View Full Version : Necron Ctan

12-15-2011, 11:45 AM
Question what do u guys think of using the warhammer model Tomb Kings Khemrian Warsphinx for a Ctan, looks like it could work minus the wings, it looks like it can be more mechanical then living tissue, just need to paint it right I think it would make a great ctan.

12-15-2011, 12:39 PM
Question what do u guys think of using the warhammer model Tomb Kings Khemrian Warsphinx for a Ctan, looks like it could work minus the wings, it looks like it can be more mechanical then living tissue, just need to paint it right I think it would make a great ctan.

There's a reason the ctan became generic: so people like you can come up with awesome ideas to model a ctan.

12-15-2011, 12:58 PM
Look should work fine. base size might be a problem though.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
12-15-2011, 01:52 PM
It' d be a great looking model, I've seen some nice c'tan conversions using it. You might have some issues with it in a competitive scene, though - the official C'tan models come on a 40mm base, while the Necrosphinx would have trouble fitting on anything smaller than a large oval base (the one the Valk/Dreadknight comes with).

Since a couple of the C'tan's powers are determined by an aura measured from the C'tan's base or models in base-contact with the C'tan, a larger base would increase the power of those abilities.

12-15-2011, 02:45 PM
It' d be a great looking model, I've seen some nice c'tan conversions using it. You might have some issues with it in a competitive scene, though - the official C'tan models come on a 40mm base, while the Necrosphinx would have trouble fitting on anything smaller than a large oval base (the one the Valk/Dreadknight comes with).

Since a couple of the C'tan's powers are determined by an aura measured from the C'tan's base or models in base-contact with the C'tan, a larger base would increase the power of those abilities.

I see what u are I didn't realize it was that big lol, might need to do something about that, worse case I can put something on the base to represent the 40mm base and just talk to my opponent about it that all measurements are from the 40mm, that might work, now tournaments idk would have to inform judge about it.

Luke Licens
12-15-2011, 04:50 PM
There's always the 'Based on the base it came with' argument. Nowhere in the book does it require you to use the official GW model to represent your unit. It is implied, but not required.

Pg 3

Each model is an individual playing piece with its own capabilities.
To represent all these differences, each model has its own characteristics profile as described in the next section.


Citadel miniatures are normally supplied with a plastic base. If so, they must be glued onto their bases before they can be used in the game.

Some players like to mount their models on impressive scenic bases. As mounting your models on different sized bases might affect the way they interract with the rules, make sure before the game that your opponent does not mind this.

So, GW mini, on the base it came with, totally legal. Now, you might get disqualified for inappropriate 'counts as', but organizers should make their counts as policy clear up front. And if your opponent is that much of an... unpleasentness... and doesn't believe in the Rule of Cool, turnabout is fair play. Call him out on his own models, and get them tossed.

And before anybody says "WYSIWYG means you have to use the proper models!" No it doesn't. It says they have to be equipped with the proper weapons and wargear, not that they have to be the official GW mini.