View Full Version : Heresy Miniatures

01-02-2012, 02:19 AM
Heresy Miniatures (http://www.heresyminiatures.com/shop/)are another small miniatures company producing high quality fantasy miniatures than mesh well with WFB. They have recently upgraded to a nice new webstore which makes it easier to see all their goodies. I'm afraid I can't remember the owner/sculptor chaps name and there doesn't seem to be an About page.

Some favourites:
Ghouls Pack 1

Female Centaur Rowen


Feral Priestess Queen

I will say that the sculpt quality isn't quite as high as I would like (at least on the females) but it is perfectly good, particularly the non-humans. The monsters are generally excellent.

Edit: I'm not sure all their stock is on their website yet either, I may be wrong but I'm sure my brothers have some other large monsters from Heresy Miniatures.

01-02-2012, 02:24 AM

The Dragon

Demoness 2

Ogre with table

They also have a sci-fi range including some totally-not-Doctor-Who sculpts, they aren't particulalry combatible iwth 40k though, Necromunda perhaps.

Capn Stoogey
01-02-2012, 06:09 AM
I've been following that awesome dragon since the WIP pics. Honestly not a fan of the other minis but man, I want that dragon!

01-02-2012, 06:28 AM
Yep, as I said the sculpt quality is decent but nothing inspiring in general, but the dragon is magnificient.:) I still haven't bought one though, must get around to doing that.

01-02-2012, 10:12 AM
Some of the minis they sell, the Elemintalist and Centaur you posted, are the old Eolith/Spyglass 28mm range, which the original sculptor passed on to the Heresy guys.

I've got some of their minis and they scale very well with GW pieces, and fit in with the Rogue Trader / 2nd ed pieces perfectly. Against the newer models they're not as technically proficient, but they've got loads of character, which I love. Also, like Hasslefree, they usually throw some candy in the box :D