View Full Version : Rumoured 2012/13 Release Schedule

12-19-2011, 10:28 PM
My sources are giving me the following general timelines of codex releases

Q1/2 - tau (or flipped w BT)
Q2/3 - BT ( possible WD codex)
Q3 - 6 Ed
Q3/4 - eldar

2013 getting fuzzy
Q1 - SM
Q2/3 - chaos legions (new)
Q4 - ig or orks!

2014. So much could change...no order given

This is a long way out, and a lot could change, but we know the studio has long lead times.

Cheers, Merry Christmas.

If Marines aren't the first codex for 6th then Eldar doesn't surprise me as having that honour, they are generally the second best selling army after Marines. However I still have trouble believing it won't be Marines. Everything else is quite plausible. A WD codex for Black Templar and other specific chapters makes so much more sense than clogging up the codex release schedule with yet another bloody Marine codex and probably gives them more than they would get in a combined codex of several different First Founding chapters.

12-20-2011, 12:17 AM
What you say makes sense, but a part of me can't see GW giving up the $$ of the offshoot codex'. I do support the idea and will buy them as needed. It would also make us buy WD. As I typed that, I remember my SoB codex I got online for free.

But it's just rumours, so who really knows?

12-20-2011, 02:08 AM
If Marines aren't the first codex for 6th then Eldar doesn't surprise me as having that honour, they are generally the second best selling army after Marines. However I still have trouble believing it won't be Marines. Everything else is quite plausible. A WD codex for Black Templar and other specific chapters makes so much more sense than clogging up the codex release schedule with yet another bloody Marine codex and probably gives them more than they would get in a combined codex of several different First Founding chapters.

Just about any chapter/legion other than the Ultramarines and their descendants could get a dex of their own, it seems like few actually do follow the codex astertes much at all. But out of those, BT and SW stands out as they don't actually follow any of the codex. It would make more sense to fold in BA and DA into SM. I'm certain that the bulk of BT players would vastly prefer to keep their codex to a WD one, plus isn't BT the post child for the new 40k MMO?

Other than that, sounds good. Would fit me great to have Eldar and SM coming up. Almost too good to be true!

12-20-2011, 07:02 AM
Aren't chaos legions still rumored to be in the 6e starter set? That would make a 2013 codex release seem a bit....off, no?

12-20-2011, 07:14 AM
Chaos Marines might be in the starter set, doesn't mean a Chaos Legions book won't be in 2013.

12-20-2011, 07:25 AM
Chaos Marines might be in the starter set, doesn't mean a Chaos Legions book won't be in 2013.

Probably just means it would use the current book....or we might get a preview of what the Legions books might be like...actually might be interesting as a mass play test.

12-20-2011, 07:26 AM
Chaos Marines might be in the starter set, doesn't mean a Chaos Legions book won't be in 2013.

The latest fantasy edition was a Q3 release but no new army book until March (Orcs and Goblins), although sentiment seems to be that was too long.

12-20-2011, 07:31 AM
Probably just means it would use the current book....or we might get a preview of what the Legions books might be like...actually might be interesting as a mass play test.

According to the latest rumours, the chaos legions book is supposed to be in addition to the current chaos space marine codex, not a replacement. Meaning the legions book may be in 2013.

12-20-2011, 07:55 AM
Well the 6th Edition starter set is Q3 / Q4 2012 (June / July) and will allegedly have Chaos in one form or another in it.

This would make a Q3 / Q4 Chaos Legions Codex quite viable. Codex / Army books seem to come out in Q4 with a first wave, followed by a Q1 second wave the following year which would fit with the 2013 estimate.

And yes the new Codex is Chaos Legions, not Chaos Space Marines, there is a significant difference.

We already have a Chaos Space Marine Codex and this will remain relatively unchanged AFAIK.

Legionnaires and Chaos Marines are as different as Grey Knights and Ultras.

However just to throw a spanner in the works I have heard that the Legions Codex will be released in 2012, and a fair bit earlier than has been speculated, but as that contradicts everybody else's rumours I won't say more on that.

