrior
5x Gauss Flayer

* Necron Warriors
* Ghost Ark
2x Gauss Flayer Array (5 Flayers per Array), Quantum Shielding
* 5x Necron Warrior
5x Gauss Flayer

* Fast Attack

* Necron Destroyers
* 2x Heavy Destroyer
2x Heavy Gauss Cannon

* Heavy Support

* Annihilation Barge
Gauss Cannon, Quantum Shielding, Twin-linked Tesla Destructor

* Annihilation Barge
Gauss Cannon, Quantum Shielding, Twin-linked Tesla Destructor

* Annihilation Barge
Gauss Cannon, Quantum Shielding, Twin-linked Tesla Destructor

Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
An example list that could try to abuse Writhing Worldscape. The Annihilation Barges Can deal very well with any vehicle in the opposing army, assisted by the Destroyers and the zooming overlord. The Stalker adds some AoE against hordes. That, dangerous terrain and massed gauss fire can deal with most infantry. A large amount of AV13 vehicles make shooting at the C'Tan harder, with the Arks making sure the Tremorstaves can get into position to fire and stay safe.
The Barges can take Tesla Cannons instead of Gauss Cannons, Gauss just gives a little more AP3 firepower that can help deal with MEQs and even MCs.

01-24-2012, 04:49 PM
Why shouldn't you do both? You make it sound like an either-or statement. Even guard can do some serious damage in the assault phase under the right circumstances. There is not one single army right now that can reliably win the game without moving, so denying them safe cover is a big deal.
I play Tau and I am VERY content to not move an inch. I have played (and won) games when the only thing that moved more than 6 inches from its deployment location was a devilfish loaded with kroot that was seizing the enemy objective (which was conveniently cleared of enemies because of my very static but very effective hammerheads).

Obviously we can an find exception to any statement, but the point is that certain lists don't need to move and others aren't severely effected by standing still.

01-24-2012, 07:27 PM
I forgot that Tau are an army that does not like to move much. Which is fine, because a swarm of Scarabs hitting your lines is just as effective as anything else at killing you.

The Twilight Fade
01-25-2012, 04:45 AM
Because once your within the 24 inch range where most of our guns can shoot you are also within charge range, or shooting range of the enemy. When your that close to the enemy the prospect of moving and possibly taking some casualties isn't such a big deal. The only army WWS has been a factor against was Nids, and that wad because he ran lots of ymgarl. I have tested this strategy many times and it's not very useful. You may have a different experience but ya know these things happen. I am still ranking it as situational at best, nothing to builds your army around.

True in what you're saying but the power in denial of movement for your opponent or at least making them reconsider moving and making charges into cover is worth it in my experience.

It is expensive and spends most of the game hiding away but now the faq has clarified it properly there are now more options for you to potentially explore.

Imo completely worth it but mainly against armies that want to come hit you lots!!!