View Full Version : What to do when an army just gets stale?

12-28-2011, 09:39 AM
I play Black Templars as my primary army, and have toyed with the idea of getting some forged world mini's for some cool new toys. Recently I just find the army boreding, I've used every unit several times over, have tried numerous different lists (assault, shooty, black tide, and duel raider etc) I just can't get engerized about the army anymore. The Forged World models are awasome and all, but there is nothing feels really templarly except for the new dred, Chaplain dred and Ceastus.

I know many if not all will just say, play somthing beside marine statline. But when I try playing those armies, be it IG or Tyranids I can't get motivated to play them. Maybe it is because the game has become simply one of numbers for me. Heck even other Marine armies I just find dull, I just can't find energy they are just kinda there. The other armies just don't click for me, when I play them.

So my question is, what do you do when you get to this point, when you've exhausted your unit choices within your codex? How do you physc yourself up for new army, what makes you motivated, beside switching to use the powerful new codex. Do you just wait for a new one, or do you switch to one and force yourself to be motivated.


pardon spelling/grammer

12-28-2011, 11:17 AM
If you don't like any of the other armies then have you looked at other systems?

12-28-2011, 11:24 AM
not terribly, might try that. Fantasy looks interesting, and Wotr/Lotr is picking up in my area again. All I have is Isengaurd so need a good force (as in on the side of Good not good like that is good).

12-28-2011, 11:33 AM
I swap between game systems if I get bored, don't forget Necromunda and Mordheim, low miniature count, free rules. You do need others to form a league though, single games aren't as fun.

12-28-2011, 11:40 AM
thxs i'll give it some thought, through when I played/look at Necromunda earlier rules seem a bit clunky to me. Then again, it could have just been a bad first impression.

12-28-2011, 12:59 PM
Definitely try a new game system. Switching between 40k, WM/H, Dust and Dystopian Wars gives me a breather and lets the other game systems seem fresher when I return to them.

Of course, I don't have as much gaming time anymore, so the time delay may help as well.

Mordheim is silly amounts of fun. and the rules are very tight. Highly recommended!

12-29-2011, 12:06 AM
Necromunda is a little old and clunky but great fun when you get used to it. Mordheim is probably a little 'tigther' as scadugenga says. Though you do need a fair bit of terrain for each so that may be a problem depending how much you have.

12-29-2011, 01:56 AM
I swap between game systems and armies.
I play 40k, Fantasy (now), and Infinity.

I will swap armies first as I have 4 40k armies all in excess of 3000pts - (can't do this in Fantasy, only the one army) and with three factions (two of which add up to about 1000pts - 300pts is a 'tournament level' force) in Infinity.
If that fails, I swap to another system for a while.
I try to keep all my armies and systems in rotation. It helps that my club has set weekly "theme" meets. The first might be fantasy, 2nd 40k, 3rd Blood Bowl, 4th 40k (or Warmachine, Infinity, whatever). Any game system can be played on a given weekend, but the theme helps to ensure people get games of what they want to play.

12-29-2011, 11:05 AM
Seems to me it's the game thats getting stale for you not the army, all the above suggestions are great an they do work but I think a 40k breather might be a good idea, put the marines away and leave em for abit once you get the urge to dig them out again you might be cured. I play warmachine/hordes when 40k gets dull wonderful game by the way well thought out and cool models to boot, fantasy is abit weird for me now but eh you might like it.

! : ?
12-29-2011, 11:24 AM
repaint your armies!! :) also, play narrative campaigns using a mixture of 40k systems,, fx 4okroleplay, spacefleet gothic, space hulk, epic, planetstrike, apocalypse, cities of death and then necromunda... just planning the campaign can be loads of fun,, enjoy!

12-29-2011, 11:47 AM
Yeah I think trying out another system is exactly the sort of fresh air you're looking for :) certainly I sometimes get bored and find that switching to another system is what I need to bring back the excitement and then when I get bored I might come bac to 40k and find that exciting again :)

12-29-2011, 03:48 PM
Thxs all, defiently try some of your suggestions, I think switching to a new system might be the order of the day. Using some monies remake my Brettonians and/or starting that Arnor Force for Wotr/Lotr.