And I agree there will be a new Vanilla SM Dex next year, there always is when a new editiion comes out, and there are some additions to be put in.

12-20-2011, 11:51 AM
It will be a cold day in hell before you can persuade me that Eldar will be released before a new SM codex. They are alwasy first because they are a) the 40k archetype and b) they make so much damn money. Eldar as the first alien dex sounds fine to me, but not before SM

12-20-2011, 02:13 PM
Yep, I would have to agree with Wildeybeast on that one. A Space Marine Codex is almost always released with a new edition.

A huge portion of 40k sales comes from Space Marines and they will always be GW's poster boys, and any changes in the core rules will be capitalised on in the new Dex.

That would mean that if Eldar were coming it would have to be in Q1 or Q2 next year, which just seems too unlikely to me.

Of course I will look silly if they do appear early next year, but I have seen no solid indication that they are even out of the concept stage just yet.

12-20-2011, 04:18 PM
Makes one wonder what two armies will be in the starter box. Eldar and Space Marines would be fantastic btw:)

12-20-2011, 11:58 PM
I do agree, I could see Eldar being second but it would indicate a really seismic shift in thinking at GW HQ to see Marines come after Eldar in a new edition. Having said that as Dark Eldar are doing so fantastically well by all accounts it is possible they may decide giving Eldar a lot of attention will make them enough money in the short and long terms to justify it.

It will be a cold day in hell before you can persuade me that Eldar will be released before a new SM codex. They are alwasy first because they are a) the 40k archetype and b) they make so much damn money. Eldar as the first alien dex sounds fine to me, but not before SM

12-21-2011, 02:01 AM
If GW did some sort of 8th FAQ to update all the old stuff to be compatible with the new edition, then Eldar coming out before the new SM codex makes a bit more sense. GW knows that goodie marines will make them money no matter when the release it, so by putting a strong seller before them probably won't hurt.

12-21-2011, 07:25 AM
Makes one wonder what two armies will be in the starter box. Eldar and Space Marines would be fantastic btw:)

I'm not sure you can take the starter box set as a guide to which codexes will be released first. Look at Island of Blood - Skaven and High Elves, both of which are yet to recieve a new army book. I think GW are looking at the starter boxes as an opportunity to make some cool new models for two of the races, and also perhaps to give a sales boost to armies that they have no plans of updating any time soon. And look at Black Reach - its not like the orks have had much love this edition.

12-21-2011, 07:45 AM
I'm not sure you can take the starter box set as a guide to which codexes will be released first. Look at Island of Blood - Skaven and High Elves, both of which are yet to recieve a new army book. I think GW are looking at the starter boxes as an opportunity to make some cool new models for two of the races, and also perhaps to give a sales boost to armies that they have no plans of updating any time soon. And look at Black Reach - its not like the orks have had much love this edition.

Orks have gotten some decent model releases and Orks were mostly done with 5th edition in mind as they came right before Daemons in the codex release schedule. Sisters were the ones who were shafted in the 5th edition release schedule. We are still using the same minis that we got in 2nd edition for the most part. Only the vehicles and couple of extra models were added in the 3rd edition release.

12-22-2011, 01:58 AM
If G.W. do a white dwarf codex for black templars, I will personally lead a crusade to Nottingham to purge the Traitors.
That is all.

12-22-2011, 05:38 AM
I can see why you would feel that, but honestly I've never felt anything about Dark Angels nor Black Templar warrant an entire new codex clogging up the schedule. It is bad enough 25% of the current 5th ed codices are Marines when some books go a decade withou seeing an update without adding more. Give Black Templars and Dark Angels a WD codex, then maybe we could see WD codices for all the First Founding Chapters without turning 40k into Marines vs Marines and Rarely Something Else Maybe If They Get a Really Good Codex*.

