View Full Version : Eldar Exodite converted army

12-28-2011, 10:44 AM

Here are some models from my new exodite army that I completed over the Christmas holidays (I have more on the way, including a forge world Carmine dragon). They're a little overly shiny as the winter sun comes in at a lower angle making photos difficult. Either too dark or adding false highlights. One day I will buy a proper lighting setup.

The exodites are based on an autumn colour scheme in both their armour and the trees that are added to the bases.


Minimal conversion on the farseer, I swapped out the witchblade for the IoB mage's staff and tipped it with a singing spear blade (so much easier to do that with finecast).

Also added the mage's cloak with some brass etch leaves inside.



Aspect warriors are a little tricky for an exodite force, but the army would be a bit bland without them. The fluff for my exodite world has a craftworld damaged by an enemy attack that has been pulled in by the exodite world's gravity and now forms a floating island with the reduced numbers of the craftworld eldar unable to repair it.

As a result, aspect shrines with a slightly wilder feel to them.

The dragons (one of the bubbliest finecast boxes I've had so far) are simple conversions adding in corsair cloaks.


Fire Prism

I'm not a huge fan of teh stock Chimera kit so I converted it quite extensively. Three/four heads became just one and the wings were switched for IoB griffon wings. The leaping pose was explaind by reversing the rock from the high elf dragon kit to give it something to grab onto. The armour is just smoothed ovals of green stuff. I felt that with no armour at all, they would look too fantasy but full armour would look a little silly.

the rider is from a viper gunner swapping the weapon for an ebayed fire prism cannon with a high elf prince banner and DE scourge head.



12-28-2011, 10:50 AM
Fire Prism 2

This is one of the first models I thought up for this army, a conversion of thre black dragon kit as a phoenix.

Lots of green stuff and more griffon/pegasus wings for the feathers. The forearm joints were greenstuffed over and griffon talons replaced the dragon claws. I couldn't comfortably fit on a second gunner for the shuriken cannon (going to be a recurring problem) so a smaller WE warhawk was added. The rest is similar to the other fire prism for cionsistency (just don't ask me about TLOS!)




This is about the limit of my freehand ability at the moment:


12-28-2011, 10:52 AM
Dragon wave serpent, another original concept model and a test of the green stuff armour idea. Not sure about the wing tatoos, might paint over them later.



Some more freehand attempts, fairly pleased with the tears of Isha.


12-28-2011, 10:52 AM
And some necessary troops:


Simple conversions with gladeguard cloak and shaving down the avenger helmets.



I was going to avoid cold ones as too obvious but the warlock idea swung it for me. Not remotely practical from a TLOS perspective but looks pretty mean.




12-28-2011, 10:53 AM
Love them!:)

12-28-2011, 12:13 PM
There are some people hapy to make normal models and make them look good

Thens theres folks like you who continue to produce wonderful ideas, and then back them up with great conversions and painting.

Once more...hat off to you sir!

12-28-2011, 04:52 PM
Great work mr Isotope. Fantastic to see something so different, and yet so familiar. Loving it, so hoping to see some more :)

12-28-2011, 06:35 PM
Inspirational. Truely awesome conversions dude.

12-29-2011, 03:01 AM
definitaly one of the coolest looking warlocks i have ever seen. also digging the colour scheme.

12-29-2011, 03:26 AM
Keep the wing tattoos! it gives the beast personality. :)

12-29-2011, 08:35 PM
This army is just loads of fun, and a unique take on an army variation that's already rare enough. Kudos, and thanks for showing them off! Your freehand is especially spectacular. :)

12-29-2011, 11:02 PM
AAAAH!!!!! AAAAHHH!! my brains exploded.

01-02-2012, 08:15 AM
FW shadow spectres I'm using as warp spiders in regular games, hence the creatures added to the base which don't really exist in the physical universe.


Fluff for these is that the world spirit if the exodite worlds is channelled most strongly in veins of crystal that they use for the creation of spirit stones. The spectres are the nominated guardians of the crystal lines equipped with ancient suits of armour that originally predated the fall.

01-02-2012, 08:26 AM
Very pretty Spectres.:) I like the dragon wing tattoos by the way, I think it would be a shame to paint over them.

