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View Full Version : 1850 point Dark Eldar, tournament list

12-20-2011, 11:33 PM
My next tournament with this isn't likely to be for months, but I would love feedback.

HQ: Baron Sathonyx


15 Hellions w/ Helliarch and Agonizer

10 Wyches w/ Haywire Grenades, Hekatrix, Agonizer
Raider, Nightshields, Flickerfield

10 Wyches w/ Haywire Grenades, Hekatrix, Agonizer
Raider, Nightshields, Flickerfield

5 Warriors w/ Blaster
Venom, Dual Cannons, Nightshields

5 Warriors w/ Blaster
Venom, Dual Cannons, Nightshields

5 Warriors w/ Blaster
Venom, Dual Cannons, Nightshields

Heavy Support
Razorwing Jetfighter, Splinter Cannon, Nightshields, Flickerfield

Razorwing Jetfighter, Splinter Cannon, Nightshields, Flickerfield

Razorwing Jetfighter, Splinter Cannon, Nightshields, Flickerfield

This leaves me at 1760 points

Here are the main things I can change without having to buy new models

Upgrade the Razorwings to Voidravens (fairly liberal counts-as at my LGS) w/ missiles, leaving me at exactly 1850

Fill out the Hellions to 20 models, leaving 10 points spare for upgrades elsewhere

Drop a Wych, add a cheapo CC Archon or Succubus for better combat ability

Swap a Razorwing for a Ravager w/ FF/NS, use 140 points for something else.

I am not willing to buy new models, but I am willing to convert and have most available weapons or gear represented on my models.

For the record, the common meta at my FLGS has recently changed to Grey Knights (lots of terminators and Dreadknights), Blood Angels (dread dread dread) and in a more specific case mechanized Orks, which I am having embarrassingly bad luck against (can go a whole round without scratching the paint on their trucks FFS).

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
12-27-2011, 11:11 AM
wassup c man
i like the list. i ran a similar list when de first came out. but you have to justify to me in having all those hellions. its a huge point sink for its output of damage. for the points you could have two trueborn/venom/scannons combo and alot points left over. in a friendly game sure have a go, but if your trying to win a tournement i think the hellions hurt in the long run especially at 1750

12-27-2011, 02:39 PM
Lol I hear you. But I find that these gits win me more games than trueborn have killed actual models for me (1). The Point size is actually 90 down from where i need to be. How would you suggest I fill that in? Right now I cannot afford new models, so keep that in mind.

12-30-2011, 08:10 PM
I know you don't want to buy any new models, but if you could somehow mod up/customize a couple of Heamonculi to put with the wych squads, giving them FNP from the start makes them much more useful.