Of course this would only be a good thing if GW can start producing decent WD codices, which I think would be easier with Marines as most of the work is already done in C:SM. By the same token I would much rather see WD Exodite, Corsair and Harlequin army lists than see the release schedule clogged up with books for them or have them stuffed into an already crowded Craftworld codex.

*MvsMRSEMTGRGC for short, still working on the name. Pronounced Mee-vizz-mister-sem-tigger-gee-see.

12-22-2011, 05:52 AM
WD codex is not good, barely any fluff and GW would put minimal effort since it makes minimal effort.

12-22-2011, 06:10 AM
True enough, I'm assuming GW gets their act together with the rumours of more fun WD lists in the future. I think the key would be GW thinking of them as proper army lists and not stopgap measures or an effort to clear out old metal stock (SoB).

12-22-2011, 07:41 AM
GW should just bring back Chapter Approved / Citadel Journal.

Even if it was just as downloadable content.

Problem solved.

I still have ally my old Chapter Approved and they were (and still are in some cases) awesome.

They used to use them to trial new rules (City Fight, trial assault ect) and publish army lists.

They would only need to do them quaterly or even bi-annually and I'm sure wouldn't stretch resources too much.

Please GW if you are feeling retro, take note.

12-22-2011, 08:11 AM
That does seem to be what the rumours are pointing towards, we see it with the new SoM scrolls of binding and further back the Nightspinner addition to Codex: Eldar. We just have to see if they take it to the next step with actual army lists.

12-22-2011, 09:41 AM
I can see why you would feel that, but honestly I've never felt anything about Dark Angels nor Black Templar warrant an entire new codex clogging up the schedule. It is bad enough 25% of the current 5th ed codices are Marines when some books go a decade withou seeing an update without adding more. Give Black Templars and Dark Angels a WD codex, then maybe we could see WD codices for all the First Founding Chapters without turning 40k into Marines vs Marines and Rarely Something Else Maybe If They Get a Really Good Codex*.

Of course this would only be a good thing if GW can start producing decent WD codices, which I think would be easier with Marines as most of the work is already done in C:SM. By the same token I would much rather see WD Exodite, Corsair and Harlequin army lists than see the release schedule clogged up with books for them or have them stuffed into an already crowded Craftworld codex.

*MvsMRSEMTGRGC for short, still working on the name. Pronounced Mee-vizz-mister-sem-tigger-gee-see.

Ok, I will do this once again. Only Black Templars and Space Wolves have codexes that are actually very different than Codex Space Marines chapters. Blood Angels and Dark Angels both follow the Codex astartes and use the ten company tac/dev/assault/scouts model. They could be handled with special characters. BT's and SW's actually use their own unique set ups. After all, if you're only going to have two other books shouldnt they be something really different?

12-22-2011, 09:55 AM
Adherence to the codex astartes is really irrelvent, I'm not talking about fluff, I'm talking about army lists and NONE of them vary enough to justify their own codex, but that isn't the point.:) Space Wolves have always been one of the most popular chapters and along with Ultramarines and Blood Angels have shared the Marine limelight for twenty years or so.

The issue is when you start introducing other chapters like Dark Angels and BT is why them (when as you say other chapters are less distinctive). Why not Imperial Fists, Raven Guard or Iron Hands? They all have idiosyncracies and distinct styles. They can't release books for all of them, so why not stick to the big three and give the rest WD lists.

I'm not trying to offend anyone here, I completely understand why you would be upset by the possibility of a WD codex and what I'm suggesting.

12-22-2011, 01:46 PM
If it meant chapters like Iron Hands or Raven Guard got their own army list, I for one would be happy with a WD codex. Though to be honest, I don't think they even need to go that far. I remember back in the dim and distant past, that army books/codexes had 'alternative build' lists at the back, and this could quite easily be included in a SM codex. RG get assault marines as troops and but limits on track vehicles; IH get loads of techmarines; DA get more bikes/speeders and so on. That doesn't even require extra models or writing new rules, just official variations on what you can select in your army. Combine that with the chapter special characters and you give people more focus on their favourite chapters, without having to do a codex for every single one. Obviously the big sellers keep their codex because GW likes money, but that way you add more character to the SM codex and free up time to look at the more neglected armies and not annoy people with half arsed WD codexes.