01-06-2012, 04:25 PM
Wow! Really beautiful work.

01-06-2012, 05:19 PM
I just cried from their beauty. It is amazing....

01-08-2012, 10:00 AM

The falcon is based on the FW Carmine dragon. I wanted to keep as close to the core model as possible without it looking out of place so I left off the main gun and transport platform. Instead there is just a seer summoning lightning (counts as pulse laser). Didn't fancy converting a metal model for this so used most of Eldrad as the only other finecast farseer available so far.

Other weapons are represented by dark reaper exarch (maugan ra conversion rebased) and a death jester. The only bit of the model I don't like is that they have identical poses which I didn't realise until after spraying.

The egg that is part of the base is painted up as a spirit stone instead, as this felt more eldar.





01-08-2012, 11:42 PM
Really stunning.

01-09-2012, 04:39 AM
Damn... I am getting frustrated when seeing such great work! ;)
Think my Biel-Tan Army is up for some new Make-Up so they are not too depressed when I compare them to your great looking models :D

01-14-2012, 06:41 PM
This is just a fantastic idea, dragons in 40k? Hells yeah!

01-21-2012, 09:19 AM
Some more progress, almost at 1,500 points now.

Second squad of jetbikes

Warlock 2


Full squad


Striking scorpions (first half)

Karandras' I1 and no invuln save makes him too risky an investment so I'm using the model as an exarch. I've reposed him a biyt by swapping in the finecast exarch weapons for his original arms (which were a pain to saw off the old metal model).


01-21-2012, 09:20 AM
Also, cheapest objective markers ever :D


01-21-2012, 11:00 AM
Best Objective markers I've seen. Not to mention very thematic!

Great work all round :)

01-29-2012, 03:09 PM

Finished army shot

05-01-2013, 02:39 PM
WIP on my exodite bastion:


05-05-2013, 07:00 AM
Exodite avatar

Whilst I really like the FW model, I've become bored of seeing the same pose everywhere (I have a DE version already)

Pretty major repose here to be more at rest. I also added some extra leaves to fit with my exodite theme. Plan to have him painted bone with green fire.




05-05-2013, 07:06 AM
That is fantastic, love the pose.

05-06-2013, 01:39 AM

That avatar is officially the best miniature based item I have seen in ages!
It's great! I want one and I want one right NOW!


I was saving my 1000 post for an update for my Iron Hands but this was too inspiring not to comment on :)

05-06-2013, 01:03 PM
holy .... that looks stunning even better then the original pose!

05-06-2013, 01:18 PM
Please let someone else paint it for you. You wouldn't wanna ruin this awesome Avatar.

05-06-2013, 02:25 PM
That is a wonderful re-pose. Great departure from the usual rampaging Avatar. Can't wait to see you paint him up! Excellent job man.

05-07-2013, 01:56 PM
This may be the finest Exodite conversion force I've come across on t3h intarwebs.

I particularly enjoy the somewhat autumnal theme you have running through the army, is that intentional? The Avatar repose is simply stunning and I have to agree with Olberon that it is, in my mind, better than the original.

Are the lions finished in terms of painting? They seem a bit bland and flat in contrast to the rest of your work.

Top notch modelling and commitment to theme, well done!

05-07-2013, 02:31 PM
The autumn theme is intentional to mirror the fall of the Eldar ( though I'm going to do the avatar in a contrasting spring colour scheme I think).

As for the lions, yes and no. Yes, they are done, no they're not as good as some of the other models. it's no coincidence they were the last squad to get finished.

Will I repaint them? Depends on the new eldar list and if I have a place for them.

05-11-2013, 11:55 AM
Because of my exodite army fluff it's not the usual avatar scheme, supposed to look more like an ancient statue

05-13-2013, 03:12 AM
That is stunning! Absolutely glorious!

05-13-2013, 02:38 PM
Well that was fast! Looks wonderful. I think you were quite successful in capturing the statuesque look!

KrewL RaiN
05-13-2013, 09:46 PM
Who would of thought an Avatar of Khaine could look so peaceful! It's absolutely lovely!

05-15-2013, 03:42 PM
Thanks all, quite pleased with the avatar though the pictures are a bit flat. If we get the wraithknight I'm going to use a similar scheme for that.

