View Full Version : NecRon Paulbots vs Neocron Worriers Themed Armies

Bedroom General
12-21-2011, 08:44 PM
Hiya Guys.
First a bit about myself, I'm an Aussie, nearly fifty, for goodness sake. I'm also married with mortgage etc, and have been a teacher for twenty something years. 40k is what I do for fun, and I am pretty engaged with it as a pastime.

I have occasionally named my leaders and special characters after the appropriate political figures. Mainly because they tickled my funnybone. My Necromunda Cawdor Gang were all named after Australian politicians. Any Aussies out there will know why my leader was called Keating and my heavy was Beasley (he was a big lad).
I also had a fair run with Howard the Hivetyrant. My Callidas Assassin is Gillard and has red hair.

So here I am as an Aussie staring across the ocean at America's GOP leadership contenders. Now if you know much about our Australian politicians (on any side) you'll maybe understand why I prefer to look away, they're all bought and sold. To be moved and shuffled about just like some plastic soldiers we all know.

So watching developments with interest, I hear of this Ron Paul, and later how his supporters are denegrated as Paulbots, Paulites and Paulestinians (Tallarn anyone?), how the established media hate and deride him. So I research his platform and history.... I have to tell you, though I know this is a plastic soldier site, that I think that Ron Paul is what the WORLD needs. I wish there was someone like that here, in any party!

As circumstance would have it, I've been retooling my Necrons as a result of the new 'dex.
So move over Shensherib, you have been renamed.

PhaeRon Paulbot (I like that, it sounds like "Fair" Ron)
Ancient Prophet of the Unchanging Message.
My Necron army are now Paulbots, or 'Rons for short.

I hope that I'm not the only one who does this sort of thing. It gets a laugh from my mates and also can promote discussion.

Anyone else go for politically themed or named forces?