View Full Version : less VS more

heretic marine
12-11-2011, 05:34 PM
well just read the title and that's a little about what i am talking about.
so i have been trying to figure out what is better less or more models in a army list, and i found something in between it is to get some of the cheapest army units and give them all the upgrades they can get.it has been working good for me or i could get the best units with less upgrades but better stats. whats your opinion.

12-11-2011, 05:58 PM
Depends a lot on what army and which you're taking. You can do anything from ork mobz to Driagowing and make it work.

12-12-2011, 01:53 AM
so my boss+450 grotz list is viable :D


seriously though its all about balance between damage soakers and hard hitters, and survivable and pricey e.g. guardians/warp spiders/ wraithguard. a army solely of any one of those would not work: wraithguard would get anti tanked to death, warp spiders cant hold objectives and guardians, well a strong wind will crush them :L

12-12-2011, 02:46 AM
Boyz before Toyz!

A lot depends on how you play. A friend of mine runs his 'nids either as a never ending swarm or an elitist big bug list and does equal well with both.

One thing I have come round to is that 10 man squads are better than 5 man if you plan on using them outside of a transport; doubly so if you are assaulting