View Full Version : SoB FAQ online.

12-12-2011, 08:44 AM
GW have put a short FAQ up for the WD SoB codex, available here (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2120187a_Sisters_of_Battle_FAQ_Version_1_0_Decemb er_2011.pdf_).

12-12-2011, 08:57 AM
Do these changes make a significant difference, the strength increase sounds like its a nice boost, but i don't know enough about SOB.

12-12-2011, 09:52 AM
2 Erratas and 2 questions... not exactly comprehensive

12-12-2011, 10:19 AM
Well, whether it's comprehensive or not depends on if there are unanswered questions.

12-12-2011, 12:18 PM
Wow that was small, but what it addresses is quite epic!

From the games Ive had with the new dex, St. C and her rules and the rerolling AoF were big points of contention.

Wish it covered more but it certainly clears up some big questions.

12-12-2011, 02:00 PM
Does this FAQ really matter? I mean who seriously plays them nowadays with that thing they are passing off as a codex.

12-12-2011, 04:03 PM
Does this FAQ really matter? I mean who seriously plays them nowadays with that thing they are passing off as a codex.

people who play SOB and dont bandwagon jump ? :P

The Twilight Fade
12-12-2011, 06:20 PM
Shame that means celestians can't go any higher that strength 4 :(

12-12-2011, 09:02 PM
Well, I'm of the camp that has a SoB army and won't be using this codex. I don't see how this relates to a bandwagon in any way. I think it is crap, and choose to not use it.

12-12-2011, 09:56 PM
I play them and have for 2 years QUITE Successfully matter of Fact

12-12-2011, 10:16 PM
I had some great games with my SoB. I was mostly competitive with them. They weren't a bad army given the age. It may have sounded that I said the codex was unwinnable, but I just don't like what they've done to the army of them I had built. My HQ's are now illegal and some units I have are as well. Hopefully things will better next go round.

12-12-2011, 11:33 PM
I play them and have for 2 years QUITE Successfully matter of Fact

his point was with this codex, if you've played them with this codex for 2 years then you sir are a FAR better wargamer than most can ever hope to be.

12-12-2011, 11:39 PM
The new codex isn't bad from a gaming perspective (or so I'm told by the SoB players in my group, I've not tried it) but it really lacks a lot of flavour. They just seem like IG-lite rather than a religiously motivated elite.

12-13-2011, 12:19 AM
Some parts of it strike me as Space Marine-ish now, without actually being a Space Marine.

Yes, all the flavourings are gone, replaced with pre-packaged awesomeness of special characters which are almost compulsory, according the internet.

12-15-2011, 04:33 PM
The new codex isn't bad from a gaming perspective (or so I'm told by the SoB players in my group, I've not tried it) but it really lacks a lot of flavour. They just seem like IG-lite rather than a religiously motivated elite.

Yeah its a largely joyless codex. To me they are space marines light without all of the good wargear. Our units are marginally cheaper than space marines with a not insignifcant reduction in durability. Faith is a joke and hardly matters at all. For an army special rule its not terribly good or even useful most times assuming you get the Act off. Most armies don't have to be stuck with thier rule working 25% of the time (only in my turns on a 4+).

You can with with it for certain (and I have), but you have to try that much harder than before and its certainly the least forgiving of all codices.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-16-2011, 08:46 AM
Well let's see, i own one of the largest SoB armies in Australia (am proud of that) and have been playing them since they were first introduced in a WD (wow recurring theme here i think).

What is usefull in the currect dex, if you really want to call it that much, is Dominions being able to Twin-link with faith.
Repentia being allowed to make atleast one attack before dying from low Initiative.
Retributors having Rending now.

What is bad, is most of the Faith rules, limited to 1d6 for any amount of points really hurts the prospect that anyone would now want to play with more than 1000 points.
Most of the Faith are not that great, except Divine Guidance.
Losing over half the wargear that was descent and being left with generic wargear.
Losing Jump packs for the Cannoness.
Having only 3 SC's.
No new models at all.
Immolators losing 12" move and still firing Twin Heavy flamers.
Not gaining any new weapons or heavy hitting units to counter AV 14 (excorsists still need a 6 to glance and a 5+ to wreck/destroy a tank).
Not gaining Celestiens with Power Weapons to counter FnP or Elite choices that all have PW's.(Honor Gaurd, Sanguinary Gaurd, Banshees, Incubi or GK's).
Losing all the unique vehicle wargear of the SoB (holy icon, holy promethium, blessed ammunition, etc).
Gaining a Celestien Command squad, that cannot gain PW's and limited to 5 (3 Celestiens, 1 Hospitallar and 1 Dialogus), should be allowed max 10 SoB.
could go on but you see the point.

Now i have played more than a few games with the new rules, and i'm finding Assault armies are hard to be rid of, BA's are a real pain. so far i'm doing alright with roughly 2 out of 3 games i win, but that isn't due to the new codex.
More like most people don't know how to play against them, or that i out think my opponents. As mentioned i have played many years with all versions of them.
And i can honestly say even the 2nd ed version was better than the current (i'm supposed to be a 5th ed codex) version that GW pushed out.
So over all this FAQ that GW gave us, well besides clarifying St.Celestine rule, really is that it??
Nothing new, no new rules, no more hints, nothing.
I think it was the shortest FAQ so far.
When i heard we got a FAQ i was shocked and hopeful. Then just shocked, dissappointed again and left wondering why GW bothered at all.

12-16-2011, 09:03 AM
Said it before, but for now, SB count as Black Templars. That could change, depending on how badly they screw up the BT codex.

12-16-2011, 10:31 AM
I can't see them mucking up a loyalist marine codex. This is 40k after all.

12-17-2011, 12:21 AM
More sister stuff eh, I play them faithfully and the FAQ made Celestian an IC that's all I cared about now she can join up with squads and benefit from faith. I'm personally tired with the whole this isn't a real codex crap, it works and I've won with it a few times, theres lots of room for improvement but it's better then nothing.