View Full Version : Ultramarines [2,000 pts] Cato Sicarius Tournament List [Need Help]

12-07-2011, 04:13 AM
Codex: Space Marines Roster - Army - Sicarius

Total Roster Cost: 1995

. . 1 Captain Cato Sicarius

. . 9 Tactical Squad Flamer + Lascannon
. . . . 1 Sergeant
. . . . 1 Rhino
. . 9 Tactical Squad Flamer + Lascannon
. . . . 1 Sergeant
. . . . 1 Rhino
. . 9 Tactical Squad Flamer + Missile Launcher
. . . . 1 Sergeant
. . . . 1 Rhino
. . 9 Tactical Squad Flamer + Missile Launcher
. . . . 1 Sergeant
. . . . 1 Rhino
. . 9 Tactical Squad Meltagun + Missile Launcher
. . . . 1 Sergeant
. . . . 1 Rhino
. . 9 Tactical Squad Meltagun + Missile Launcher
. . . . 1 Sergeant
. . . . 1 Rhino

Fast Attack:
. . 2 Space Marine Bike Squad Meltagun
. . . . 1 Sergeant Power Fist
. . 2 Attack Bike Squad Heavy Bolter

Heavy Support:
. . 1 Predator Lascannon (each side) + Twin-Linked Lascannon
. . 1 Predator Lascannon (each side) + Twin-Linked Lascannon

Challenge - Build a Tournament List using Cato Sicarius with my current inventory.
My Comments:
What do you guys think? Can this list be improved upon with my CURRENT inventory?
This is my 2,000 points list if you believe this list would work much better at a lower point limit then do post your suggestions.

My Ultramarines Inventory
1 Apothecary
5 Assault Marines
- 2 Veteran - Power Fist; Chainsword
- 1 Veteran - Power Fist; Plasma Pistol
- 1 Veteran - Bolt Pistol; Power Fist
- 1 Sergeant - Power Fist; Power Weapon
2 Attack Bike Squad - Heavy Bolter
1 Captain Cato Sicarius
1 Chaplain Cassius
1 Chapter Champion
1 Chief Librarian Tigurius
1 Company Champion
4 Dreadnought
- 3 Dreadnought - Storm Bolter; Twin-Linked Lascannon
- 1 Dreadnought - Storm Bolter; Assault Cannon
3 Honour Guard
1 Land Raider Crusader
1 Land Speeder Squadron - Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
1 Marneus Calgar, Lord Macragge
2 Predator
6 Rhino
101 Space Marine Squad
- 62 Space Marine - Bolter
- 8 Space Marine - Missile Launcher
- 5 Space Marine - Flamer
- 4 Space Marine - Heavy Bolter
- 4 Space Marine - Lascannon
- 4 Space Marine - Plasma Cannon
- 2 Space Marine - Multi-Melta
- 2 Space Marine - Melta Gun
- 1 Space Marine - Plasma Gun
- 9 Space Marine Sergeant
3 Space Marine Bike Squad
- 1 Space Marine Bike Squad - Meltagun; Twin-Linked Bolter
- 1 Space Marine Bike Squad - Twin-Linked Bolter
- 1 Sergeant - Power Fist; Twin-Linked Bolter
2 Space Marine Captain in Power Armour
1 Space Marine Chaplain in Terminator Armour
1 Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armour
10 Terminator Assault Squad
- 8 Terminator Assault Squad - Lightning Claws (pair)
- 2 Sergeant - Lightning Claws (pair)
11 Terminator Squad
- 7 Terminator - Power Fist; Storm Bolter
- 1 Terminator - Power Fist; Assault Cannon
- 1 Terminator - Chain Fist; Assault Cannon
- 2 Sergeant - Power Weapon; Storm Bolter

12-08-2011, 07:56 AM
I would say more meltaguns and put two plasma cannons in the squads instead of missile launchers. I absolutely love Dreadnoughts but I like them coming out of Drop pods which it doesn't look like you have. Otherwise that looks like a nice big mechanized army.

As an aside I also love Librarians because of the power that forces opponents to reroll saves but I put that with TH+SS Termies.

12-08-2011, 02:28 PM
I would say two things.

1) I don't think 60 tactical marines are a good way to build a 2k list. I understand that it's very difficult to kill 60+ MEQ bodies but you have to remember that tacticals really aren't great at killing things. You're not playing Space Wolves you need to take some specialist units.

2) I'm not sure Sicarius synergizes well with this list either. I don't have the Marines book with me but if memory serves he gives one of a battery of special rules to his squad and let's you re-roll to seize the initiative? I think a list based around heavy weapons (benefit from tank hunters) and alpha striking would be your best bet for synergy with Sicarius. I would focus on rifleman dreads, land speeders and heavy weapons.

Now, Sicarius is kind of a poor character IMO so I don't really see much value in him at all but IF you must build a list around him I think the heavy weapons route is better.