View Full Version : Necron Spyders

12-16-2011, 02:50 PM
Ok, so Games Workshop in their wisdom decided to not bother having a Tomb Spyder model so ive decided to build my own.


Admittedly they dont have legs but i kinda like the look of the Hover-Spyder and the pleasing thing i like is if you look from the top....


...hows that for a Scarab Beetle ;).

And theyre easy to do too. A Destroyer and a Box of Praetorians i had spare meant i knocked two together in about half an hour.


Two more to go once i get 2 more Destroyers then back to the rest of my army.

12-16-2011, 03:17 PM
These are looking cool. What are you using for legs?

12-16-2011, 03:29 PM
These are looking cool. What are you using for legs?

TBH I dont think ill even bother with Legs. I may add some cabling as 'dendrites' but i really dont think legs are needed on a model thats always been depicted as hovering anyway.

12-16-2011, 04:00 PM
TBH I dont think ill even bother with Legs. I may add some cabling as 'dendrites' but i really dont think legs are needed on a model thats always been depicted as hovering anyway.

They do look good, but those vents make obvious joint attachments if you can find suitable appendages

12-16-2011, 04:51 PM
They do look good, but those vents make obvious joint attachments if you can find suitable appendages

I may use some of the spare 'spines' i have as cables with attatchements on the end but they wont be supporting legs. Plus im gonna need to get enough together for all 4 of the spiders i plan on building.

12-18-2011, 05:34 AM
looking good!
i would try to make the shield more flush with the body but apart from that great minis!


p.s. *sob* why did they take away the old minis! cutest GW model for ages :P