View Full Version : Baron Sathonyx list... need ideas/advise

12-08-2011, 02:37 PM
I thought I had posted this earlier today... might have been taken down *shrug*

I want advise or insight on how this list is stacking up. I am starting my first non-MEQ army. I would like to eventually get a third squad of Hellions then I'll take the Kabalites out of the transport and put them on Defense... maybe double their numbers as well. I don't know how to arm the Scourges either... that is where I need the most advise.

*Archon joins Brides in the Raider*

The concept of the army is the Archon drops the Webway Portal and all of the fast units come flying out of that to assault their first turn on the board.

Dark Eldar Full Force (1773pts)
2000pt Dark Eldar 5th Ed (2010) Roster (Standard)


* HQ (260pts)

* Archon (155pts)
(Fleet, Independent Character, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
Blast Pistol (15pts), Ghostplate Armour (10pts), Huskblade (35pts), Webway Portal (35pts)

* Baron Sathonyx (105pts)
(Fleet, Hit and Run, Independent Character, Master of the Skies, Night Vision, Power from Pain)

* Elites (362pts)

* Hekatrix Bloodbrides (177pts)
9x Bloodbrides (117pts) (Dodge, Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain), 2x Razorflails (20pts), Shardnet and Impaler (10pts)
* Syren (30pts)
Agoniser (20pts)

* Incubi (185pts)
(Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
5x Incubi (110pts), Klavex (15pts)
* Venom (60pts)
Chain-snares (5pts), Twin Linked Splinter Rifles

* Troops (935pts)

* Hellions (Troops) (335pts)
20x Hellion (320pts) (Fleet, Hit and Run, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Helliarch (15pts)
Stunclaw and Splinter Pistol (5pts)

* Kabalite Warriors (200pts)
Blaster (15pts), Splinter Cannon (10pts), 10x Warriors (90pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Raider (75pts)
Chain-snares (5pts), Dark Lance, Splinter Racks (10pts)
* Sybarite (10pts)
Splinter Rifle

* Kabalite Warriors (200pts)
Blaster (15pts), Dark Lance (25pts), 10x Warriors (90pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Raider (60pts)
Dark Lance
* Sybarite (10pts)
Splinter Rifle

* Kabalite Warriors (200pts)
Blaster (15pts), Splinter Cannon (10pts), 10x Warriors (90pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Raider (75pts)
Chain-snares (5pts), Dark Lance, Splinter Racks (10pts)
* Sybarite (10pts)
Splinter Rifle

* Fast Attack (216pts)

* Reaver Jetbikes (76pts)
3x Jetbikes (66pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Skilled Riders)
* Arena Champion (10pts)
Close Combat Weapon

* Scourges (140pts)
5x Scourge (110pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain), 2x Splinter Cannon (20pts)
* Solarithe (10pts)

I have about 200 pts that I don't know what to spend on to get to 2000. Any ideas

12-09-2011, 11:04 AM
bump per forgot to include tactical ideas in post originally. I apologize if this is against the rules.

12-10-2011, 08:26 PM
Ok, first off I really don't recommend taking separate squads of Hellions. Baron Sathonyx is critical to their performance on the tabletop, and without him they are at a significant disadvantage. If he's with one squad giving grenades, then the other one is stuck in dangerous cover without stealth. Take a flock of them, use them like a giant hammer against overextended enemy units, and keep them on an objective. With a well-designed list, I have had these guys essentially sit out the entire game, but still pose a major threat to my opponent and represent an immovable wall to be somehow plucked out with shooting (Twenty of these and the Baron going to ground is almost harder to kill or drive off than 10 Paladins with an apothacary) and rock hard in assault, too when you strip away the enemy attacks with your defensive grenades. Also, Hellions need Agonizers.

Second, drop the 10th Bloodbride and the Phantasm grenades. The unit is designed to function best at 9 models with an IC in a raider, and already has grenades. Defensive grenades are only useful if you are assaulted while unengaged, something that should never happen for any reason, especially since you have a Raider. Personally, I advise replacing razorflails with more hydra gauntlets as the Flails are far less effective if you roll certain combat drugs.

Reavers: Why the close combat weapon? They are either unharmed or they are dead, there's never an in-between with these guys. They are definitely a solid unit choice for killing vehicles quickly, though.

i have found a good bit of success giving my Scourges dual Splinter Cannons. Makes the unit a powerful anti-infantry unit that can set up in a safe place, then pour fire into anything nearby. It's like investing in another Venom full of Trueborn.

