View Full Version : Dark Eldar 1750 List

12-23-2011, 05:41 PM
Hi there, I'm new to both Warhammer Tabletop and Dark Eldar, and would love some advice on my first list.

I'd like to try keep it feeling "elite" (i.e no weird fleshy creatures and haemonculi).
I had originally thought of having an all Kabal army, though I think I like the wyches too much to lose them.

Here is the list so far:


Archon - Huskblade, Venom Blade, Soul Trap, Clone Field, Combat Drugs, Ghostplate Armour - 150
Succubus - Agonizer - 85


9 Wyches - Hekatrix(Agonizer), Shardnet and Impaler, Haywire Grenades / Raider - Shock Prow, Flickerfield - 223
10 Kabalite Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon / Raider - Splinter Racks, Flickerfield - 195
10 Kabalite Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon / Raider - Splinter Racks, Flickerfield - 195


9 Bloodbrides - 3 Shardnet and Impalers, Haywire Grenades / Raider - Shock Prow, Flickerfield - 240
\\3 Trueborn - 2 Dark Lances / Venom - 2 Splinter Cannons - 151


3 Reavers - Heat Lance - 78
3 Reavers - Heat Lance - 78
\\5 Scourges - 2 Haywire Blasters - 130


1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115
1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115
1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115

FINAL POINTS: 1740 (Trueborn)
FINAL POINTS: 1719 (Scourges)

The trueborn and scourges would replace each other.
Though I'm not a big fan of the scourges, I've noticed that there isnt much that is viable to replace them to do their job as well as they do it.

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.

12-23-2011, 07:12 PM
Dark lances in the venom are a poor choice, unless you want them to sit in terrain whole the venom runs off. Clip off the end (magnetize if you really want them) and play them as blasters.

In addition to haywire blasters, regular old splinter cannons are also a great option on scourges and allow for extra mobility and range vs infantry.

12-23-2011, 08:06 PM
Whoops, double post. Sorry folks!

12-24-2011, 02:58 PM
Hey, thanks. Yeah I realised after looking in the codex again, that even though the trueborn are in the venom, they still have to stop to fire the darklances. (would blasters serve better in allowing them to replace the scourges?)

If not, the scourges are what I'll take. One thing that has been worrying me though, is: do I have enough troops?

3 seems a bit low.

12-24-2011, 08:53 PM
The scourges can also take blasters. In terms of raw firepower, 3 blaster trueborn in a dual cannon venom is marginally more firepower than one 5-model squad of Scourges, and for a few less points. But with the right positioning, the Scourges are harder to kill, and you'll have a little firepower that will not immediately go down to a lucky anti-tank round.

12-29-2011, 08:43 AM
Hey, I've re-done my list.

I'm mostly happy with it so far, I opted for the reavers over the scourges, mostly because they are a little more mobile and they are a better platform for heatlances (the heatlances are in mainly for some variety on my AT, without the reavers I have 14 Dark Lances and 3 Blasters, as well as the wyches with haywire grenades just in case)

Any more suggestions are welcomed.


Archon - Huskblade, Venom Blade, Soul Trap, Clone Field, Combat Drugs, Ghostplate Armour - 150
Succubus - Agonizer - 85


9 Wyches - Hekatrix(Agonizer), Razorflails, Haywire Grenades / Raider - Flickerfields - 218
10 Kabalite Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon / Raider - Flickerfields - 185
10 Kabalite Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon / Raider - Flickerfields - 185
10 Kabalite Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon / Raider - Flickerfields - 185


9 Bloodbrides - 3 Shardnet and Impalers, Haywire Grenades / Raider - Flickerfields - 235


3 Reavers - Heat Lance - 78
3 Reavers - Heat Lance - 78


1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115
1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115
1 Ravager - Flickerfields - 115


12-29-2011, 09:22 PM
So what I would do is take the leftover 6 points and sink that into Aethersails for one of your raiders, preferably the one with the Bloodbrides in it. I would also toss the Archon in with them. This is now a missile that will move up hugging cover, second-turn charge, and whatever it hits will be unable to strike back effectively even if they aren't wiped turn one (in fact, that's what i would count on). A clone field is essentially another shardnet, denying your opponent an outlet for that crucial 1-attack powerfist. This is a huge deal when tying up psycannon dreadnoughts and other things that might otherwise wreck your army.

The dual agonizer wyches, of course, will essentially annihilate anything they touch. Nice job, but a good offensive option for the unit is Hydra Gauntlets. Most (nearly all) of your drug rolls will give you wound output or combat resolution equal to rerolling to wound anyway (including, of course, reroll to wound drugs!). So getting more attacks and keeping it as a control point clearing unit is a great option.

Personally, there is only one other option I would change and it's for personal reasons: I would change the raider warriors to drop the splinter cannons and replace with nightshields. Since most of your guys have to get up close to shoot, you will really benefit from the -6" penalty to melta, plasma, bolters, and similar short range and midrange weapons. and denying shots to heavy bolters, multilasers, and similar is a huge benefit for your raiders. But splinter cannons certainly are good, no doubt about it, so play these as you prefer.

If I had to choose just one option to change completely here, it would be to swap the wyches from flickerfields to nightshields. A flat-out skimmer is unlikely to use its flicerk instead of a normal cover save. But if you play in games against lots of hellhounds, hydra tanks, or other S6+ weapons that ignore cover then you might want to keep them as is.

12-30-2011, 01:11 PM
Hey thanks.

I was having the archon with the bloodbrides yeah :D

And i'll probably make 1 wych with razorflails and 1 with hydra gauntlets (i'll have 1 spare wych, as im having 9 with the succubus) so i'll try both weapons by swapping the 2 models, and see which works best for me.

Thanks for all the info, really helpful.