View Full Version : I have 17,000 points of Eldar ...or do I?

12-18-2011, 06:28 AM
I was adding up my Eldar army and found myself maxing out each units options when I came up with ~17,000 points. ( before you ask, 90% of the models are painted to some degree.) I was thinking about how I totaled up my point count, and wondered how others calculated the points value of their armies?

Please chime- Do you max outw every point on every model or maybe just rough out an average point cost per unit or something else.


12-18-2011, 06:44 AM
Approx 12,000 pts of Space Marines - all painted, 6000 pts of Imperial Guard - all painted + 1000 pts unpainted & finally 5700 pts of Imperial super heavies + 600 pts unpainted.

12-18-2011, 07:55 AM
Approx 12,000 pts of Space Marines - all painted, 6000 pts of Imperial Guard - all painted + 1000 pts unpainted & finally 5700 pts of Imperial super heavies + 600 pts unpainted.

Cool, but how did you add up your points? Dd you max out each unit, or something else?


12-18-2011, 08:01 AM
Maybe it's pedantic of me, but I do a minimum (bare bones), max, and a "what I like to run" count.

12-18-2011, 08:22 AM
I do the same. I generally account for basic units and wysiwyg, skipping things that are upgrades. I usually run HKs on all my tanks, but only a small number have them modeled on them, but I don't generally count them, just the base cost of the tanks as kitted with turrets/sponsons.

12-18-2011, 08:42 AM
I work out the average value of a squad, character of a vehicle and go from there. I figure it will be roughly accurate and far faster than making an entire 60,000 point Eldar army just to be sure.

12-18-2011, 11:16 AM
Cool, but how did you add up your points? Dd you max out each unit, or something else?


This is WYSIWYG with upgrade costs taken into account as if I was going to use them in a game. The approximation is simply because I was going from memory and couldn't be bothered to load up Army Biulder. :)

12-18-2011, 12:35 PM
I tend to work my points on what is roughly WYSIWYG (ie almost non of my space marines have a botl pistol and a boltgun, and only the older ones have grenades modelled on them...) and/or what is actually useful in a game. Even at larger points games, maxing out units with the best stuff they can take makes them a points sink. If you are playing equal points against someone else and they have bare bones basic units they will usually have enough of a difference in force that they should overwhelm you most of the time.

That said, I then round it off to the nearest half thousand when telling people about my 13k Space Marines, 7 and a half thousand points Imperial guard and 6k of Orks. Doesn't help that I seem to spend more time modelling than playing, so nearly every time I tell someone what I have, the totals change (especially as some of my Imperial vehicles eventually get looted for my Orks after being dropped on the floor one too many times!) so I often end up mixing up the numbers and telling people the wrong ones.

To sum up; Combat effective/wysiwyg, instead of maxing out or bare bones units.

12-18-2011, 01:49 PM
I've got like 5000pts of Grey Knights, but we have the advantage of a comparatively limited model range. I have twenty Terminators that can also be Paladins, and forty something power armor guys that can be GKSS, Interceptors or Purifiers. And a dozen or so random guardsmen for Acolytes. You can build an apocalypse army of just about whatever you want from that, though I am a bit short on Halberd GKs for what I like to bring.

I also have maybe 1000pts of Sisters that I used to use as allies, and had considered building into a full army... until the new Sisters codex came out. Maybe in five years...

I also have a Mechdar army with seven wave serpent/falcons, and enough squads to fill them up. Fire Dragons, some Banshees and Scorpions, Dire Avengers and Guardians. And a handful of Vypers. Fun army, but a bit too outdated and I prefer GKs anyways, so it'll wait until a new codex comes out.

In any case, I calculate what I would take in an Apocalypse game, without having to worry about the FOC or point restrictions getting in the way of fun wargear.

12-19-2011, 08:48 AM
I just booted up army builder and went through this exercise...

Everything "maxed out" I get 34,122 pts of Eldar. (about 5k of that is sitting in pieces, unassembled at the bottom of a rubbermaid bin - could be assembled in an afternoon if needed I guess)

12,225 points of Blood Angels.

And whatever one maxed out squad of paladins is.

Yes I have issues with plastic crack.

12-19-2011, 02:09 PM
I just booted up army builder and went through this exercise...

Everything "maxed out" I get 34,122 pts of Eldar. (about 5k of that is sitting in pieces, unassembled at the bottom of a rubbermaid bin - could be assembled in an afternoon if needed I guess)

12,225 points of Blood Angels.

And whatever one maxed out squad of paladins is.

Yes I have issues with plastic crack.

I like the exercise of going through each unit and figuring out max values, but in practice I like using the as-modeled view when talking to others about what I can field for a game. So, I have revised my list to 15,000 points and I feel better about that number. thanks all for the input.

12-21-2011, 02:36 PM
I have a minimum of 19,688 points worth of Eldar. I'm no longer sure exactly what my full numbers of models are!

All wysiwyg and tooled up correctly.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-21-2011, 02:44 PM
Well with the 3rd ed Witch Hunters codex i had about 12,000 points of SoB (all painted), now with this new WD thingy, i'm not sure if it would work out more or less.

Also have about 6,500 points of Salamanders all painted. Just finishing the touches to

12-21-2011, 09:21 PM
I go by WYSIWYG so a sister with a melta is tallied up with a melta, all in all with upgrades I have 2235 pts of SOB and 1250 DE and two Hellhammers lost my Apoc book so I have no clue what pts value these are.I have roughly 2000 pts of BT in boxes but I haven't bother to open or build.

12-22-2011, 11:23 AM
I go by what the units carry in a typical 1850 or 2000 point game. Generally, when you're totalling up an entire collection, it's to play Apocalypse. In Apocalypse, an entire maxed-out unit can be wiped off the table by a single Apocalypse Blast weapon, so I don't see the point in maxing anything out. It's better to have a larger number of moderately-equipped units than a smaller number of units carrying a bunch of gear they're not likely to use.

Archon Charybdis
12-22-2011, 12:06 PM
Like Rissan4ever, I only tally up the points including options I'll actually use. In Apocalypse I may go a bit heavier on upgrades I would normally skip, but it's not as though my Farseers are going to buy every psychic power, and there's still no way I'm taking Vectored Engines on an Eldar tank or Spirit Stones on a squadron of War Walkers.