View Full Version : Smartphones

12-26-2011, 07:52 AM
I'm thinking of getting a smart phone for work purposes. I want to be able to check emails, maps, statutes etc online, but I'm terrified that if I get facebook or any games I'll never let the thing down. Bonus points for durability, battery life and cheapness. I don't particularly want all the trimmings like mp3 players and cameras.

What are your experiences?

12-26-2011, 08:36 AM
You'll find that no matter what you buy and no matter what it has on it, you'll turn off all the apps anyway because you'll getting pissed off with charging the damn thing twice a day......................

12-26-2011, 09:33 AM
Ive got a samsung galaxy sg2. Its good.

Modern smartphones theres 4 real choices. iPhone, blackberry, samsung and htc.they all have trouble with battery though. dont get abb, i found them to be terrible phones

12-26-2011, 11:28 AM
Dr you mean Black berrys are terrible phones? I was tempted to get one as it seems the most worklike, altough the buttons seem very fiddly

12-26-2011, 01:11 PM
Apps are overrated anyways. Being able to access email anywhere is kinda nice, but not really actually that important unless you have a very particular job. About the only thing I'd find valuable is access to Google Maps.

12-26-2011, 05:04 PM
Being able to access email from everywhere is vital for my job. I've had a HTC desire recommended to me, anyone know anything about them?

12-26-2011, 07:42 PM
Just googling reviews of it gives a pretty good impression. Plenty of tech writers gave it a big thumbs up in their reviews. Sounds worth looking at.

12-27-2011, 06:06 PM
I picked up an Evo last year--and I have to say I use it (and apps) more than I initially thought I would.

It's a battery-hog, but then most of them are.

12-28-2011, 12:06 PM
Dr you mean Black berrys are terrible phones? I was tempted to get one as it seems the most worklike, altough the buttons seem very fiddly

My Blackberry was awful. Was a two year contract...the first year of that was fine...(but compared to new phone was very basic and slow). The 2nd yer I had to take the battery out of the phone 5 times a day because it crashed, locked up and needed a hard reset.

I would never get another one

Also, I know you said you weren't bothered by the app's, but the BB app store is only 10% of the Android and iPhone one. Its not good

I'd recommend an Android phone. As to which platform it runs on (HTC, Samsung etc) i think it comes down to personal preference.

ALso remember...its a modern smartphone. To get more than 18 hours out of a charge it has to sit there and do nothing bt sit in standby

12-29-2011, 03:10 AM
I love my motorola Defy...

it might not be a sparkly as the other ones mentioned but it is as tough as old boots and does all the internet/email gubbinz

I have dropped it on the pavement many times and often use it the rain etc

as a side note, am I the only person that doesn't use apps but does everything through the web, like a tiny laptop... i seem to get way less problems this way

12-30-2011, 06:54 PM
I got a Samsung Galaxy s plus in the end. If any of you have any things to watch out for with that paticular phone please let me know. Also if you'd recommend any (non fun) apps, that would be very much appreciated.