12-22-2011, 04:07 PM
Adherence to the codex astartes is really irrelvent, I'm not talking about fluff, I'm talking about army lists and NONE of them vary enough to justify their own codex, but that isn't the point.:) Space Wolves have always been one of the most popular chapters and along with Ultramarines and Blood Angels have shared the Marine limelight for twenty years or so.

The issue is when you start introducing other chapters like Dark Angels and BT is why them (when as you say other chapters are less distinctive). Why not Imperial Fists, Raven Guard or Iron Hands? They all have idiosyncracies and distinct styles. They can't release books for all of them, so why not stick to the big three and give the rest WD lists.

I'm not trying to offend anyone here, I completely understand why you would be upset by the possibility of a WD codex and what I'm suggesting.

First of all, Codex:Imperial Fists would make me as happy as half a dozen female Eldar ICs *grin*

But BAs army list is very similar to the Ultramarine one. SW diverge more, but Black Templars even more so. So if one would go with diversity (and 40k needs that bad), the chapters to fold back into SM would be BA and DA. Heck, a future BT codex could diverge even more as they don't care one lick for any codex.

Wish they could "rip out" Exodites from the IA book and publish as a cheaper codex/PDF. It's a real cool idea.

12-22-2011, 07:52 PM
The Templar hating is rampant among this forum

12-23-2011, 10:01 AM
Adherence to the codex astartes is really irrelvent, I'm not talking about fluff, I'm talking about army lists and NONE of them vary enough to justify their own codex, but that isn't the point.:) Space Wolves have always been one of the most popular chapters and along with Ultramarines and Blood Angels have shared the Marine limelight for twenty years or so.

The issue is when you start introducing other chapters like Dark Angels and BT is why them (when as you say other chapters are less distinctive). Why not Imperial Fists, Raven Guard or Iron Hands? They all have idiosyncracies and distinct styles. They can't release books for all of them, so why not stick to the big three and give the rest WD lists.

I'm not trying to offend anyone here, I completely understand why you would be upset by the possibility of a WD codex and what I'm suggesting.

Actually Dark Angels have been around as long as any of the others, back in the 2e days they shared a codex with the Blood Angels (Angels of Death, iirc). They also got one of those 'slim' codex expansions same as the SWs and BAs. If you're going to drop them, then BAs should go too - they are both 'mostly' codex chapters with a few idiosyncrasies to differentiate themselves.

Course, as an Imperial Fists player I'd love to see them get their own codex but I accept that's unlikely t
o happen...

12-23-2011, 10:54 PM
True, but Blood Angels and Space Wolves have always been more popular, from what I've heard at any rate.

Actually Dark Angels have been around as long as any of the others, back in the 2e days they shared a codex with the Blood Angels (Angels of Death, iirc). They also got one of those 'slim' codex expansions same as the SWs and BAs. If you're going to drop them, then BAs should go too - they are both 'mostly' codex chapters with a few idiosyncrasies to differentiate themselves.

Course, as an Imperial Fists player I'd love to see them get their own codex but I accept that's unlikely t
o happen...

No it isn't.

The Templar hating is rampant among this forum

12-24-2011, 09:24 AM
Well, you must be aware for a little circumstances:

- Vanilla Codex is the most seller of the marine ones.

- Of the old codexes, it is true that in the old 2º edition Blood Angels and Dark Angels were together in the Angels of Death codex, but it was long ago...

- Now, with all the Horus Heresy fluff, the most renamed chapters are always Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Ultramarines, that from the Loyal Side... And yes, Dark Angels, of course.

That´s not that we hate Black Templars... They´re from the next foundations and not a Prime Chapter, they came from the Ultramarine Legion. So you must understand we love more the older legions, now turned into Chapters.

So for me, the next marine codex should be for the Sons of Lion

12-24-2011, 10:57 AM
Well, you must be aware for a little circumstances:

- Vanilla Codex is the most seller of the marine ones.