12-12-2011, 03:53 PM
Ok, first off I really don't recommend taking separate squads of Hellions. Baron Sathonyx is critical to their performance on the tabletop, and without him they are at a significant disadvantage. If he's with one squad giving grenades, then the other one is stuck in dangerous cover without stealth. Take a flock of them, use them like a giant hammer against overextended enemy units, and keep them on an objective. With a well-designed list, I have had these guys essentially sit out the entire game, but still pose a major threat to my opponent and represent an immovable wall to be somehow plucked out with shooting (Twenty of these and the Baron going to ground is almost harder to kill or drive off than 10 Paladins with an apothacary) and rock hard in assault, too when you strip away the enemy attacks with your defensive grenades. Also, Hellions need Agonizers.

DUDE! THANK YOU. This entire list idea was the brain-child of a guy I know named Brody who used to work at the nearby Hobbytown. I have yet to get any practical play with this army as it is still in the midst of being built. Do you recommend only one 20 man unit or would throwing a second squad be stupid?

Second, drop the 10th Bloodbride and the Phantasm grenades. The unit is designed to function best at 9 models with an IC in a raider, and already has grenades. Defensive grenades are only useful if you are assaulted while unengaged, something that should never happen for any reason, especially since you have a Raider. Personally, I advise replacing razorflails with more hydra gauntlets as the Flails are far less effective if you roll certain combat drugs.

I liked the Hydra Gauntlets but the Flails seem to be more popular. The grenades are GONE and I am moving the Archon on the Raider with them and putting another Incubi in that squad.

Reavers: Why the close combat weapon? They are either unharmed or they are dead, there's never an in-between with these guys. They are definitely a solid unit choice for killing vehicles quickly, though.

That is just an intricacy of BattleScribe. That is me NOT giving them a CCW upgrade.

i have found a good bit of success giving my Scourges dual Splinter Cannons. Makes the unit a powerful anti-infantry unit that can set up in a safe place, then pour fire into anything nearby. It's like investing in another Venom full of Trueborn.

DONE CHECK! Expect an updated list shortly.

12-12-2011, 03:55 PM
Below is the list as it appeared in the original post.

Baron Sathonyx list (1659pts)
1750pt Dark Eldar 5th Ed (2010) Roster (Standard)


* HQ (260pts)

* Archon (155pts)
(Fleet, Independent Character, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
Blast Pistol (15pts), Ghostplate Armour (10pts), Huskblade (35pts), Webway Portal (35pts)

* Baron Sathonyx (105pts)
(Fleet, Hit and Run, Independent Character, Master of the Skies, Night Vision, Power from Pain)

* Elites (458pts)

* Hekatrix Bloodbrides (275pts)
10x Bloodbrides (130pts) (Dodge, Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain), Hydra Gauntlets (10pts), 2x Razorflails (20pts)
* Raider (75pts)
Dark Lance, Flickerfield (10pts), Grisly Trophies (5pts)
* Syren (40pts)
Agoniser (20pts), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (10pts)

* Incubi (183pts)
(Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
4x Incubi (88pts)
* Klavex (40pts)
Bloodstone (15pts), Murderous Assault (10pts)
* Venom (55pts)
Twin Linked Splinter Rifles

* Troops (720pts)

* Hellions (Troops) (175pts)
10x Hellion (160pts) (Fleet, Hit and Run, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Helliarch (15pts)
Stunclaw and Splinter Pistol (5pts)

* Hellions (Troops) (175pts)
10x Hellion (160pts) (Fleet, Hit and Run, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Helliarch (15pts)
Stunclaw and Splinter Pistol (5pts)

* Kabalite Warriors (185pts)
Blaster (15pts), Splinter Cannon (10pts), 10x Warriors (90pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Raider (60pts)
Dark Lance
* Sybarite (10pts)
* Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
Close Combat Weapon, Splinter Pistol

* Kabalite Warriors (185pts)
Blaster (15pts), Splinter Cannon (10pts), 10x Warriors (90pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* Raider (60pts)
Dark Lance
* Sybarite (10pts)
* Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
Close Combat Weapon, Splinter Pistol

* Fast Attack (221pts)

* Reaver Jetbikes (111pts)
Blaster (15pts), Cluster catrops (20pts), 3x Jetbikes (66pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Skilled Riders)
* Arena Champion (10pts)
Close Combat Weapon

* Scourges (110pts)
5x Scourge (110pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)