View Full Version : The War in Iraq

12-15-2011, 09:34 AM
Came to an end today. Twice the length of WW1.

12-15-2011, 09:40 AM
I know people who've served out there across two nationalities and all branches of the armed forces. Luckily they all made it home safe

People always go back and bang on about "No WMD's". But in the end, the war removed a unstable dictator who opprssed his people and murdered thousands directly, even more indirectly. And freeing a country to make its own government is always a good thing

Would people have argued against us invading Germany in the 30's and 40's if they'd known what he was doing to his people?
Would people have objected to us deploying forces into Libya to assist the rebels in securing their country and establishing their own government?

In the end...I think it was worth it. The deaths are horrific and the area still unstable but at the end of the day our men and women at arms freed a population of millions from a corrupt leader who tortured his way to obedience and tested chemical weapons on his own people

12-15-2011, 09:46 AM
I've deleted the reference to WMD's. Perhaps too touchy a subject for the day that's in it.

12-15-2011, 10:14 AM
Meh, we replaced a brutal, tyrannical, secular dictator with a fragile, flawed, Islamist Iranian puppet state, not what I would call a win in a supposed war on Islamic fundamentalism. Still, glad S. Hussein is gone and glad its finally over, for US forces anyway. I suspect it won't be over for the Iraqis for some time.

People always go back and bang on about "No WMD's". But in the end, the war removed a unstable dictator who opprssed his people and murdered thousands directly, even more indirectly. And freeing a country to make its own government is always a good thing