- Of the old codexes, it is true that in the old 2º edition Blood Angels and Dark Angels were together in the Angels of Death codex, but it was long ago...

- Now, with all the Horus Heresy fluff, the most renamed chapters are always Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Ultramarines, that from the Loyal Side... And yes, Dark Angels, of course.

That´s not that we hate Black Templars... They´re from the next foundations and not a Prime Chapter, they came from the Ultramarine Legion. So you must understand we love more the older legions, now turned into Chapters.

So for me, the next marine codex should be for the Sons of Lion

What?! The Templars Derived from the 1st Company of the Imperial Fists, not the Ultramarines.

2nd Who cares if you're a first founding chapter or not, last I checked most of the Marines that went on to be Templars were directly involved in the Defense of Terra, while the Ultramarines were doing who knows what. Also the Templars are the ONLY chapter (of any significance) that still carries on the original intent and purpose of the Space Marines.

12-24-2011, 11:00 AM
Well, you must be aware for a little circumstances:

- Vanilla Codex is the most seller of the marine ones.

- Of the old codexes, it is true that in the old 2º edition Blood Angels and Dark Angels were together in the Angels of Death codex, but it was long ago...

- Now, with all the Horus Heresy fluff, the most renamed chapters are always Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Ultramarines, that from the Loyal Side... And yes, Dark Angels, of course.

That´s not that we hate Black Templars... They´re from the next foundations and not a Prime Chapter, they came from the Ultramarine Legion. So you must understand we love more the older legions, now turned into Chapters.

So for me, the next marine codex should be for the Sons of Lion

What?! The Templars were created from the 1st Company of the Imperial Fists, not the Ultramarines.

Who cares about the "First Founding Chapters" I mean if you wanna look back in history then you will see a majority of the Marines who went on to become Templars participated in the defense of Terra, while the Ultramarines were doing what again? Oh yeah, not defending Terra. So much for that "Founding Legion" garbage.

Another thing, the Templars are the ONLY chapter (of any significance) to carry on with what the original intent and purpose of Space Marines, and that is to claim the galaxy in the name of the Emperor. Not just respond when some Tyranids come to play on your pretty little planet.

12-24-2011, 05:58 PM
What?! The Templars were created from the 1st Company of the Imperial Fists, not the Ultramarines.

Who cares about the "First Founding Chapters" I mean if you wanna look back in history then you will see a majority of the Marines who went on to become Templars participated in the defense of Terra, while the Ultramarines were doing what again? Oh yeah, not defending Terra. So much for that "Founding Legion" garbage.

Another thing, the Templars are the ONLY chapter (of any significance) to carry on with what the original intent and purpose of Space Marines, and that is to claim the galaxy in the name of the Emperor. Not just respond when some Tyranids come to play on your pretty little planet.

I'm not fan of the Ultras, but you make it sound like the Ultramarines were sat around having a tea party. In fact they were on the opposite side of the galaxy, precisely where Horus put them so they couldn't defend Terra, beacuse he knew they would lay the smack down on his rebellion. Had he not manipulated them to be there, the Heresy would have turned out very differently.

12-24-2011, 06:53 PM
Eldargal's right. Not only could they incorporate all the Marine codices into one book, but they introduced a perfect system to do so with Chapter Tactics. It would be so easy to have the core list of common units, then you select a particular Chapter Tactics to match your army. Each set of Chapter Tactics would also unlock a couple of unique units or swap around something on the FOC. Blood Angels would get the Black Rage and Furious Charge rules, and you would unlock Assault Marines as troops, Furioso Dreadnoughts, Baal Predators and the BA special Characters.

BT and SW would be a bit trickier to do with this system, but it would still be entirely possible. Half the difference between BT and normal Marines is that BT all have a bolt pistol and CCW instead of a bolter, and you can take a bunch of neophytes in squads as meat shields.