Bastion completed:




05-17-2013, 08:36 AM
Beginning of my scorpion superheavy. The turret is magnetised so I can swap out for other configurations like the cobra.


05-17-2013, 09:47 AM
That is a cracking concept. I assume there will be some form of harness, rather than having a turret attached directly to the beast's spine? :P

05-17-2013, 11:38 AM
That is a cracking concept. I assume there will be some form of harness, rather than having a turret attached directly to the beast's spine? :P

There will be. Just need to get the wings properly pinned and green stuffed to see where the harness can go.


05-18-2013, 06:17 AM
Major construction done, now need to add armour, just starting to lay down the base layers.




05-19-2013, 07:26 AM
Pretty much finished:





05-19-2013, 11:46 AM
Primed and ready to paint in the next couple of weeks until the new eldar drop:


Speaking of, design for the new kit. Want it to look like an ancient statue putting itself together again:


05-26-2013, 06:49 AM
Dragon almost completed, so hard to freehand even simple stuff on a curved, ridged surface. On the flip side drybrushing is so easy.

Base and turret next...




05-26-2013, 01:54 PM
That looks great! :D I think you've made me want to start an Eldar Exodite army now. :p

05-26-2013, 02:24 PM
The dragon looks absolutely beautiful. Makes me want to do a Feral Ork clan to do something similar (but cruder looking, naturally!)

05-27-2013, 05:41 AM
Turret and base completed, just the rider and secondary gunner to go.




05-27-2013, 06:03 AM
Very lovely.:)

05-27-2013, 01:35 PM
And done, though I've lost the good light for photos




05-28-2013, 07:24 AM
Yet another awesome piece man. The only 'criticism' I'd have is the edge of the base of the second gunner looking very out of place, with the very definitive line between him and the rest of the base. I assume that is because he is removable or was so you could paint him more easily.

That is a very tiny imperfection (bit harsh a word perhaps) on an otherwise awesome model. I'd love to have a crack at killing it sometime :P

05-31-2013, 03:45 AM
wonderful works!

06-02-2013, 06:11 AM
A fair amount of tidying up to go but most of the basic structural conversion work is done.

I don't much like the wrist mounts so I tweaked it a bit to look more phanton titan like (not that hard just need to trim in a few places)

There are various psychic effects on the levitating sword (tzeentch chariot) amd hair (frost phoenix amd brass leaves) that should fit better when painted.

Other than that I broke apart a few pieces and glued them at odd angles to look like the farseer is putting a statue back together. Also added dryad bits to resemble the wraiothbone knitting itself back together.




Some magnet work to give options for equipment (the sword and shield are part of the narrative but the right arm is replaceable)
Suncannon & scatter laser
Dual wraithcannons
Sword and shield


06-02-2013, 07:16 AM
Absolutely beautiful Wraithknight.

Shotgun Justice
06-02-2013, 07:59 AM
Truly inspirational work Isotope, the combination of monsters and humanoid aliens works fantastically in the setting and isn't one I've seen this well combined.
Genuinely excited to see the painted Wraithknight

06-02-2013, 11:39 AM
You really do have great ideas buddy. That is so hellah cool!

Brother Garrod
06-02-2013, 12:14 PM
That is absolutely gorgeous , but what really stands out for me , is the farseer on the high elf base , such a simple idea , but so very effective

06-02-2013, 12:55 PM
That is absolutely gorgeous , but what really stands out for me , is the farseer on the high elf base , such a simple idea , but so very effective

Yes the new model was conveniently imn just the right pose, all I hads to do was tilt its head back a bit and shave off that beard thingy they keep giving them.

Also exodite Illic. I don't rate the unit that much so I'll probably use as a regular ranger, but the model is great.


By the way, how come there are suddenly 700 people on this thread?

06-02-2013, 12:59 PM
You tell me, you're the one with the best Eldar Exodite army in the world. :D

06-02-2013, 03:29 PM
BoLS linked it via Facebook. Very nice models.

Robert John Walker
06-02-2013, 03:33 PM
Great ideas well implemented. Very nice indeed.

Wrath of Azkaellon
06-02-2013, 03:41 PM
Beautiful Army. :)

grumble grumble..jealous..envious...

