View Full Version : Semi-competitive Red Corsairs 1850

Mr. Pickles
12-13-2011, 06:45 PM
This is my 1850 point list for a themed Red Corsairs army. I would love to know what you guys think of it. What are its bad and good match-ups? How should I (slightly) modify the list or change my tactics for any given threat? Is the list survivable or competitive? Models ARE a restriction on what I can afford and the theme (no demons).

HQ: Huron Blackheart-170pts

Troops: (x1) Chaos Space Marines x8/flamer x1, icon of glory, champion x1/powerfist, combi-flamer-200pts
Transport: Rhino-35pts

Troops: (x3) Chaos Space Marines x9/Meltagun x2, icon of glory, champion x1/powerfist-220pts
Transport: (x3) Rhino-35pts

Troops: (x2) Noise Marines x5/Blastmaster-140pts
Transport: (x2) Rhino-35

Fast Attack: (x1) Raptors x5/Meltagun x2, icon of glory-130pts

Heavy Support: (x1) Havocs x5/Autocannon x4-165pts
Transport: Rhino-35pts

Total: 1850pts

The basic concept should be obvious, but I will lay it out anyway. The nine man squad is Huron's bodyguard. Chaos Marines advance while Noise Marines and Havocs support. The idea is to always have a transport popped for Huron and friends to party with. The Raptors are modeled so that they "can" hide behind a Rhino, so their job is to jump out and pop a transport; at this point a Marine squad should assault.

The Noise Marines turned out to be the most effective way to field min-max anti-tank with the bonus of crapping on infantry after the first turn of shooting. They are also great backfield scoring units shooting out of their Rhinos.

The Raptors can be flexible, because they can act as a termicide squad as well.

The Havocs have a transport for three reasons: it can block LOS for some protection on a flank, for Dawn of War, and it can always contest.

12-15-2011, 04:13 AM
autocannnon havocs? great in theory but idk about real game use. i have proxied twice and really have almost dont nothing. got to shoot the whole game too. i got a dread and a few marines and some immortals.

and i think raptors are 10 man minimum. get them down to 3 and they are almost pointless. id drop both, get a power weapon with the flamers and get 2 squads of 2 oblits. oblits are a MUST if you want to be competitive.

otherwise it looks fun. think about chaos bikes(icon of nurgle and thats t6;))

12-15-2011, 12:44 PM
Auto cannons are good against light vehicles.

Personally, I would get rid of 2 troops and replace them with 2 auto cannon/las cannon predators.

Spend the rest of the points on a elite goodie or beefing up the raptors.

12-15-2011, 02:33 PM
Autocannons are GREAT against light armor like rhinos and razorbacks, and if you have 4 then you are counting on the volume of wounds to deal with AV12+. The issue in this list is no ranged answer to AV13-14, which means you are going to get slaughtered by Imperial Guard, mechanized Grey Knights, Eldar and Tau if they gunline across the back. Make use of your transports to get into people's grill here--if Chaos marines have free smoke launchers, then make sure to use them ASAP to maximize the number of units that get within melta/rapid fire by turn 2. Expect turn 1 to be a lot of maneuver for safe positioning into the follow-up strike. Get those Autocannons blazing away against anything they can realistically hurt ASAP, focusing on threats you can't take care of in close combat. Don't bother with AV13/14, leave those for your meltaguns.

You definitely will cause some consternation for armies reliant on high toughness or light vehicles, though. Dark Eldar, Tyranids, and several varieties of Space Marines will be in rough shape after dealing with these guys, if they win it should be well earned.

12-18-2011, 10:34 AM
go wreck some armies and lets hear how you did. sounds like a solid list.