12-24-2011, 08:13 PM
The Templar hating is rampant among this forum

I think most people just aren't jumping for joy at the idea of another Space Marien/Imperial Army.5th brought alot of people into 40k, 5th ed has also left alot of people Space Mariened out.

Literally every release was SM/something eals/sm/something eals.

SM, IG, Space Wolves, Nids, Blood Angles, DE, Grey Knights, Necrons.

12-24-2011, 08:58 PM
I think most people just aren't jumping for joy at the idea of another Space Marien/Imperial Army.5th brought alot of people into 40k, 5th ed has also left alot of people Space Mariened out.

Literally every release was SM/something eals/sm/something eals.

SM, IG, Space Wolves, Nids, Blood Angles, DE, Grey Knights, Necrons.

This is understandable I can see how if you are not a Imperial player, waiting around for a book must seem to take forever.

However with my Templars finally on the Horizon (The only army I own or have ever played, 10 years into the game now) im stoked about the rumors of our release. I've remained loyal and have taken my thrashings from everyone elses shiny new toys (and handed out some thrashings myself mind you) so im just ready for it to be our turn.

I feel the Templars are a great chapter and utterly unique with a very distinctive playstyle and have striking modelling/painting capabilities (as long as you don't just basic black and white them). So when I hear people complain about the Templars it sort of hits a nerve to me.

12-24-2011, 08:59 PM
I'm not fan of the Ultras, but you make it sound like the Ultramarines were sat around having a tea party. In fact they were on the opposite side of the galaxy, precisely where Horus put them so they couldn't defend Terra, beacuse he knew they would lay the smack down on his rebellion. Had he not manipulated them to be there, the Heresy would have turned out very differently.


12-25-2011, 12:11 AM
So when I hear people complain about the Templars it sort of hits a nerve to me.

And when armies like Tau have to wait past literally a dozen SM codices to get an update, I'm sure you don't mind at all. You might be taking the game just a bit too seriously if not getting sympathy for being one of the more privileged armies 'hits a nerve'.

12-25-2011, 05:23 AM
And when armies like Tau have to wait past literally a dozen SM codices to get an update, I'm sure you don't mind at all. You might be taking the game just a bit too seriously if not getting sympathy for being one of the more privileged armies 'hits a nerve'.

And I wonder how many Marine codexes were done in the decade that DE players sat waiting for some love. I can see trignama's point that his particular army has waited for a while for an update and as such is stoked about the rumours (as a Tau player I feel the same), but you have to accept that the more popualr armies get done first whilst opthers get badly neglected. And it could be worse, BT could have a range made almost exclusively of metal and have to use a 'codex' that comes in two parts....

12-25-2011, 06:09 AM
And when armies like Tau have to wait past literally a dozen SM codices to get an update, I'm sure you don't mind at all. You might be taking the game just a bit too seriously if not getting sympathy for being one of the more privileged armies 'hits a nerve'.

Oh trust me I feel for the Tau. My cousin has played them for years as well and Im elated they are getting a book as well. My brother plays necrons, and if you bother to filter through that rumor thread you will see how I commented of my excitement for their release.

However as it stands I currently have the oldest book in print, granted more playable than Tau, but the oldest none the less. So to me it makes sense that we be the next army to receive an update.

Also I don't take the game "too seriously" I just have my opinions on the matter.

12-25-2011, 11:54 AM
I like the idea of White Dwarf codices. But I would hope that they would put a little more effort into them than they did with the SoB. :)

As an aside, someone on eBay has White Dwarf 380 up for bid starting at $19.99, plus shipping and handling. :rolleyes:

12-25-2011, 10:47 PM
Well I'm not complaining about Templars, I'm just saying the idea of reducing the number of individual SM codices but compensating by providing more WD codices has merit.

This is understandable I can see how if you are not a Imperial player, waiting around for a book must seem to take forever.

However with my Templars finally on the Horizon (The only army I own or have ever played, 10 years into the game now) im stoked about the rumors of our release. I've remained loyal and have taken my thrashings from everyone elses shiny new toys (and handed out some thrashings myself mind you) so im just ready for it to be our turn.