KrewL RaiN
06-02-2013, 06:44 PM
You dove into that wraithknight kit rather quicky! Looks like you just HAD to get that concept out ASAP, and it turned out epic!

06-03-2013, 02:16 PM
Not play with my new toys you say? That's unpossible.

Added a few more leaves and whatnot. Almost there now. Low lighting not great for photos

Added a rear shot to show how much slimmer it is without teh backpack and clunky fins.





06-04-2013, 01:35 AM
As always, magnificent work of art.
I only wonder that you haven't glued everything in place yet, otherwise this will be one tough model to paint.
I've put together my own Wraithknight and have a second one in the box, but painting it while it is fully assembled is quite the task, and with your full base and complete model, It's going to be hell if it's already fixed in position.

And yes, I've seen that the small guy is magnetized to the base.

06-04-2013, 02:28 AM
That occurred to me too.The thing is going to be painted in 5-7 pieces

1. Main body, head and left arm all glued
2. Sword and rock (haven't decided whether to glue or magnetise, probably magnetise as would make a great objective marker :cool:)
3. Farseer (magnetised)
4. Tree behind (to glue later)
5-7. Right arm options (magnetised)

06-04-2013, 04:15 AM
In hindsight, that would have been better for my first one as well. Will take it into consideration for the next.

i'll probably buy me a third one, just for some nice scenery. Like a building he's laying into, burn marks around the buildings edges and a smouldering hole in his chest. I'm not the best of modellers but I tend to always make it work.

Anyways, can't wait to see this guy of yours painted.
whhere did the whole exodite idea for your eldar come from anyways?

06-04-2013, 05:12 AM
Variety of sources, but mostly is it just: that looks like a fun model, how can I make it work in this army?

Obviously the background fluff, including the Promethean Sun heresy novella;

Model wise, there is a clasic diorama of an exodite dragon rider versus a chaplain biker but not really any other external sources;

I really like the fantasy monsters but can't face big blocks of infantry so this allows me to include them without needing to do lots of foot soldiers and learn a new game system. Plenty of wood elf influence including the autumn colour scheme.

These latest ancient statue models are kind of inspired by the Miyazaki anime Laputa: castle in the sky where they find this ancient technology but all overgrown so it fits with the fluff I have where there is a derelict craftworld that's landed on the exodite world like a lifeboat and mixed the craftworld and exodite cultures.

Going to do a little tolkien style map of the world eventually.

06-04-2013, 05:43 AM
Sounds lovely. Can't wait to see it all.

06-05-2013, 12:26 PM
Repainted my metal rangers from my last eldar army, just need to add Not-Illic as the final member



06-08-2013, 02:02 PM
Almost there on the wraithknight, for now here is the sword:


06-08-2013, 04:10 PM
That's lookin' damned good there Dude.

06-09-2013, 04:30 AM
Done, maybe. I've painted all the gems because that's what I normally do but am wondering of there are too many on this model amd some should return to plain stone. Thoughts?


06-09-2013, 04:31 AM
with alternative weapon loadouts

Did a quick mock up on paint and I am leaning towards fewer gems


06-09-2013, 05:14 AM
It does look a bit blinged up.:) I usually keep gems to a minimum to help break up larger areas rather than paint ever gem like protuberance as a gem.

06-09-2013, 05:26 AM
Your stuff is a total inspiration, man. Good work, and thanks muchly for sharing!

06-09-2013, 07:56 AM
I've rolled back the space dalmation look a bit and I think it's better this way




06-09-2013, 07:58 AM
I think that's the right amount, it looks like an ornate statue but not over he top. It's really, really lovely, the face is a particularly nice touch.

06-09-2013, 08:42 AM
Definitely looks better with less gems. Utterly inspiring as always mate.

06-09-2013, 12:00 PM
astonishingly good

06-10-2013, 01:39 PM
As before, smashing job mate! I would have followed the same course you did, first painting every Gem, and then re-evaluating it. Great idea to evaluate it with the mock up. =)

06-10-2013, 03:56 PM
Beautiful work mate... I'm jealous at how fast you pulled the conversion and paint job together! :)

I'm typically in the paint every bump as a gemstone camp but with your colors the contrast is a bit too much. Looks much better toned back down.

