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View Full Version : What are the current most comeptitive Chaos Space Marine army builds?

12-19-2011, 06:53 AM
What are all the current most competitive builds for chaos space marines?

I'm trying to build up a comptitive list from the stuff I own.
I'm assuming that double lash princes with 2 or 3 demolishers are still at the top of the chaos competitive lists or has that been completely neutered by the advent of vehicle heavy armies?

I havent played CSM in like a year so please do post any knowledge you may have :)

This is what i currently own (not planning on buying new stuff)

1 Abaddon the Despoiler
1 Ahriman
2 Aspiring Sorcerer
2 Chaos Lord
1 Chaos Lord
1 Chaos Lord - Jump Pack
95 Chaos Space Marines
55 Chaos Space Marines - Close Combat Weapon
8 Chaos Space Marines - Plasma gun
5 Chaos Space Marines - Meltagun
5 Chaos Space Marines - Flamer
9 Chaos Space Marines - Heavy Bolter
5 Chaos Space Marines - Lascannon
8 Aspiring Champion
1 Chaos Terminator Sorcerer
2 Daemon Prince
1 Fabius Bile
1 Huron Blackheart
1 Kharn the Betrayer
36 Khorne Berzerkers
32 Khorne Berzerkers
4 Skull Champion
1 Lucius the Eternal
3 Obliterators
7 Plague Marines
5 Plague Marines
1 Plague Marines - Plasma gun
1 Plague Champion
2 Predator
6 Rhino
20 Terminator
16 Thousand Sons

12-19-2011, 07:49 AM
There's really only a few options, one of which approaches a higher level that can compete with the big lists out there:

Lash Princes
2 Slaanesh Princes with Lash of Submission
Plague Marines in Rhinos with Dual Melta
Plague Marines in Rhinos with Dual Plasma
3 squads of 3 Obliterators

The concept is to pop transports, lash the troops into tight bundles and drop plasma cannon shots on their faces. Works well against a lot of builds but has a really hard time against anything with psyker defense. Can be a one trick pony if you can't adapt.

2 Nurgle Princes with wings and warptime
plague marines in rhinos with dual special weapons
maybe two land raiders with more plague marines

The concept is to load up on dual special weapons ultra durable assault troops. I still standby that Plague Marines rank up in the top 3 troops choices in the game. You get a lot of them, be smart and you can do well.

The Hybrid
2 lash princes
half of your troops are Plague Marines in Rhinos with dual specials
other half are Berzerkers in rhinos (or land raiders)
Obliterators in the back field

This list has the answers. Some people will run this with the dual lashes in order to get better assualts off, plasma cannon saturation and lash guys off of objectives.

I hope that helps!
I have had a lot of success with all Death Guard, using about this:
2 Daemon Princes with Wings, Mark of Nurgle, Warptime
2 Land Raiders
7 PM with 2xFlamer, Champ, PF and combimelta
7 PM with 2xmelta, Champ, PF
7 PM with 2xmelta, Champ, PF, Rhino
5 PM with 2x plasma, Rhino
5 PM with 2x plasma, Rhino
3 Oblits
Comes in near 2000, change it as needed to fit the points.

12-19-2011, 10:11 AM
wait for the new codex

12-22-2011, 06:53 AM
Thanks a lot guys was able to build myself a list based on those suggestions. Just wish i had more Oblits

12-24-2011, 12:36 AM
A less common build that I have seen work decently involves taking advantage of the cheap terminator costs and nurgle bikers

You use abbadon + 10 termies with mark of tzeench. You can equip them however you want but it doesn't matter than much as long as you stack a good amount of combi weapons. The one I witnessed used 4 combi meltas and 4 combi plas, and about half of the squad with power fists, two with lightning claws.

Hold that squad in reserve it will deepstrike.

The two troop choices are both 7 man plague marines in rhinos with plasma and powerfists. Havoc launchers on the rhinos can be good but no necessary. These two squads will stay together to claim home objectives most of the time.

A 6 man nurgle biker squad provides the icon for the abbadon squad to deepstrike in on, and can survive a few turns of focused fire allowing your deathstar to roll their reserve. Even when the squad doesn't come in, no opponent will want to put anything valuable within 12" of these guys. You should use your plague marine rhinos to screen these guys on turn one and then start turboing aggressively into areas that your deathstar would like to land.

The bikers will have a 12" bubble of stay the pony rainbow flowers away so you can use this to keep enemy troops away from objectives, and deepstrike your termy squad somewhere else that wasn't being expected.

That list fits into 1500, but you can obviously expand on it for larger games by adding more biker squads and plague marines, and perhaps add in typhus and another termy squad for him to deepstrike with. Lesser daemons work great in this kind of army too.

For 2000 I would imagine a good expansion would be another biker squad and a couple of lesser daemons squads to claim forward objectives

12-24-2011, 01:59 AM
How do the bikers only have a 12" bubble? Are they slowed down, or poor in combat? Is their threat outside their movement unreliable?

Also, just replace your swears with something like "f**k". It's still going to be understood by everyone. Replacing the letter to be the same is just crass.

12-24-2011, 02:17 AM
How do the bikers only have a 12" bubble? Are they slowed down, or poor in combat? Is their threat outside their movement unreliable?

Also, just replace your swears with something like "f**k". It's still going to be understood by everyone. Replacing the letter to be the same is just crass.

Without the champ upgrade they will not fair well in combat vs most squads with powerfists. The range on death by plasma + melta is probably closer to 15", which is the main threat to dedicated combat squads near the bikers. Around this range also means it will be hard for most infantry to avoid an assault on the next turn from abby.

The threat bubble is referring to the deepstriking squad coming in on the icon. There may not be enough bikers left to provide a threat of their own since most of the enemy fire will be directed into them.

edit: little children play this game, I agree with you we should keep these forums clean. For the sake of the children.