I feel the Templars are a great chapter and utterly unique with a very distinctive playstyle and have striking modelling/painting capabilities (as long as you don't just basic black and white them). So when I hear people complain about the Templars it sort of hits a nerve to me.

12-25-2011, 10:53 PM
I like the idea of White Dwarf codices. But I would hope that they would put a little more effort into them than they did with the SoB. :)

As an aside, someone on eBay has White Dwarf 380 up for bid starting at $19.99, plus shipping and handling. :rolleyes:

For no other reason than money, I am way over in favour of using White Dwarf for mid to late current core rules release cycle for the armies. Release a few new models, lower an AP here, raise a BS there and **POOF** you have a low cost update with all the profit margins we know and love. Shoot, they could save a fortune AND increase the bottom line via increase revenue stream by making just ?....one Codex to rule them all....** and using WD to release Codex specific profiles.

Eh, I would be just fine if the took my beloved Elfs in Space and put Craftworld specialties in WD releases, one Craft-and-Mac update per issue and take a year to do it.

Just my two Imperial script worth of thought. :)

12-26-2011, 04:56 PM
I'd take an official Iron Hands codex or character how ever it came to me.
Beggars can't be choosers.

Admiral Kenaris
12-26-2011, 07:24 PM
It's not just about how different the army lists are however as it is the fact that the DA do have a fairly extensive range of unique models. I have always thought of the DA as being one of the brand names of the 40k universe.

12-27-2011, 01:13 AM
They are, the issue is whether they are popular enough to justify development and printing of a new book or if GW decide they could continue to sell DA kits just by giving them a WD codex.

Despite what I've been saying I would be surprised in BT and DA don't get print codices, if it hadn't been rumoured that BT might be getting a WD list I never would have believed it. But if BT do get a WD codex it would make a lot of sense for them to continue that format for the non-big three chapters.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-28-2011, 01:48 AM
So no new rumours when or if SoB are going to be graced with new plastics and a codex?
I would have to say i'd prefer a DA codex over a BT codex. In many games i have seen more than a few DA players, compared to maybe one BT army i saw in a whole year.

12-28-2011, 01:52 AM
I heard SoB are coming after Eldar, so Q4 2012 or Q1 2013.

12-28-2011, 04:40 AM
SOB? Didn't they just get a major overhaul and release? ;)

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-29-2011, 02:17 AM
Ha Ha ha, oh yeah, ha ha.....
If you want to really calling what SoB got as actually anything, well all i call it is $#%%^^$$.

Anyway thanks Eldargal, saving all my sparer coins everyday for a release of a real SoB Codex and miniatures.
Would like to see DA's early in the new year though, always had a liking to them being mysterious, the first Legion and that...
Also was my first army until i sold them.

12-29-2011, 04:01 AM
I wouldn't thank me yet, the rumour was fairly vague, along the lines of 'oh, yeah, SoB, they are after Eldar as far as I know'. So it could be a long save.:) Still the source is usually fairly reliable.

12-29-2011, 09:04 AM
I wouldn't thank me yet, the rumour was fairly vague, along the lines of 'oh, yeah, SoB, they are after Eldar as far as I know'. So it could be a long save.:) Still the source is usually fairly reliable.

I find the whole affair with SOB frustrating. When a 2000 point army costs 1000+ dollars, I think its time that GW start doing something. My IG army at 2000 points costs half that. I think GW hasenough evidence that if they do an old army right that wasn't selling well that it will succeed. GK, DE, and probably Necrons are all successes I imagine. They all have good looking plastic models wiht lots of options. We could use a codex and the models to go with it, not a net loss of options. Ughh.

I hope your source is right though. The sooner the better.

12-29-2011, 09:05 AM
Ha Ha ha, oh yeah, ha ha.....
If you want to really calling what SoB got as actually anything, well all i call it is $#%%^^$$.