KrewL RaiN
06-11-2013, 11:33 PM
Absolutely Gorgeous! I am curious on what is going on in the chest cavity. I am guessing its a bunch of vines.

06-12-2013, 03:57 AM
The vines are dryad roots. They're supposed to look like spars of wraithbone knitting teh form back together under direction of Bob the farseer (can he fix it?).

One more squad to go on this army for now. A squad of Dark Jesters - coming soon.

KrewL RaiN
06-12-2013, 10:11 AM
The vines are dryad roots. They're supposed to look like spars of wraithbone knitting teh form back together under direction of Bob the farseer (can he fix it?).

Ah, thanks for the insight!


06-13-2013, 05:17 PM
Group shot (minus most of the infantry) just to give an idea of relative scales of things.


06-15-2013, 05:52 AM
And a few final bits to round off the army




06-16-2013, 11:21 AM
beautiful army
i like that guy with eagle/hawk :D

06-16-2013, 11:48 AM
I really have nothing to say, that hasn't been said. Very original and simply stunning.

06-17-2013, 05:33 AM
Those Dark Reapers are stunning. Using Maugan Ra and the Death Jester as a base (and Illic as well) Really gives them so much more dynamism than the standard models, which fits in so nicely with your exodite theme! The blacks are fantastic; really really dark looking, without seeming flat or over highlighted.

06-21-2013, 01:20 PM
These guys don't have much to do with the army except that I am taking it to a campaign event that allows a free genestealer hybrid (essentially a cultist squad with a telepathy psyker with set powers) or xenos hunter (5 marines with special ammo boltguns) unit for free and they've been stranded in one of my forgotten project boxes forever. I've therefore slapped some paint on them and here they are GW corporate ;)



06-21-2013, 05:26 PM
LOVE the dark reapers, and the genestealer cult is amazing man.... simply amazing work.

06-23-2013, 06:09 AM
Am I the only one mesmerized by the hybrid doing 'Night Fever'?

Also, calling them GW Corporate is a bit unfair. These hybrids are clearly far more human than that!

06-24-2013, 05:32 AM
Saw them on the Facebook page, didn't realise they were yours bt it makes sense now. Obviously I asked about them being based on the Silence from Dr Who but if they've been in your project box for ages did Mr Moffatt rip you off?

06-24-2013, 09:05 AM
I had the pleasure of facing this beautiful army at the campaign weekend. Was a fantastically hard fought battle, with some valiant efforts by some assualt marines holding up a wraithknight for several turns in combat. But in the end, the exodites claimed the victory with the aid from some Grey knights, who although could not pass an armour save, could roll a million 6's when it came to overwatch fire!!

Can't wait to see the next army project isotope.

06-24-2013, 09:11 AM
Thanks all, they are a mix of MIB and reservoir dogs inspired with a bit of saturday night fever, x-com and x-men thrown in.

Had my first games with the new eldar last weekend. It was a campaign weekend so a mix of games with a few funny rules. Here are my thoughts, mostly confirming general internet thoughts.

Game 1: 1,500 vs Tau - Crusade (3 objectives) - Hammer and anvil (deep deploymemt zones)

Avatar, jetbikes, Avengers in Wave serpent, Rangers in Bastion, Dark Reapers, Fire prism, warp spiders

Shadowsun, commander, Battlesuits, stealth suits, pathfinders, 2*6 fire warriors, hammerhead, riptide w/ missile drones, 2 broadsides.

Mostly a rush up the middle, with the rangers and reapers defending my objective behid the bastion. Lost the avatar to shooting quite quickly but the wraithknight (eventually) kicked in the riptide. The jetbikes trimmed down shadowsun's squad allowing the wraithknight to squash her and the warp spiders massacred most of the fire warriors. The fire prism and hammerhead spent most of the game exchanging shots and getting nowhere.

Stars of the eldar - Wraithknight (Riptide, most of a fire warrior squad and shadowsun the warlord) & jetbikes (came out over a more expensive battlesuit/shadowsun combo with their new rending and general maneouvreability)
Losers - Fire prism, I like the new multifire mode but 1 shot is just not reliable.

