View Full Version : 2000pts Eldar Falconwing

Bedroom General
12-30-2011, 08:54 PM
Hi, I've been powering through the painting/basing recently.
I've just finished painting/converting up this nifty little list.
I'll admit I'm playing this for its looks as much as anything else, but I hope I do ok in my SM heavy environment. I play against BA, Ultras, Tau, SoB, IG, Korras'o bike SM. Mainly the various Marines though.

This list came about due to a desire to paint up and finish two second hand Falcons with dodgy loadouts and broken bits, I'm a bit short on points and am interested in the most bang for buck to fill this out.

I've gone for what I hope is a force multiplier philosophy, as well as my self imposed tendency to use as few Eldar as I comfortably can (dying race n' all).

Eldar 1925pts so far, looking at power ups/buffs/wargear rather than other models for the extra points, but always open to suggestion. Please feel free to chuck advice/experience my way.

Farseer: Ward/ Witness, Singing spear, Doom, Guide (Falcon #1)
Farseer: Witness, Singing spear, Doom, Guide (Falcon #2)

10x Howling Banshees: Exarch, Executioner
Wave Serpent: TL Bright Lance

5x Fire Dragons: Exarch, Firepike (Falcon #3)

5x Dire Avengers (Falcon #1)
5x Dire Avengers (Falcon #2)

3x Guardian Jetbikes: Shuriken Cannon
Warlock: Eldar Jetbike, Singing Spear, Destructor

3x Guardian Jetbikes: Shuriken Cannon
Warlock: Eldar Jetbike, Singing Spear, Destructor

3x Guardian Jetbikes: Shuriken Cannon
Warlock: Eldar Jetbike, Singing Spear, Destructor

(I've always had great success with these units for some reason.
Small enough to hide, but punch above their weight imo)

Fast Attack
Vyper: Scatter Laser
Vyper: Scatter Laser
Vyper: Scatter Laser

(I often run these together, as a pseudo squadron, this seems to add to their survivability, such as it is, and they can split fire/split off as necessary)

Heavy Support
Falcon #1: Bright Lance, Holofield, Spirit Stones
Falcon #2: Bright Lance, Holofield, Spirit Stones
Falcon #3: Scatter Laser, Holofield, Spirit Stones


Well thats my list so far, I'm thinking maybe Tankhunter on the Firedragon Ex, or some star engines, or maybe another psychic power. Should be fun to play, and as I said before, its for how cool it looks and is my first full "mecheldar" list:)

12-30-2011, 11:18 PM
Edit: The way you wrote the list made it look like you were taking extra falcons as dedicated transports for some units.

Anyways, fire dragons need to get close, and serpents not falcons are the one that are immune to melta. So maybe trade those two out.

Double up on Runes of Warding, just in case. You've got the points to spare. I'd also want to get a Fortune in there somewhere, for a bit of flexibility. Mechdar tends to rely on not getting shot down, which Fortune helps a lot with.

12-31-2011, 05:27 AM
Looks to be a fun list. You asked for a few comments:

- unless you are against named characters, take Eldrad in place of your Farseer with the Runes of Warding.
- Reduce your Banshees to 8.
- I agree, the Dragons could do with a Serpent rather than a Falcon.

Those few changes will still keep your lists look and spirit intact.

My two imperial credits.


12-31-2011, 08:13 AM
A few points as before.

Eldrad is pretty key.

Fortune makes you a lot more survivable.

I dont remember but the engines that let you go another 12 inches for a max of 36 are pretty awesome as well. If you are playing D3+2 objectives and two objectives are 12 inches apart, part right in the middle and your 6 inch vehicle can contest both with someone inside. that 36 inch move is also great to contest for the 2 objectives as well

Son of Adam
03-07-2012, 07:29 AM
I generally agree with the group. Fortune is worth it and is what brings some of your tanks to the end of the game.

Eldrad is worth the points, as well as maybe spirit stones on the farseer if you plan on using two powers each turn.

Since you have spent the points on the FD exarch I suggest at least picking up crack-shot. Its ability to be a quasi-doom and ignore smoke launchers is great at 5 pts.

Good luck with it.

03-07-2012, 09:26 AM
A couple pointers.

-3 Wave Serpents with 5 Fire Dragons each is pretty much mandatory for every eldar list.
-Howling banshees die horribly and can't assault out of a serpent and take up a a fire dragon spot.
-bright lances on wave serpents are over costed crap and are pretty crappy on falcons too. Shuriken cannon and scatter lasers are a better buy.
-2 there are two ways to run falcons as long range support with EML or dakka style with scatter laser & under slung shuriken cannon
-3 man jetbikes don't scare anyone and die easily, buff them up to 6 bikes if you don't want them torrented down too easily. Leadership 8 is kinda scary on a GJB as they usually stand back close to the table edge, you might want to run embolden on them.
-you don't need more then one farseer, definetly not 2 dooms. Most of the time what ever you doom is going to be focused by your whole army. You paying a hefty premium to twin link one of your already expensive gun boats.

03-07-2012, 03:37 PM
Eldrad is a no brainer. He will often perform better than two farseers. If you want to run Banshees, Prince Yriel teams nicely with a full unit and place them in a Wave Serpent. They can assault on the turn they disembark as long as they disembark before the vehicle moves. So, a common tactic is to fortune the Wave Serpent that they are in and then move flat out to a position that is within 12" of enemy units. If they shoot, you are immune to melta and have a reroll on the flat out save. If they assault, they need 6 to hit. The next turn you can disembark the Banshees one direction and possibly Yriel in another 2", move 6", fleet d6", and then assault 6". This creates a huge threat radius. The tank is free to move as normal once the units disembark.

Jetbikes squads of 6 with 2 Cannons in each are solid troop choices. If you are going to pay the points for a Warlock, I would agree that Embolden is the way to go with these squads over Destructor.

Also agree that Crack Shot is an absolute must for 5 points on the Fire Dragon exarch.

Eldar are the bestest!

03-07-2012, 11:06 PM
As weird as it sounds, you can put a guardian heavy weapon squad in a transport. The weapon doesn't take up space either. I havnt tried it yet, but it might be a good way of making your transported squads threatening no matter where they end up.

03-08-2012, 10:05 AM
If you want to run Banshees, Prince Yriel teams nicely with a full unit and place them in a Wave Serpent. They can assault on the turn they disembark as long as they disembark before the vehicle moves.

Then your opponent thanks you for putting 415+ points of your army on their lap. Even if you survive his turn and hopefully you cracked open 2 transports by then. Lets say you do get two assaults off, do you really think its worth it for 2 combat squads? So you just blew up 2 units and now you die next turn.

03-09-2012, 07:27 PM
This tactic is to be used after the transports have already been opened or are opened by other units. I would not do this to charge two tanks as that is senseless.

It is all about synergy.

And I would say "Yes", two units traded for two units is often a good trade for an Eldar player so long as you ensure what those two units are. You may be surprised just how effective this is and if the right units are targeted, you often will not lose both of these units, but if you do, they aren't scoring and can be lost.

03-10-2012, 10:17 AM
I like the list. Fun, effective, efficient.

Maybe remove the banshees for more fire dragons.

Have you ever used Jetbike seer councils? I do, and they still beat most builds out there.