View Full Version : Ogryn converted from Ogres

09-12-2009, 10:02 PM
A local store had an old box set of fantasy ogres (a merc band) on their clearance rack, so I picked it up and started some minor conversions


The mob, looks a little cartoony, now that I look at it.



Most of the conversion work was just snipping off one of the hand weapons, then adding grenades and other "guard-ish" gear. The ripper guns are old 2nd edition era bolters trimmed and mated to cadian grenade launchers.


Probably could use to re-work the eyes, but they're in playable condition for next month, when they get to play "clown car" in a chimera.

09-12-2009, 10:10 PM
the grenades should be those big black bombs you see in cartoons... that would be classic

09-13-2009, 06:13 AM
These will look 10 times better with some washes or a dip, you could just slather on some Devlan mud if you want the fastest method.

The weapon conversions look good.