Stars of the Tau - The syealthsuit/Commander combo was nasty putting out a lot of shots and being near impossible to shift even with my opponent rolling an higher than average number of 1s)
Losers- broadsides - The new railgun is a bit poop, must be why everyone takes missiles.

Result: The tau were distracted by the shiny toys and though almost everything big died except the wraithknight, the troops were left alone to secure all three objectives, plus a bonus ruin objective 14:2 on victory points

Lesson of the match: Jetbikes and warp spiders are great at getting angles on things to deny them non-area cover. The riptide is better in combat than expected when it has FNP bought for it.

Game 2 - 2*1,000pt doubles - Scouring (fast attack scoring) - Vanguard strike (diagonal zones)

The army above minus the bastion, reapers, avengers & serpent - Ally: Space wolf razor/long fang allies, w/ aegis line.
Ultramarines castle: Aegis line, Tellion scouts, stormta;on, predator, tactical squad, librarian
Blood angels assault: jump assault squads, Land raider w/ librarian and assault terminators

With two aegis castles and relatively little assault we mostly defended with the space wolves and rangers on the objectives and the eldar intercepting threats. The avatar was vapourised turn 1 thanks to the predator's searchlight but the wraithknight interceptred the land raider and kicked it open followed by stamping all over the contents.

Stars of the eldar: The wraithknight did very well even without his invuln (had to drop from suncannon to wraithcannons)
Losers: Rangers managed to get massacred by 1 assault marine.

Favourite moment, The warp spider exarch precisoon shotted tellion and then jetpacked onto his vacantquad gun to use it on interceptor in the next turn.

Result: Very close battle with last roll of the game deciding. Were 8:7 down with the BA librarian contesting the objective, linbreaking and not dting, buthaving finally got through the bodyguard and avoiding getting force weaponed, he finally got to stomp on his second warlord to swing it back to 12:7.

Lessons learned. It's important to pick fights carefully with the waraithknight, rangers can hold objectives when the enemy forgets them but are otherwise pretty useless.

Game 3: 1,250 v Khorne daemons - Emperor's will (take and hold) - Dawn of war

Army above + the bastion and reapers.


3*10 bloodletters + skulltaker, skull cannon, blood thirster & daemon prince

Felt bad for my opponent as my avatar is one of the few models that can take khorne monsters in combat. After my entire army failed to bring the thirster out of the sky, the avatar grounded it with wailing doom then assaulted and won before smashing through most of the rest of the army to contest the enemy's objective.

Stars of the eldar: The Avatar, killed 80% of the opposing force (Bloodthirster, skulltaker, daemon prince and 2 bloodletter squads)
Losers: Another poor performance for the fire prism, though s8 ignores cover was a tough match up.

Result: 5:1 tabled the daemond prince killed my jeytbiokes so I cou;ldn;'t get both objectives with only 2 troops choices (and the other one was worth double as a special mission)

Lessons learned, dark reapers with Slow&P are surprisingly mobile as fire support to clean up things.

Game 4 vs Tau 2,000pts- Crusade: 5 objectives - Dawn of war

The 1,500 point list with some scoprpions, and fire dragons in a second wave serpent.
The Tau 1,500 point list with lots of extra firewarriors, broadsides and pathfinders

The tau did much better this time with more markerlights and fire warriors, even with outflanking warlord trait, the avatar still got murdered pretty fast, accounting for only one fire warrior squad and the no cover markerlights killed the wave serpents and fire prism pretty speedily. On the other flank though my scorpions rolled up the right flank killing fire warriors and hammerheads.

Stars of the eldar: Striking scorpions, much tougher and the new claw is awesome (even if it was overkill vs Tau)
Losers: Fire dragons getting beaten in combat by Tau <facepalm>

Lessons learned (or apparently not learned): The riptide is a pain to destroy in combat. It only died by nova charging itself in the end.

Result: I was fair;y fortunate that the fusion blasters scattered out of melta range of my bastion so I ended up with 2 objectives to 1 and a bonus double line breaker. 8:5

Game 5: Apocalypes 2*2,500

The army above, minus the scorpions plus another fire prism and my scorpion super heavy. Grey knight allies: Draigowing, purifiers, storm raven, strike squad dreadnought, dreadknight.

