View Full Version : 2500 Daemons of Blood and Fire

12-18-2011, 02:11 PM
:D fancy title for my 2.5k daemons that are purely a blend of khornate and tzeentch daemons as I will be getting back into them as I have almost finished up all my TK.

-Obsidian Armour
-Immortal Fury
-Firestorm Blade

Herald of Khorne-(140)
-Soul Hunger
-Armour of Khorne

Herald of Tzeentch-(185)
-Disc of Tzeentch
-Flames of Tzeentch
-Master of Sorcery (Death)

20x Bloodletters-(270)
-Full Command

20x Bloodletters-(270)
-Full Command

25x Pink Horrors-(345)
-Full Command
-Icon of Sorcery

3x Bloodcrushers-(260)
-Full Command

6x Flamers-(210)

Overview of tactics:
Bloodthirster. Ultimate killing machine. Stomps every character possible. Only threats to it: Shooting :/ and any 2+ against flaming (every TK player is prepared for him!)
Herald of Khorne runs with one of the bloodletter units, making them a good attack block. He himself can defeat some characters, though may just be used to hunt the BSB and knock off anything I find annoying. Herald of Tzeentch flies around killing things with either super magic fire of death (die warmachine crews die!) or anything cool from the death lore :)
Each block of Bloodletters are pure hammer units, either charging one enemy with both, are adding some saturation to any shooting while they speed down the battlefield. Horrors are my anvil block, having their own fun with the magic phase, getting the +1 because of the Icon, and are used in support of the bloodletters.
Bloodcrushers are just cool models. They are support troops none the less, adding a good punch, decent armour save and enough attacks that when used with one of the core can dish out the appropriate damage for the win. Flamers are my skirmishing shooting unit. Attacking lone wizards/small blocks/warmachines they will certainly get their due in points.

03-06-2012, 03:26 PM
Looks like a pretty fun list! I would do some play testing and see if you find that the 2 20 man bloodletter units are as effective as 1 40 man horde. In my experience the hordes are just so devastating and hard to deal with especially when you can support them with other units like bloodcrushers, they act as both a hammer and an anvil on their own. Also this would give hatred to ALL your bloodletters which is a scary thought. Try it out I'm not saying it will be better for your particular play style but you might enjoy the sheer amount of carnage that unit could dish out.


03-21-2012, 08:30 PM
I'm just getting into fantasy and just scored a Daemons army. I've yet to play my first game, I'm still painting, but are horde units of bloodletters a way to go? I had considered a similar thing to the OP, several small haranguing units. If a horde is the way, is 40 a good number?

I'm looking at a similar theme T'zeentch and Khorne, with Horrors and Bloodletters making up my core.

03-26-2012, 07:24 PM
Ya I would say a horde of 40 is the way to go. I have played several games now with my unit of 20 bloodletters running them in ranks of 6 and all I can say is that they dont have enough punch to break through units and since they dont have the staying power they will lose a war of attrition. If you had a horde not much is going to survive a charge from that.