View Full Version : Dominions, Your Opinions Please and Danke

12-16-2011, 11:54 PM
So first the problemo, I love Dominions like new born kittens, I hate Immolators like a dog turd on my new shoes. I generally run two Dominion squads both kitted with 2 Flamers, 2 Meltaguns, A Rhino with Dozer and HKM and of course the Superior (varies) and Simulacrum. They die...alot and most of the time the Rhino does more then they do. Basically I need build help and usage advice, should I take ten girl squads? Are Immolators a better choice of transport (gag cough gag)? And why do so many people tell me to drop the Simulacrum is there something about it I should know, is it cheating on me cause I would be sad.

Oh and on a side note is this a useful squad or something a monkey would use as a toilet

Canoness, Meltapistol, Powersword, Rosarius
2 Celestians, Multi-Melta
1 Celestian, Simulacrum
Dialogues (ewww but have not choice in the matter)
Hospitaller (Cute model and FNP YAY!)
Immolator, TwL MM, Dozer, HKM

Basically the Immolator I use as a tank hunter and the SCS as a tank response unit if a Landraider is coming my way and I feel more like Shooting the Termies inside with the Exorcist then trying my luck at the raider I use these girls to open it up. Domies generally used to do this but I fight alot of Baby Mech opponents and they're usually dead by the time the Raider decides it done sulking in a corner. Oh and they make me laugh running around and shooting their little Melta cannons at stuff when other peoples MM have to stay still.

12-19-2011, 11:20 AM
Wow! No input from anyone.

I only have one game under my belt with the new Sisters of Battle so please take my opinion with a grain of salt. I outfit my Dominions with only 5-Sister squads. So the superior, two melta's, two Sisters (although if I have points for it I take a Simulacrum). Put them into a stock Immolator. That way the Immolator flames any troops and the Dominions can jump out and melta any tough vehicles that gets in the way. Total cost in points is relatively low, especially since they get Scout.

Much as I hate the idea of not having a Canoness in charge, her command squad is too expensive (in my opinion) for what you get.

I tend not to put Multi-Melta's on the Immolator since I have found that makes them more of a priority target for your opponent and so they die much faster.

Hope this helps.

12-19-2011, 03:17 PM
Wow! No input from anyone.

I only have one game under my belt with the new Sisters of Battle so please take my opinion with a grain of salt. I outfit my Dominions with only 5-Sister squads. So the superior, two melta's, two Sisters (although if I have points for it I take a Simulacrum). Put them into a stock Immolator. That way the Immolator flames any troops and the Dominions can jump out and melta any tough vehicles that gets in the way. Total cost in points is relatively low, especially since they get Scout.

Much as I hate the idea of not having a Canoness in charge, her command squad is too expensive (in my opinion) for what you get.

I tend not to put Multi-Melta's on the Immolator since I have found that makes them more of a priority target for your opponent and so they die much faster.

Hope this helps.

Me I have been running 5 girl squads with 2 meltas, a combi-melta, melta bombs, and a Simulacrum Imperialis in Immolator (no multi-meltas just a TL heavy flamer or TL heavy bolters). They are great to Scout move or outflank with, The first turn 12" scout move followed by 12" move and disembark to melta it up with 3 TL meltas. The same for outflanking. Backed up by 3 Exorcists its awesome for vehicle killing

12-21-2011, 06:11 PM
Yes this all works wonderfully, maybe it's just that my opponents have caught on and the Dominions are a first turn kill now. The Immolator often fails to do anything worth 65 pts regardless of weapon outfit, the flamer is weak now with the loss of the Flamer rule allowing the Vehicle to zoom 12 and still fire it's HF, as you said an MM draws attention but atleast you can scout, move 6 and put a big hole in someones landraider. The bolters with Inferno rounds is my favourite so far, rerolling misses and failed to wounds on a BS 0f 4...sweet, most successful kill was an entire unit of devastators which traded fire with the Immolator and lost, then a mean Baal Pred rolled in and ended my victory dance.