View Full Version : The Cleansing of T'Eur'ii

12-20-2011, 12:49 PM
971.M41 The Cleansing of T’Eur’ii

The event which became known as the cleansing of T’Eur’ii is an even that lives in infamy among the tau empire, an event which stands out on a planet, known for great tragedies. For it was here that the name of Archmagos Explorator Dirac became known to the tau empire as She’Tak, the Machine Beast.

The world originally belonged to the humans as hiveworld/agriworld on the outskirts of Imperial space. It is a lush green planet with two separated continents, one in the eastern hemisphere and the other in the western hemisphere. In 752.M41 the then imperial world was besieged by orks, who attacked from the west, The entire hemisphere was laid to waste as this hemisphere was mostly agriworld and had far fewer defenses than the eastern half which was mostly one large hive. The Eastern Hemisphere was able to defend itself from the orks ships to thanks it’s massive arrays of defense lasers, and the sea that separated the two continents. The orks pressed on however and kept sending wave after wave against the hive, and by some miracle held out until 761.M41 when the orks broke through into the city. It was but a matter of time until the world was to be demolished and plundered by the orks, however the Tau whom had been watching from afar intervened and after two years of fighting, managed to rid the planet of orks. The Gue’la were given the “choice” to assimilate. After not even a word of encouragement from the imperium, and their cries for help falling on no imperial ears, the Gue’la decided to join the tau empire, having lost nearly half its total population.

For over 200 years the world rebounded and flourished, having been totally incorporated into the empire. The fire cast had made an outpost on the rubble of the hive, and the earth caste began developing the Western hemisphere. But not all was well within the system, for the Ark Mechanicus Dirac’s Sea, led by Explorator Dirac himself had just finished investigating a dead world for evidence of an STC. He searched his database for the next likely location to search and the world, now known as T’Eur’ii came up, sealing the fate of it’s inhabitants for good.

As Dirac’s Sea Gated out of warp along side Dirac’s fleet, in T’Eur’ii space, immediately Starhawk bombers and Fury interceptors began pummeling the defenses of the world. Not a word was spoken to it’s inhabitants, not orders to surrender, no threat of annihilation, nothing but silence.
As the battle went on, after the defenses had been destroyed, Landers filled with Skitarii and drop pods filled with praetorian servitor’s descended upon the planet. The defenders were ready for guardsmen, but what stepped out was no mere humans. The basic skitarii was armed with carapace armor, muscle grafts and Sollex pattern lasguns capable of cutting through the nano-crystalline armor of the tau, the praetorians were armed with anything from vengeance bolt equipped heavy bolters to lascannon arrays. The Tau had prepared for guardsmen, what they got was something much different. Their battlesuits they armed with fusion blaster and burst cannon, and for a while this worked to a degree. However the advance of the Mechanicus forces was nearly implacable. As the forces of the mechanicus neared the heart of the city, the tau finally unleashed their new weapons, the Hazard battlesuits and immediately the tide was turned as both XV8 and XV9 worked in tandem to battle the giant servitors and genebulked humans.

For a while it seemed as though the tau could win the battle, until Magos Dirac gave the order to unleash his full compliment of a full century of senior secutors of the Auxillia Myrmidons, with him along side them. As these massive machine men descended from the sky the tau citizens could hardly believe what they saw. These men of steel towered 12 feet tall, with hoses and cables sticking out of their bodies, and mechanical arms sticking out of their back with energy blades and weapons attached to them. They carried with them, the omnissian axes for which the techpriests were known for, and clad in adamantium. On their own they were an equal or better match for the hazards and could easily shred the crisis suits apart or blast them at long range. With their renewed battle strength Dirac and his secutors proceeded into a tunnel system which led underneath the city that humans had once built.

He was followed by the Tau and Gue’vessa and wiped them from his path with a single sweep of his massive axe, for in the close confines of the tunnels none could escape the wrath of any of his five massive power weapons, one on each of his powerful Servo arms. Unbeknownst to him, the Tau commander O’Vor’la knew what he was after, a data fragment that they had not yet been able to decipher buried deep in the ancient tunnels of the city.

O’Vor’la met Dirac at the entrance to the terminal room, clad in an experimental XV9, and challenged him to a fight. Dirac simply let out a highly mechanical squeal of laughter and disappeared. Confused, the Tau commander looked around and back at the motionless secutor body guards. A piercing pain struck him with the ferocity of rabid krootox, he looked back to see his suit pierced by four massive power swords. The last thing he saw was Dirac splitting his machine in half with his omnissian axe.

Dirac walked into the chamber and retrieved the data fragment. He immediately began to withdraw from the planet, as he did he order his ordinatii to bombard the entire eastern continent as they withdrew.

Safely back on Dirac’s Sea, he ordered the full withdrawal from the planet. When it was over nearly half his forces were gone and over 99% of T’Eur’ii had been wiped out. Years later an Adeptus hereticus official asked Dirac what he had thought of the battle at T’Eur’ii and what it was he had gleaned from the data fragment, he responded in the high shrill screech of the lingua technicus as he held up a small penlike device, “I found this design for a laser writing device, overall I would say it was a remarkably worthy campaign.”

“that was it?” the Inquisitor remarked.

“well we were also able to do some vivisections on a few thousand of the earth caste members we had captured but were unable to acquire any more information on the earth caste than we had previously, so that ended up being a wash”.

To this day the tau that resettled the planet remember seeing the mass graves of earth caste members that had been dissected alive, too hurriedly for any anesthetic and died with their insides splayed on a dissection table, their faces twisted in horror.