Anyway thanks Eldargal, saving all my sparer coins everyday for a release of a real SoB Codex and miniatures.
Would like to see DA's early in the new year though, always had a liking to them being mysterious, the first Legion and that...
Also was my first army until i sold them.

We got less for more money. :)

12-30-2011, 07:18 PM
Well Jes confirmed last year that SOB were at the very least in the alpha stage of development, but had been stalled.

That was before Eldar were even started.

I doubt that the design team would have given up completely on SOB having already invested some time in them so I would expect SOB before Eldar.

However, that doesn't necessarily mean they will be, it's not unheard of for GW to sit on stuff for reasons only they will ever know. :)

I must admit though I would imagine GW don't regard them a priority.

Like Dark Eldar were SOB are a range that has remained unsupported for many years, and unfortunately their sales reflect this.

DE were the same, their sales had dropped off to the point where they may have never had a revamp, it was only because Jes was so behind them that they did.

DE were however a great success, so let's hope that has proved to the guys at the top that make these sort of decisions that sales only drop if the models are bad or the line is unsupported.

2012 will be a massive year for 40K, with apparently a lot of support and the new edition.

The big rumours release wise are Legions of Chaos (Q4 2012), Tau (anybody's guess), Black Templars (same as Tau), the rest of the Necrons (Q1 2012), a small amount of Dark Eldar (Q3 2012), a small amount of IG, the new edition (Q2/Q3 - June or July 2012) and Vanilla Marines (again anybody's guess).

That's 4 Codices, a new edition and a couple of wave releases.

Of course that's assuming the rumours are all correct, which of course they may well not be.

I think it unlikely we would get more than that, so Eldar and SOB I would imagine would bbe 2013 at the earliest.

2013 however will be the year of the Hobbit. That doesn't mean we won't get 40K releases, but obviously we will have the rest of Chaos Legions in Q1 2013.

I suppose at this stage nobody really knows, but I do know 2012 will be a special year for 40K so I guess anything's possible. :)

12-30-2011, 07:39 PM
2013 however will be the year of the Hobbit. That doesn't mean we won't get 40K releases, but obviously we will have the rest of Chaos Legions in Q1 2013.

With the first movie slated for release in Mid December 2012, I would have thought the game would be out before then, putting it in the big November release slot, which suits both GW and WB as it gets the all important Thanksgiving sales in the US and generates hype for the movie before its release.

12-30-2011, 09:11 PM
I definitely agree that the Hobbit boxed game will be Q4 2012, probably about a month before the movie so would also expect it around November.

What I meant was that GW will then no doubt push the game and release more for it throughout 2013, and will no doubt try to further drive sales of LOTR at the same time.

2011 was apparently the year of Warhammer, 2012 will allegedly be the year of 40K so I expect 2013 will be the year of the Hobbit / LOTR.

This means I am sure they will cram as many 40K releases into 2012 as they can, as their core systems may have to take a back seat to the Hobbit.

Expect almost every WD cover of 2013 to have some sort of Hobbit / LOTR cover in much the same way it did when LOTR came out. :)

12-31-2011, 01:05 AM
Harry has strongly hinted on Warseer that Tau aren't as close as people expect, so it could be Legions of Chaos, Black Templar and Eldar for 2012.

12-31-2011, 08:22 AM
I definitely agree that the Hobbit boxed game will be Q4 2012, probably about a month before the movie so would also expect it around November.

What I meant was that GW will then no doubt push the game and release more for it throughout 2013, and will no doubt try to further drive sales of LOTR at the same time.

2011 was apparently the year of Warhammer, 2012 will allegedly be the year of 40K so I expect 2013 will be the year of the Hobbit / LOTR.

This means I am sure they will cram as many 40K releases into 2012 as they can, as their core systems may have to take a back seat to the Hobbit.

Expect almost every WD cover of 2013 to have some sort of Hobbit / LOTR cover in much the same way it did when LOTR came out. :)

Makes sense to keep it going all year long with the second movie coming December 2013. Do we know if they are just releasing one game or two, as they did for the three LoTR films?