Grey knights (terminators, 3 storm ravens, 4 dreadnoughts and some other stuff) and blood angels (storm raven, mephiston, sanguinor, land raider-baal predator formation, some assult squads and some other bits I forget) No super heavies but four tough fliers to our 1.

Was a lot more fun this apocalypse game. I'm nopt going to go into detail but some particular high/low lights:
Wraithknight spending the entire game in combat with one assault squad
Warp spiders jumping to get rear armour shots on dreadnoughts
Scorpion D weapons on the land raider baal formation
Terminator smackdown in our deployment zone
Mephiston dodging 4 squads to contest an objective in the last turn
Ridiculous numbers of skyfire 6's on teh flyers.

Final score: 10:5 (my avatar looked good planting his sword on his objective having come through an apocalypse battle unscathed.

06-24-2013, 09:29 AM
Unit by unit thoughts:

Avatar: Huge fire magnet and died repeatedly but I like what he can do when h egets the chance and he left the wraithknight free to clean up. His new 2 shot battle focussed wailing doom is potentially very nasty too.

Jetbikes: Their new rending makes them an actual threat now but I'm not sure the warlock is worth it on only a 6 man squad, better to scrounge up some more points and try to get to a farsser or spend them elsewhere.

Dire avenger/wave serpent: The avnegers werejust for objectives so no comments here. The wave serpent is great but I'd be inclined to keep teh shield up most of the time as it still dies fast and that 2+ glancing downgrade is handy.

Rangers: OK for manning a quad gun and jumoumping an objective but not much cop otherwise, would rather spend the extra point for avengers.

Warp spiders: Fun suicide unit and great for rear armour shots on vehicles. The exarch with spinneret rifle is an automatic choice for me.

Fire dragons: play a lot like before, tougher but more expensive.

Scorpions: Only played one game so hard to comment but that claw is all sorts of evil.

Fire prism. On paper I like it's multi-fire mode but it didn't do much in any of the games. Not convinced but was maybe unlucky.

Reapers: Nice mobile sweeper unit, Ok toughnesss and lots of firepower. Great for revenging on units that get out of position to attack something else.

Wraithknight: If you can spare the points, I'd definitely go for the suncannon / scatter laser combo. Need to pick fights very carefully, it can be great but is easily bogged down by inferior units. Needs in my opinion at least one partner to draw fire and bail it put of protracted combats. The avatar did that job for me but otherwise another wraithknight or two wraithlords, wraithblades, scorpions etc.

Bastion; With all the other stuff on the field it never got much attention. Most people go for the aegis, but I think for T3 stuff , the bastion is a better choice.

Scorpion; With no enemy D weapons the scorpion got to play but in not ridiculously OP with only 2 shots at 1 target.





06-15-2014, 09:09 AM
Been a year since my last new exodite model but here is my second wraithknight with psychic bow (AKA 2 wraithcannons) which I don't think is too confusing as it clearly lacks shield and is fairly snipe-y.





06-15-2014, 08:27 PM
I remember reading this thread several months ago when I was considering doing an Exodite army. They still look awesome :) Why the fewer gemstones on the new wraithknight? Didn't feel like painting that many or felt that it would overwhelm the model or something?

06-15-2014, 09:13 PM
I am not worthy.

01-05-2015, 08:25 AM
Did this model a while ago when the new Nagash was released but never got round to painting him. Black library harlequin detachment where reality is flexible. If I ever use it, would be as a wraithknight with suncannon as it's the only comparatively sized eldar model.




Also an objective marker I did:


01-06-2015, 12:29 PM

How do you keep this up?

01-06-2015, 01:02 PM
Sweetbabyjezus... O_°

01-06-2015, 05:25 PM
Lawd! that's amazing.

01-07-2015, 04:10 AM
Just the other day I was thinking "It's a pity we haven't seen anything from Isotope in a while..."

This does not disappoint :D

03-03-2015, 07:38 PM
A few pages back you used a resin dragon to make a scorpion superheavy, where did you purchase that dragon? I totally want one

09-02-2016, 04:09 PM
I would love to see you use the AOS Tree-Revenants as Wraithblades, and you could use the Kurhoth Hunter bows to make them Wraithguard. It's like the wraiths of the Exodite World's World-spirit, and they seem more feral and Exodite-like.